Look Back

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I currently stand in front of a place full of piles of ashes.

I've been standing here for quite a while. I finally got myself together and looked around. To my surprise, all three of them are beside me. Vanessa, Uncle Vincent and Uncle Hizashi. I thought they would leave me.

"I promise that I will rebuild him. I am sure that he's still here somewhere." Vanessa reassured me.

"Vanessa, I'm sorry but I don't think that's a good idea. We should all move on from the past and try to live a better life." She controlled her anger as Uncle Vincent patted her head.

"You're nuts for abandoning him with that bastard." She yanked his hand and ran away to who knows where. All I could do was watch.

"I just want him to move on to the afterlife. I wanted him to finally let go and experience the feeling of peace. Is it that bad?" Uncle sighed before dragging us to his car.

"We're going to go back and pack our things. William is still there somewhere and our lives must go on. Let's hold to the promise that Vanessa will rebuild him." He looked down before locking us in the car.

"Hey, you can't just do that!" Uncle Hizashi complained.

"I will do it." His voice was stern. He didn't give a shit and drove away from the Pizzaplex. He must be having a tough time.

"Oh right, your mom must be worried about you. She must have seen you on TV." Oh right, my mom! How could I forget?

I quickly opened my phone and dialed my mom. It was immediately picked up.

"Izuku my son, how are you? Are you okay? What happened?" I sighed first before answering.

"I'm fine mom, but my friend." She cried on the other side.

"I'm sorry, Izuku. I should have known."

"Mom, mom! No need to cry. I'm alright, really! It's alright. No one could have known." She calmed down for a bit.

"But still, you must be hurt somewhere. Make sure to get treated properly and eat lots of food everyday. Message me later when you get a room in the hospital."

"I will, mom. You must have been disturbed in your work. I will hung up now and make sure to message you later."

"Alright. Be careful." I hung up and looked outside the car window. We're near the hospital.

"The police will come interrogate us later. Make sure to tell them that Freddy saved us from the fire and don't tell a word about William. This will help Vanessa into rebuilding Michael." The car parked before he opened up Uncle Hizashi's door and carried him.

I got out as well and assisted him. It was silent until a nurse nearby ran into us.

"What happened, sir?" She calmly assessed the situation.

"There was a fire in the Pizzaplex, and they didn't bring enough ambulances. Don't worry though, I'm a licensed hero." He showed his ID.

"Alright sir, stay here while I get some help." She ran as fast as she can and called for assistance.

"This whole week is nuts." Uncle Hizashi chuckled, somehow having the strength to wiggle himself away from me.

"Definitely. I'm never joining a school field trip again, especially if the destination is Utah." I agreed, recalling all my past experiences this week.

"Don't move. Your wounds are severe." Uncle warned him.

"I know, I know. The bed is arriving anyway so what's the point?" I chuckled as well and opened my phone.

"Uncle, you should hide in the Glitch World for a while. Your illusion disc is broken beyond repair now. Continuing to alter it's system might result to explosion." I mumbled to him.

"Later. There are things that I need to take care of." The nurse arrived together with two others, carrying a bed to our direction.

"Uncle Hizashi, it's your cue." I pointed at the bed that was about to arrive.

"Yeah, I'm not blind." As soon as the nurses stopped, he laid down the bed and they pulled to an emergency room nearby.

"Terrence, I'll leave you here with this idiot for a while. I need to go somewhere." I reached out my hand to stop him.

"Uncle, you're not well. Look at your body, it's withering!" He didn't listen and closed the door on us.

"There's no point in warning him. All you need to do is to wait for him to come back. He has always been like that." The patient spoke with disdain in his tone.

"So you're used to this, huh. What happened before?" He sighed, as if looking back to the past.

"Back when I was still a student in UA, there were three of us. We always hung out at the rooftop, so everyone called us the Rooftop Trio." I sat down and listened to his story.

"It was a day when we tested our strengths and weaknesses. We were a team like always. That one day, an accident happened and he died. It never became the same again."

"Did you find his ghost or something? You found mine, so what's the problem?" He sighed once again.

"He... crossed the other side. Probably reincarnated. He never saw his ghost." I looked down and watched the floor smile back at me. It was that awkward.

"Uh yeah. I'm sorry for that."

"You don't need to. It was his fault for not moving on. That guy is probably having the time of his life already, and your uncle is just here, moping around."

"So, he became like this after your friend passed?"

"Yeah, he did. He used to care about his own body a lot before that I thought he was in love with himself before I knew." He chuckled.

"What's his name?"

"His name is Oboro. A great guy. I miss him sometimes, you know." I didn't need to know.

"Oh god, I'm becoming too sentimental. I swear I didn't mean to." Silence once again reigned, this time it's to collect our thoughts about what happened this week. It was too hectic.

"It's too silent in here." The door opened, with Uncle entering together with a doctor.

"Terrence, come with me outside. The doctor will be checking his conditions." I obeyed and went outside with him.

I Still Feel Alive|| An MHA x FNAF Crossover Fanfictionحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن