Chapter 2

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I walked through the alley with my friends, l took steps thinking about the guy from the restaurant earlier. He was kinda cute and should be called a thief for stealing my heart. How l wish I got his number, maybe l will visit the restaurant again after uni tomorrow.

My phone suddenly rang and earned the attention of my friends who looked at me with curiosity. "Hello Mom?".

"Lucia come home asap!"

"Why?", "Don't ask me why!", "Alright l will see you." I ended the call and looked at my friends with a sigh, "I got to go home now, see you guys tomorrow." With that l hugged them as a goodbye and they nodded then we parted our ways.

I entered home as l sensed some tension wandering around the house. Both of my parents were sitting in the couch, didn't they have work? The sound of my shoes clicking on the floor made my mom stand from the couch.

"You're home...." She stared at me and hesitated to talk. I looked at her in confusion, "What happened mom? Weren't you and dad supposed to be in work?" She shook her head and walked towards the couch as l followed her.

I saw two unfamiliar aged people smiling at me like a creep. "Sit Lucia we have something to talk to you." Dad emotionlessly spoke to me. Nervousness grew into me as l took a seat beside mom. "So you see Lucia, you know we are at the verge of being bankrupt at the moment and we need money to invest in the business so the owners from the Vaxi Company who is also the-" Dad said and l cut him off.

"Yeah l know they are in the seventh position of the most successful businesses in USA right now." I said and the old woman smiled at me, "That's impressive dear, l see you have a glimpse of business now." I looked at her and rolled my eyes, "Excuse me l am the heiress of my family's company so of course l have glimpse of these tiny things everyone is supposed to know."

Mom pinched me and whispered into my ears, "Don't be rude now listen politely.". Dad continued, "So the Vaxis have agreed to pay for our company only if you marry their son, who also holds the company rights, or maybe you could say CEO right now?"

The news came as a complete shock. l yelled, "Never once in my hundred lives, l will marry a random guy out of nowhere and especially when l am young and am supposed to enjoy my life rather than serving food and getting beaten." My mom's eyes widened, "Mind your language young lady!"

"I know my limits and l am an adult so l know what is best for me." I scowled at her and went to my room. "I see she is not agreeing to the marriage." Mr Vaxi spoke and my mom panicked.

I leaned towards the door of my room to eavesdrop at what they are saying. Don't get me wrong I am not that type of person but my life depends on this situation. Seriously my fate had to be entwined with this now? No no no l won't marry even if it means I have to greet death.

"Please don't worry about these matters. She will eventually agree. l guess she was just tired from university works but the marriage will happen! I will see you tonight." Dad stood up and shook hands with the Vaxis who left the house.

I laid on the bed. Now l have to live a life like Celina- an isolated life. However l have to protect my youth- no one is going to do it for me.

"Prepare yourself young lady, you're gonna meet the groom."

I rolled my eyes, "Kill me howbeit l shall never marry someone who l don't know." I finalized my decision then went to wash up. "I kept your dress in the bed, and do makeup." Mom shouted from my bedroom.

I guess l will have to make sure I am stern with my decision in the pathetic family meeting.


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