Reburning Embers

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"Hey Terrence, it's time for us to go to your home!" I just finished explaining to Tenya about everything.

"Correction: it's Izuku. Your nephew identifies as Izuku." I stopped Tenya before he explains further.

"It's alright, really! This way, I'm reminded that I have another place to call home, so you don't need to correct him." He nods before letting Uncle speak.

"Finished now? I need to speak to your mom as well. We should go before it gets dark. You, problem child, will be living with me for a while so stay here for now. Don't talk to Present Mic downstairs, he needs some space." He waited for his response before coldly leaving him inside.

"He's a bit lonely there, though. I think we should take him with us." He nodded as I open the door and took the toy with me.

"Hey you two or three!" We looked at Uncle Hizashi who looked like he just came from a funeral.

"Speaking of Fazbear, they're back in business so make sure you check it when you get home. Now go!" We went in the car again.

"Is he gonna be okay?" I looked back at the house.

"He will be. Anyways, this Internship Program of yours doesn't include having to stay the night in my house, so you're gonna have to be careful every time you go back home. Also, from now on, you need to be in front of my house at 6 am. You then go to train with me as well as you, problem child, then go back home at 9. It's part of the grading process so make sure to follow the schedule."

"Why can't I go sleep in your house instead?"

"You don't want your mom anymore?"

"No, no! I just wanted to know why I can't stay with you instead?" He sighed for a bit before responding.

"Terrence, you're making your mom worry all the time. You should go and talk to her." The ride went silent for a while before Tenya appeared.

"Hey, I just noticed earlier that you mentioned him going to your house at 6 am. Isn't that incredibly dangerous?"

"We don't have any other time to give proper maintenance other than 6 am, and heroes patrol around here at that time so it would make us really suspicious. Besides, their house isn't that far from mine so he can just call a hero and walk with them." 

"This still sounds dangerous. You should give him a ride instead despite the suspiciousness." 

"Fine, I will. Make sure to be ready at 5:40 or something. By the way, we're here." He stopped the car and parked.

"Ooh, I wanna see your mother, Izuku!" We all went to my house and knocked. The door swung immediately, showing Mom and what looked like a guest inside.

"Izuku, you're home! And you Mr. Aizawa as well. Please go inside." I stepped in and eyed the guest. 

"Hey, you must be Izuku! You look really big now!" Who is this person?


"It's me, your aunt!" I don't know you.

"Hello, how have you been?" I plastered my fake smile in confusion.

"I'm fine, thank you! You're as sweet as always, unlike my son. That guy is always so ungrateful." I awkwardly laughed and hurriedly went to my room, immediately checking my phone.


"That's really quick." I clicked the notification and was immediately sent to a website.

"Welcome to Freddy Fazbear's Mega Pizzaplex, where fantasy and fun come to life. I'm Gregory!"

"And I'm Cassie! And together with Freddy and friends, we will be waiting for you right in the new Mega Pizzaplex at Esuha City!"

"See you there!" The video closed, leaving me with a picture of the new Pizzaplex together with a map. They probably left out every forbidden areas.

"Izuku-kun, is that what Present Mic was talking about? Didn't it burn down three weeks ago? That's really quick."

"They were probably planning to make another branch in a different country way before it happened." To think it would be in Esuha City, how clever of them.

"Oh, is that how it is? You must be some kind of genius."

"It's in the family."

"Yeah, I thought so too." I turned off my phone and made sure everything was ready before I leave.

"I'll eat dinner first. See you then!" I opened the door and sneaked a second look at the guest. She looks really familiar, like an uncanny resemblance to someone I know, but who?

"Izuku, your plate is ready! Come eat here!"

"I'm coming, mom!" I left Tenya in the room and went to the dining room. Uncle was there, talking to mom and this visitor. Right after I arrived, the visitor stood up and headed to the door.

"Inko, thanks for the meal! Make sure to tell Izuku what I said." What?

"Sit right here, Izuku! Look, your auntie also brought you chocolates and curry. Eat up!" 

"Why did she come here? It's rare for us to have visitors."

"I'll tell you later. Let's eat first. You too, sir."

"Thank you, Miss Midoriya." The three of us dug in and talked about my upcoming internship.

"Alright, I'll be off now. Thank you for the meal, Miss Midoriya. And please don't forget to be on time. As promised, I will be waiting for you right outside tomorrow." He slightly bowed before leaving.

"Izuku, are you really okay?" Her sudden change of emotions caught me off guard.

"Yes, mom." She suddenly hugged me and held my shoulders.

"Are you really okay? Oh, my son. Don't think about me, you should think about yourself! Do you know how worried I was when both the principal and your aunt came straight here and started apologizing? They said that you're being bullied in school! Why didn't you tell me anything?" She started crying and hugged me tightly.

"Mom, I'm sorry for not telling you. I didn't really wanna worry you." I kept silent as she cried for my sake.

"Izuku, what else are you hiding from me that I'm supposed to know? Don't hide something like that from me again, you hear me? I'm your mom, so you should be counting on me." I chuckled in awkwardness. 

"Mom, I can't breathe." She stopped hugging me and made sure I was really alright, feeling sorry that everything that she's seeing is all an illusion.

"Next time, tell me if something like that happens again." I sighed quietly before answering.

"Don't worry mom. I will." As if I can tell her anything.

I went to my room, and a face suddenly showed up as soon as I opened the door. "IZUKU!"

"AHHh- you! I nearly got caught!" I closed the door abruptly. "I forgot to give you back to uncle."

"Don't worry about that. I'd rather stay here."

"How about your body? Are you sure you don't need measurements?"

"I don't. I need company."

"Alright then, suit yourself. I need to check out the new Pizzaplex and see what happened." 

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