For Tomorrow

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Everyone is now asleep, except for the pro-heroes, employees, and of course me. There's no way I can sleep in a state like this.

"Terrence, you've been through a lot this week, so why don't you go and sleep? I'll guard the tent for you." I just thought that I can't sleep.

"Is that even possible?" He placed his coffee cup on the table beside the bed. The advantages of being a staff member.

"It's only possible for us ghosts who possesses animatronics. William gave the robots free will as long as they provide him remnant. The only animatronics not capable of sleeping are the originals and their prototypes." So all this time, he didn't sleep because he can't, but because he didn't want to.

"Well, it's not like I wanna sleep anyways. I wanna talk about my life when this trip is over." I slowly looked at Uncle's eyes, but it kinda looks a bit creepy so I had to shift my gaze somewhere else.

"I can't go near my classmates anymore because they will know that I'm now an animatronic and dead, but if I just avoid going to class, my mom will know and it's gonna make her sad. If I live with you instead, I will be a bother to you-" He shushed me with a loud "HEY!", but not enough to disturb anyone from sleeping.

"You're not a bother to me, you're a family! How many times do I have to tell you that?" I flinched as he got angry, but his gaze softened and kneeled down to my sitting position.

"I'm sorry for shouting at you, but you should know that I am upset at how you've been treating yourself. I know that I can't change your behavior anymore, so I'll just say that you should treat yourself better for my sake." I nodded.

"Well, about that too, my mom may disagree with me going with you. She would agree as long as it's safe, but-"

"Be quiet for a second, young man. I have my own ways. Now that I know you want to go with me, all I gotta do is to figure out a plan to make your mom agree and assure her that your safe in my hands." I kinda died though, but we don't talk about that.

"You already have one in mind?"

"Yeah. I'll re-register myself as a hero and have you enroll in UA in advance with the Internship Program."

"Internship Program? How does that work?"

"Basically, heroes are able to pick their own sidekicks. But there are times when the said sidekick is still in middle school, so heroes supervise and train them personally all the time until they finish middle school and is able to officially enroll themselves in UA."

"But I don't wanna be a hero." He facepalmed.

"Stupid idiot. You only need to train how to use and upgrade Lolbit under my supervision. You can quit after and go wherever you want." I nodded in comprehension.

"Alright then. Maybe I can think of my own future while I'm under you, but not today. I'll just go look at the sky for the rest of the night." I stood up as I exited the tent and placed myself in the edge of the rail. I sensed that Uncle followed after.

"I remember the time when you and Michael went to my house for a slumber party. You two looked at the stars all night and I had to scold you to go sleep." Yeah, those were the times.

"I wonder where Michael is right now. I'm sure that he's still here somewhere since Father is here." He faced me and held the rails a bit more tight than before.

"You still love William? After everything he did?" I looked down the ground. "Yeah."

"He was a bad guy. He murdered the entire family, he killed kids for experiments, and did a lot of bad things, but deep down I know he suffered from something. And I know that he loved us, he was there with us." I anxiously looked at him to see his reaction. It was solemn and empty.

"In this life, I actually never met my father. My mom keeps telling me that he went abroad to work."

"Now that I think about it, maybe he just wanted immortality. Back then, we witnessed our parents die infront of us. Since then, he raised me and always faked faces around me. Then after I turned eighteen, he immediately left me and went ahead to make a family. The only reason why you and Michael met me was because I heard about the pizzeria that your father built." I looked around and noticed a blonde, spiky hair in the distance. Maybe we should tone down our voice a little.

"I just knew that tonight. Sorry for the loss."

"It's okay. It's been more than a century since their deaths." The atmosphere got silent, so we just stared at the stars for a while.

"Speaking of stars, did you see the meteor shower earlier?"

"Yeah. Doesn't really matter since I have seen a lot of them in my lifetime." It got silent again, so I looked around to see the blonde, spiky hair now facing me.

Jesus Christ.

"Anyways, what time is it?" Uncle looked at his phone and checked.

"It's nearly 3 am. Damn, the time is flying real fast." As he said that, a scrawny looking man approached him.

"Aizawa, maybe you should take a rest now. The other heroes told me that you never slept yet. I'll guard this area for you." Judging at the tone of his voice, he wants us to go sleep because he wants us to leave.

"Well, I-" I pulled him away to the entrance of the tent.

"Sorry for worrying you. We will go now." I pulled him inside the tent.

"Hey, what was that for?"

"O-oh, he seems like he needs to do something around here and wants us to leave." I let go of his hand and sat back to the position where I sat before.

"Who was that anyway?"

"Oh him? That was All Might." Oh. Okay. Wait a minute-

"Wait what?"

I Still Feel Alive|| An MHA x FNAF Crossover FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now