#243 is a good number for a perfect end.

Depuis le début

*gasps* Yaaaaas

*finAlly cAtches up and tries not to squeAl becAuse it's 3Am*
congrAtulAtions? >v<
Anyways, I'Ve been coming up with questions the whole time And the only one of mine that hAsn't been Answered yet would bee if you guys hAd to switch to A different sign for undetermined reAsons, which of them would you choose? And Admin, if someone told you thAt some wAy, they'd be Able to turn you into A troll, would you sAy yes? x3


"Well ED II2 out 2hoppiing riight now, but II don't know... Maybe... KK'2 2iign?? But II liike miine!"

-Drags soux to a forest and runs away-
have fun!

"What the fuck?" *goes back home*

Hey guys! So I was just reading your diaries again ^u^ (Don't ask how I got them) and I found... You guys still feel the same for each other. Don't worry about the other not feeling the same way! It's meant to be!

"Um... What?"

Well c0ngrats 0n your new child


Uh.... H3llo? My nam3 is Luka. I just want3d to ask, (scratches back of head nervously) could on3 of you h3lp m3 with my comput3r? Also, congratulations on th3 grub! Uh, h3r3 is som3thing that I think will h3lp. (Hands over book called Grub raising 101) Us3 it w3ll I gu3ss. Uh, if you 3v3r n33d h3lp, just um, ask m3 or som3on3 who has d3al3d with grubs b3for3. Uh, hav3 a nic3 day.

"2ure II can help.. And thank2."

You are calling the grub Equius after your best friend/savior/horse God. Obviously.
Also your admin in the cutest

"The fuck? Why would we name OUR grub after Equiiu2? He2 a biig 2weaty- MMMMGHGG!" *mouth gets covered*

Don't you fucking darę finish that sentence about my baes husband.. And bb, no fighting please.. I don't want blood all over the place.

"I'm back!" *Eridan comes back* "WWe have everything we need noww! And I got double of evverythin just in case wwe get another lil' one!"

-Let's time skip to when the grub are being born-


Ah... The joys of birth..
"Admiin, you're not helpiing!"

*an egg patterned with yellow stripes and purple dots comes out of Eridan*
"Cod... Finally... Noww wwe just wwait for it to hatch..."

*Sollux helps Eridan clean up nd they wait on the floor, the egg resting on a blanket*

*the egg cracks opens and a claw reaches out*
Look! *points to a male yellow blood with A purple streak and Eridans horns coming out*

Awwwwwwh! Look! Another!
"II knew iit!"

*a female Violet seadweller with Solluxs horns crawls out, flopping on top of the other*

Squea! *they both look at Sollux and Eridan happily*

"Awh.. They're so precious... "
"We need to name them..."
"Beesea.." *points to the female*

"What about hiim?" *points to the one staring at them*

"Maybe a combination of our name? Since wwe already have bee and sea put together.."

Not Erisol.. That would be a lil weird..

"How about Danlux? The ending of your fiir2t name and the endiing two my fiir2t?"
"That doesn't sound bad at all! Danlux it is!" *picks up the two and nuzzles them*

So what now guys..?


You're parents- er... Lusus's now... Do you think you can keep up with those two cuties and this? Answering questions?


I think it's time...

"You're riight... Thank2 a lot Admiin.. For everythiing.. Iif iit weRent for you.. We wouldn't bee here riight now Holdiing the2e two cutiie2.."

I'm glad I was here.. Can I hold them?!

"Of course!" *eridan hands them over*

Now will you two do the honors?

*Sollux grabs Eridans hand and interlocks their fingers*
*Eridan smiles*

"Thank2 2o much for a2kiing U2 all of the2e que2tiion2...II can't beeliieve how far we've come.."

"WWe might have had some rough patches along the wway... But evverything is perfect noww.. Noww that wwe are finally star tin' a family together..."

"IIm 2ollux Captor.."
" I'm Eridan Ampora.."

*says simultaneously*
"And thii2 has been A2k Sollux And Eriidan. "

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