Weirdest Carnival Experience

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"All stay strong, we live eternally, all is well in the Afton Family~!" I sang as I packed the things that I'll use for the day.

"You're singing that song again." Uncle Shota approached me and gave me a ticket.

"Yeah, I kept hearing it somewhere last night that it's basically stuck in my head. By the way, what is this ticket for?" He leaned against the door frame and took a sip of his coffee.

"It's a ticket to the staff area. This is given to kids that accompanied staff members. We will be going to a carnival today so make sure you stick with me. I'm really sure that your classmates will leave or sacrifice you in times of danger." Why does he sound so sure that something bad will happen today?

"Uncle, do you know something that no one else does?" He shook his head and approached me.

"Problem child, do you see how creepy they are in person? No need to take my advice but I'm warning you. Something is wrong with them." He said as he gestured for me stand up and leave.

"If you say so. It's not like I wanna be around them anyway." Right as we enter an elevator, a robot came in with us, pulling a cart of dishes. When the robot saw Uncle, it immediately glared at him, eyeing him from head to toe.

"You, you're a prototype, aren't you?" The robot said to Uncle.

"I get called that by many others, but I am myself. I live my own life happily." This is definitely weird not gonna lie.

"I'm Carla. Nice to meet you." The robot has a gender? Bro is literally a walking silver chopstick!

"I'm Shota Aizawa. I'm from Japan." Both of them shook hands as the elevator stopped and opened at the first floor.

"Let's meet again someday, Shota. I hope I can live a life like you someday, too." The robot pulled her cart away as we parted ways.

"Uncle Shota, what was that?" I asked him and he was being denial about it.

"I don't know either. I just went along with it." We went silent as we meet up with the rest of the school.

I tried to hide behind his back while the tour guides explain where we are going.

"Good morning class! I hope you slept well last night!" The head tour guide spoke through the mic as everyone made some noise.

"Okay, before we get in our respective buses, there are certain rules you need to follow in order to enjoy your trip properly." The whole school groaned in annoyance.

"After we arrive at the place, please make sure to stick in groups of atleast 20 with a staff or a guardian, so it might be best if you stick with your classmates and friends. The carnival only allows 20 and more people to enter." The students chattered with each other.

"Second, you are to exchange your money with Fazcoins in the prize corner. Everything is paid in Fazcoins, whether it's food, toys, gadgets, staff wages or tickets. You can also exchange your Fazcoins into money in the prize corner." The lady gestured for the people to get in their bus and the crowd pushed each other, trying to move around.

"Not gonna lie I thought this place will be more high tech with those robots walking around all over the place." I overheard someone talk with their friend.

"I feel like they've been left behind by globalization." After that, I never heard anything anymore.

"Izuku, maybe you should go with the class that I'm assigned to. Don't go with your class ever again." I nodded as I followed him to his bus.

When I entered, everyone's eyes are on me, which makes me anxious.

"Problem child, you really should learn how to not care about what other people think. Let's go." We went to the almost empty backseats and sat there while Uncle checked if the attendance is complete.

The whole ride was silent except for me and Uncle Shota. We actually talked about his funny experiences about the African war that he was sent to along with All Might.

I'm finally having a fun experience after a long time. Just seeing how happy he actually is talking to me, I can't help but think about how his thought process works.

The ride was over, and the whole class is now arranging themselves, while I help Uncle guide them to go inside.

"Problem child, you're the only one left. Let's go to the prize corner." As the bot gave me a map, I followed him everywhere until we got tired.

"Problem child, can you look around for a bit? I don't think this place is within the map anymore." I looked in the map and the surroundings to notice that this place looks a bit darker and duller compared to the attractions earlier. I am so sure that this place is not in the map.

"Hello, this place is restricted only to staffs from Fazbear Entertainment. You two aren't allowed here." A tall woman in white appeared within our sights. She was blonde, and she had weird green eyes that makes me feel uneasy.

"Sorry, but we're lost right now. Can you please guide us to the prize corner?" Uncle asked, so the lady nodded and started leading the way. The two of us followed right after.

"If this is a restricted area, why are there no barriers placed here?" He complained to the employee.

"Well, I once told them that but they just said it's a pain taking care of the barriers everyday specially when we have to cover a really big area. Almost no one wants to work here too, so we just left it like that." Maybe it's because of the kidnappings. I saw in an article that kids usually disappear in this area at night.

"I suppose your higher ups picked a wrong place to build this carnival." The lady gave him a weird look before she stopped.

"Matt, I have customers for you!" She rudely left us and as I turned at 'Matt', he gave us a creepy smile that I probably won't forget in my lifetime.

"Dude, what can I do for ya?" I picked my pocket and opened my wallet.

"Uh, we need some Fazcoins and ticket, please." As I was about to give my money, Uncle stopped me and gave his money.

"But Uncle-"

"Shush. You probably didn't bring enough for the whole trip. The money for today's event is provided by your school, and it was given to the staff earlier. You don't need to pay today. Save that for the next events." As the staff gave us a lot of Fazcoins, Uncle glared at him and gave him a weird look before we walked away.

Not gonna lie, they're getting out of hand. Isn't this a bit too much?

"Pick a ride you wanna go to. I'll just follow you."

"Are you adults that boring? You pick first." Oh my, I said that out of spite.

"Problem child, I just wanna ask you this. Do you believe in reincarnation?" Uh what? How did it relate to that?

"Uh well, I don't believe in something I have never seen or experienced before, so no." He was shocked to hear my response.

"You really do resemble him a lot. You know, I once had a nephew. He thinks and acts just like you do. Brings back good memories." He invited me to sit in a bench.

"Where is he now?" I suddenly have a really weird feeling. It's like I want to tell him something, but I don't even know what to say.

"He sadly got murdered by his own father." I don't know what to say. This is a bit awkward.

"Oh sorry."

"It's okay. It's a long time ago. So, do you wanna just sit here and chat until we get hungry or are we gonna go to the rides?" I thought about it and there's a chance that I will meet them somehow, but Uncle says that I can't meet them so maybe I'll stay here instead.

"How about we stay here instead? There are lots of things we can do." We chatted for an hour long until we got hungry and decided to go buy some food.

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