Five Nights

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"Mr. Vincent Afton, you're accepted for the job. Congratulations." 

Today, I got accepted in my brother's business as a nightguard. I can go to work right away after being hired, and here I am, lazing for the night. All I need to do is to make sure that the maintenance worker arrives on time anyway. 

When I looked around, I noticed that this underground robot storage is a bit creepy.

Since first days are usually just to let you get used to the work ethics of the company, I decided to stroll around this underground facility for a bit. For some reason, it's really dark in here. If they're going to make robots, they should have secured for some money in the first place. No wonder nightguards always quit after the fifth night.

After seeing just one room, I decided to go back to my post. I'm alone in here, but I've been hearing a lot of footsteps around me. I think I'm hallucinating because of fear, to the point that when I went back to my post, I'm seeing many pairs of glowing eyes staring at me.

Like the idiot I am, I just avoided those eyes and stared at the abyss. 

"Uh, nightguard? Are you alright?" Vincent snapped back to reality, forgetting his purpose and has become more self conscious. 

"Hey! You've been dozing off for a while!" It took a while for him to regain his senses and memories.

"Oh, sorry about that. It's just that this place is too dark. You must be the maintenance worker, right?" The worker chuckled.

"You should probably bring a different kind of past time tomorrow. You know, it's bad to stare at the dark. It gives you negative thoughts on everything and makes you insane. I once met a nightguard who just stared his whole shift, now he's on some kind of mental institute. He kept saying that he's seeing pairs of eyes and doll hands that's trying to eat him." Vincent personally took note of the part 'pairs of eyes'. 

"I'll take note of that, thanks." He turned at the watch on his wrist. 6:00 am.

"It's the end of your shift now. Go home and try to spend your day outside." Vincent left the building and walked around. He's been seeing a lot of promotional posters from his company lately. It became famous for delivering robots to people's homes. 

"Brother." He can't help but feel proud for the achievement that his brother has made. He thought that this was his dream, the reason why his brother left him. He thought that he was a thorn on William's side and an obstacle to his dreams.

"I'll make sure that this younger brother of yours will be supporting you by your side." He whispered to the poster, before strolling around the city. He felt exhausted trying to stay awake the whole night, but he felt like his mind needs the sunlight more.

After strolling for two hours, he came across a hotel. It was near the home that he lived in when they were younger. He remembered the trips he made to the hospital after trying to 'invent his own fighting style' back when he was a kid.

Today, after strolling around the city, I encountered a nurse that kept saying he was an assistant of my parents who used to do experiments with him. I only knew that they own a bear circus or something like that, so I didn't believe him at first. But, when he showed a picture of my parents in a lab coat, I was bewildered. Not only that, he claimed that he met my brother before as well.

He also said that my brother showed some interest in their work, which he claimed was an experiment based on corpses. What the hell were they trying to achieve? 

Anyways, I'll probably go crazy just walking inside that underground establishment, so I decided to sleep outside today after ordering a meal in a coffee shop.

"Sir, please wake up." Vincent jolted after being shook so hard. "Sir, sleeping outside these days are dangerous, you know?" 

"Is it because of that rumor? The killer robots roaming around?" 

"I don't think it's fake. Police these days have been active, going around asking everyone about the murders. There was even one just earlier, he came out while you were sleeping." He nodded, drinking the last sip of his coffee.

"Well, I recently just applied at that company as a nightguard. Their underground area is creepy as hell, so I think it would be better for me to stay in the sunlight." 

"I recently met someone who works there as well. The police said he died by exploding. That's really weird as hell. Be careful, alright?"

"Thanks for worrying. Give me six cups of Latte on the go, please." 

"Coming right up, sir." The waiter hurried inside to make his order.

He thought about the recent event with the "nurse" approaching him as well as visiting the lab that his parents left behind. It was right inside the hotel under the basement. With the war happening nowadays, he thought this experiment seems to be based off of reviving the dead. 

When he walked inside, he noticed how clean it is, like it was abandoned just now. There were no traces of any kinds of experiments nor there was any equipment in the first place, but it was definitely a lab, so he assumed that their research was first conducted by the government, then the results became illegal. 

He knows that the nurse was not a mere nurse, but a researcher. Based on his attitude, he seems to be obsessed with the experiment. Him approaching Vincent and William was either an act of good will, or an invitation to continue the research with him. He felt conflicted.

'Am I supposed to meet that guy again?' He thought so hard that he was stressed out.

"Here's your Latte, sir. I hope you enjoy." Vincent gave him the money before setting off to go back home before his next shift.

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