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I poured bleach all over my blood and watched it bubble and disappear. I made myself invisible to the camera above me as well as the police who is right behind me. Well, not really invisible. I'm just trying to be. I still haven't found the right frequency yet to make myself invisible. One wrong move and they will turn around and see me.

As soon as I see everything turn white, I immediately glitched away back to that world. Uncle was there waiting for me.

"You're stealthy as heck. From now on, I won't call you problem child." That's a big achievement right there.

"Anyways, we still need to investigate inside the Pizzaplex. Now that it's swarming with police, all we can do is wait until the coast is clear. This place won't show it's true colors until they're gone." I was still bothered about the reason why Kacchan is here in the first place. There was no reason for him to be here.

"You seem bothered by something. Why not we go back to the hotel and sort it out?" I followed his advice and glitched back to the hotel. I left his car at the parking lot and made it seem like we never drove away in the first place.

After what seemed a minute, I answered his question. "Uncle, I know the person who reported us. He's my friend, Kacchan." His animatronic face didn't move, but I know the face that he's making.

"A 'friend', huh. I don't trust you. He probably bullies you just like your classmates." And he's right. He's always on point. I still consider him my friend, though.

"See, I'm right. Your face says it all." What? How- "I'll explain to you later. For now, we need to deal with this 'Kacchan' guy that reported you." I thought of a great plan to track Kacchan and his motives, but how are we gonna get Elizabeth out of prison?

"You don't need to worry about Elizabeth. She will get out later. Do you have a plan for this guy now?" I nodded and told him to track his movements using Lolbit's abilities.

I opened my phone and the screen showed up infront of us. I made it so that it shows his recent locations according to his phone.

"That's really suspicious. Try to use the CCTV cameras in those locations." I did what he asked and was surprised that we don't need CCTV cams to track him down. All we needed was his taxi's cam and scenes recorded by the Glitch World through his phone.

"We are right. He's been following us." Why? For what reason?

"Well, maybe it's a coincidence. Maybe he needed to meet someone in the area and the crime scene just happened to be there." Maybe he's right. I might be overthinking this.

"Anyways Uncle, what was that 'my face says it all' earlier?"

"You finally learned how to control your illusion disc to match with your emotions. Your face was completely stoic before. It was like you're happy all the time and it creeped me out." I laughed at his insulting joke.

"Next you're gonna learn about is combat, but without depending on Lolbit." Wait, wouldn't that mean that I'll basically disappear?

"Being a ghost is nothing like the one in books or stories. Scientists are still researching about them, but I have a complete grasp of what ghosts are." Woah!!

"When you said that you have a complete grasp, did you mean that you know everything?" He nodded.

"Ghosts are a sync of energy and and consciousness. This means that if your consciousness and will is strong enough, you can materialize yourself enough to be a human again. This is something no one has ever done before because of how hard it is to maintain both your consciousness and your will." Woah. Imagine if I become a human again. I'll be the first ghost to ever achieve that.

"So, why are there vengeful spirits? Does that mean they all hunt people willingly?" He shook his head.

"Not necessarily. Like I said we are made of a sync of energy and consciousness, so if you don't have enough consciousness and all you remember is the way you died, your energy creates agony instead of will."

Right as we ended our conversation, someone knocked on the door. Uncle came rushing in and opened the door to meet Carla. I felt kinda bad for calling her a walking silver chopstick.

"Sorry for interrupting your interesting conversation, but someone called Vanessa is looking for you." That was fast. I wonder why they released her.

Both of us stepped out of the room and entered the elevator. We got down to the first floor and went to the dining room and saw Vanessa sitting beside the glass wall.

"Elizabeth!" I called her and waved before sitting down. Noted that she seems different than when we last saw her.

"Hello Terrence. This is my first time actually talking to you as me." I looked at Uncle who did the same as me.

"You must have noticed that I'm different. It's because I was being controlled by him. He planted a virus in my head that kept making me act like my old self." So that's why.

"You can call me whatever you like, but I prefer if you call me Vanessa. I still carry our last name since it's precious to me. And the reason why you remember your past life is because of my quirk. My quirk is called Transanimation, what it does is to see the past lives of both myself and other people. But somehow, this quirk is enhanced when I'm being controlled by him." She opened her palm and seemed like she tried to do something, but to no avail.

"But how? Animatronics can't have quirks!" I said.

"Well, I don't know either. But I'm glad that you're still alive." I sighed before telling her the news.

"I'm not alive anymore. You see, I possess Lolbit." I know that she knows what comes next so I stayed silent and waited for her response.

"I should have known when you teleported and you have that goofy hair. I'm really sorry." I panicked and told her that it's okay and it wasn't her fault.

"Anyways, who are you? You're the one who recognized me as my old self. And for some reason, I wasn't able to see your past life." She turned to look at Uncle.

"We've never met before your incident. I'm Vincent Afton. William's younger brother. I used to work at Circus Baby's Rentals as a mechanical engineer."

"How did you recognize me though?"

"One of your friends before was a friend of mine. She kept talking about you so I immediately recognized you." She chuckled for a bit.

"It's her alright. She passed on a long time ago."

We chatted for a long time while eating some of the hotel food, well, only her because we would die. We enjoyed our reunion for the rest of the noon.

I Still Feel Alive|| An MHA x FNAF Crossover FanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora