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"Is this an abandoned building? It looks too clean to be one." I stepped inside first, resulting with Uncle pulling me back outside. "Uncle?"

"This place reeks of Remnant. I'll go in first." He stepped inside the dark building and noticed an orb of light showing up in front of us.

"I can sense a lot of Remnant from you two." The light twirled for a bit before showing up in an image of a young teenager. "You should get out of here. This is a den of villains."

"Wait, you're the guy from the missing poster!" I fished for it from my bag and showed it to them.

"If you're showing up like this, that means you're dead." He took the poster and read the details. "You must be from the Iida family, brother of Ingenium. That guy's really famous these days." He said so calmly.

"Wait a minute, I know you as well. You're that underground hero, Eraserhead. You should report this place. It's dangerous."

"Sadly, we don't have evidence to support that, so all we can do is to patrol in this area until we catch them red handed." The ghost sighed deeply.

"Anyways, how do you know this thing called remnant? Why do I sense a lot of it from you?" He gestured to follow him.

"You as well, how do you know something like that?" He showed us an ancient-looking notebook, making me open it and see what's inside.

"Uncle, it's your diary." I handed it over to him, to which he read the contents as well.

"I remember losing it back then when I died. Michael must have came across it somehow." He turned to Tenya, looking really shocked. "So you read this diary, or must have seen the memories within."

"You're Vincent Afton, the one that lived in Pre-Quirk Era! How is that even possible?"

"Look at yourself, how are you even alive?" He sighed so heavily.

"You're just as rude as my brother told me. Alright, I have a lot of questions right now, but this really is a dangerous place. Villains might come here right now!" He jinxed the situation when we sense six people approaching the back of the building.

I quickly reacted by grabbing Uncle and teleporting to the Glitch World.

"Phew, that was so close." I hacked the electronics nearby and tried to assess the situation.

"Look at that, it's a group of Hero Killer wannabe." We were able to see what's inside due to a car parked nearby. I was also able to hear them due to one of them carrying a gadget.

"This place looks neat for our plans. I say we should guise as someone else and buy the building. Then, we're gonna set some kind of shop here and hire more people this way."

"That's a pretty neat idea, like hitting two birds with one stone."

"We should mark this place first before going back to the base. That way no one else can steal this place." Blue fire burned the wall, marking it with letters "LoV".

"Alright, that should do it. Now, let's go back and continue our plans for today." A portal opened, making it so that everyone can fit and go somewhere else.

"Uncle, we can go out now." I looked at Uncle, who looked really solemn. "Uncle?"

"Remember when you heard about Oboro?" His friend who passed away? What about him?

"Uncle? What's wrong?" He sighed loudly.

"I thought he actually passed on. Turns out, some kind of bastard is using his corpse to make some kind of villain." WHAT?! THAT'S MESSED UP!

"Uncle, is there a way to save him?" I can feel his anger.

"Yeah, but for that, we need to get ready to catch this villain. Let's go now." I watched him clench his fist.

"Alright. You should think about something else for now. I'm sure we can catch this villain once we make our plans." We went back to the real world, seeing the guy again.

"What! How did you do that?" He gasped as we literally materialized out of nowhere.

"Let's just say that it's my ability."

"Wait kid, where is your body? You should come with us." He understood what he was talking about and pointed at a small toy on the table.

"This toy?" He took the toy with him, dragging Tenya with it.

"Wait, where are we going?"

"We're going to my house. I'm gonna fix you so you could return to your family."

"I'm not gonna ask how you can do that, but thank you." It went silent for a while as we rode the car to Uncle's house.

"When can he be fixed?" I broke the silence once we got out of the car.

"Maybe in a week. Also, since we need to build your body out of scratch, this will cost a lot. Are you ready to pay?"

"Well, I can pay if ever I come back home." We came inside and placed all our things to it's respective places.

"Hey, how's the day going? I waited hours for you two." Uncle Hizashi was on the table, drinking coffee and doing his paperworks.

"I have a lot of news for you. But first, we need to make a new robot out of scratch." He showed the toy to him.

"I can feel the remnant in this thing. Is this another ghost kid from the Pre-Quirk Era or something?"

"No, this kid is from the Iida family. You know, the missing one that Tensei kept finding even now?"

"Oh, you mean that kid. I remember him being a night guard in some Fazbear location before he died. That explains everything." He examined the toy by eye.

"Hey, can you communicate with me? I'm kind of a living person unlike them, so I can't see you at all."

"Well uncle, maybe you can just ask him out loud and we can say his answer for you."

"Alright. I want to ask him about any kind of request for his body before I proceed to make a model." Tenya pointed at Uncle's laptop.

"He said he wants to use your laptop." He arranged his documents first before turning it to us, in which Tenya possessed the laptop and proceeded to type some words.

"Well, thanks for giving me more work for the night. What else do you wanna say?"

"Terrence, take Tenya upstairs and go do something else. This is something serious." I obeyed as I teleported upstairs with him, thanks to tons of gadgets spread around the house.

"I can't get used to this yet. Anyway, what's your name?" I thought about it for a while. Who do I identify as really? I pushed the thought away for now.

"It's a hard answer. I was once his nephew until I died and reincarnated, my name was Terrence Afton back then. But now, I reincarnated as Izuku Midoriya."

"That's a bit complicated. What do you identify as, then?"

"I don't know, so you can call me whatever you like."

"What do you cherish more, your past or your present?" The thought I just pushed away was forced to come back. I cherished the Afton family, but I also cherish my current mother who gave birth to me.

One by one, the horrible memories of my father came back to me.

I'm sure they will understand.

"I cherish the present more."

"Then I'll call you Izuku, in turn you can call me Tenya. We're friends from now on, alright?" Friends?

"Uhh, why?"

"You're really asking that? You and your uncle just saved me from spending the eternity being stuck in that building. You don't like it?" Would he turn out the same as my other friends?

"I guess we can be friends."

"Now that we're friends, can you tell me everything I need to know? Like how are you even doing this?"

And with that, I told him everything.

I Still Feel Alive|| An MHA x FNAF Crossover FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now