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"This is the last time I'll ever talk to you. The next time we meet, I'm probably going to be controlled again." She happily hopped in her car, but I stopped her tracks as soon as I processed her words.

"What do you mean by that? Why didn't you tell us earlier?" She acted as if she didn't hear us and pulled the car back before driving away.

"Uncle, I think we should follow her! We need to save her!" I was about to glitch away when he pulled my hand and dragged me to his car.

"We're gonna chase her by car. Do not enter the Glitch World." He said as he got in and started the car. His tone suggested that he will not answer my questions so I kept quiet, but eyed the road for Vanessa.

The road was almost empty, with only bikes and small cars around. We dodged each car as we sped up to Vanessa.

As we were about to slow down, she sped up ahead of us and thus, the distance between us was huge once again.

"Damn it! Life would be easier if William was just an animatronic!" He stomped at the car floor and punched the horn.

"We could just go in the Glitch World." I panicked as I try to calm him down.

"Didn't you hear what Vanessa said earlier? She is being controlled in the head by a virus that William created! It's dangerous!" He continued driving as I panic more. Intrusive thoughts came in without warning and I at once, feared for my life.

"Sorry about that. I was angry." Silence slowly filled the atmosphere, and it was suffocating. It was full of tension, stress and anxiety. All I could do was to watch the road.

The road ahead was full of cars and the street light was red. I continued searching for Vanessa. Look to the left, scan the right. She was gone. Her car must have went ahead first when the lights were still green.

We waited for minutes before the lights turned yellow and eventually green. The car drove faster than before and turned to the left in a cross-section. This was the way to the Pizzaplex.

When Uncle realized the problem, he quickly turned the car around.

"All we can do is wait for tomorrow. I'm sure the performance will continue tomorrow." He turned on his phone to navigate the car. It was silence once again. But a different one.

The kind that makes you feel like something bad is about to happen.

I couldn't do anything, so all I did was to look at the windows. Same boring scene. I turned my head to somewhere else and noticed something weird in Uncle's phone.

It was flickering, like a flashlight about to run out of battery. But it's a phone, so that's why it's weird.

"What's wrong with your phone?" I pointed it out and Uncle turned his head quick. When seeing the phone, the car abruptly stopped, making me stumble.

"Uncle Vincent? What's wrong?" We watched as the phone screen turned to purple and a silhouette of a bunny head appeared.

"QUICK, ABANDON THE CAR!" I don't know what happening, but I listened anyway and opened the door for me to get out. It just so happens that I forgot that my real self is a tall robot and got stuck at the car door.

"Oh god Terrence, quick!" Uncle came out and ran to my side to help me get out. When pulling me wasn't working, he broke the car door and it's frames, making me run out of it.

"What's happe-!" I jolted as the car windows suddenly exploded. A loud and ear-breaking pitch was released from the phone and all the surrounding cars' windows exploded too.

A motorbike passing by suddenly went out of balance and fell to their side, crashing to a nearby car.

I watched in horror as the car crashed into another car, causing a chain of accidents with a total of 5 bikes, 8 cars and a truck.

"Do you have any gadgets in your possession?" I nodded. "Throw it out." I hesitatingly pulled out my phone. I didn't have the heart to do it.

"Don't worry. You will find your files eventually in the Glitch World, and I'll buy you a new phone. Throw it out before the virus touches you." I gently placed the phone into the ground and kicked it away from us. I hope it's still okay.

With that said, I see my phone turn purple just like my Uncle's. I sighed.

"Help!" I heard a voice from one of the cars. I quickly ran towards it and saw a man stuck inside a car. Glass panes were about to fall on him but I quickly pulled him away.

"T-thank you, young man." He pulled out of my hold and limped back to the car. When I realized what he was doing, I pulled him away.

"Don't touch the phone. This is someone's quirk. They can control technology and will corrupt your mind. Let's just wait until police arrives." He listened and followed me as I go towards Uncle.

"Uncle, this one is injured. Please tend to him. I'm gonna go look for other survivors." I said as I handed him the guy and waited for his approval.

"I know you want to go. Just be careful of electronic devices." He said as he assisted the guy while I ran to the other cars.

I searched from car to car and found a lot of people. Some of them are in critical condition, and some of them are safe. Luckily, no one died.

"When is the ambulance coming? My child needs to be taken care of!" Shouted a father who has his baby in his arms.

"I'm really sorry, but we can't touch electronic devices, so we need to wait until they arrive." Everyone looked at their devices turning purple.

"What do we do now? I can't let my son die!" He panicked as he looked at his unconscious son. It pained me everytime I see his eyes look at the child. Is there really something I could do?

I took a glance at all of them and noticed that one of them has a clean handkerchief. "Excuse me miss, can I use your handkerchief? A child is in serious condition and we need to patch him up." The lady gave me her handkerchief and I ran to the child.

"I only know how to apply first aid, but I think I can help." He sighed for relief as I tore down the cloth into three.

I gently wiped the blood of his head and arm, and patched it up with the remaining cloth. I gave the child to his father and watched as he regained consciousness.

"Thank you so much, young man. You saved our lives." And just like that, the police arrives together with the ambulance.

I Still Feel Alive|| An MHA x FNAF Crossover FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now