A New Idol

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"A field trip overseas? Is this true?" A classmate of mine jolted out of her chair and shouted at the teacher.

"Yeah, Aldera Junior High is sponsored by the Fazbear Entertainment. There's also a high chance that we will see the Glamrocks in person." Everyone in the class cheered except for me.

"I know you guys are really excited, but you need your parents' permits signed before attending. There's always a chance that you will die, and we just want to let your parents know about it, especially that we're going to Utah in all places. Who knows what's going on in their alleyways?" The teacher rambled about being kidnapped and no one listened to him.

"You shouldn't attend this trip, Deku. You're immediately gonna get kidnapped." I sighed at my classmate's remarks. I usually just ignore them and go on with my day after getting beaten up.

"Enough about the field trip, we will discuss about your future career. So Midoriya, it says in your paper that you want to go to UA? Are you sure about that?" Everyone laughed at me, causing me to stand up in fury.

"I-I can be a hero, too!" They all laughed harder, making me close my fists and cringe in anger.

"What did I say when a teacher is talking in the front? Sit down, Midoriya." Everyone obeyed. "You're gonna have to change your career path. I'm giving this back to you, so don't rush and think about it hard. You still have a long future ahead of you." I silently took the paper from him and looked around to see my classmates silently laughing at me. I held back my sigh as I hid the paper away and looked back at the front.

The teacher discussed about career paths with my classmates one by one, and the rest waited for the bell to ring.

"Deku, I heard that you wanted to be a hero." I looked up and see Kacchan, a friend of mine. We knew each other since we were kids.

"Y-yeah. I thought that I might get to UA-"

"Shut it nerd." He smiled as he held my shoulder and activated his quirk. "No one else will go to UA besides me." Here we go again.

"You can't go there anyway because you don't have a quirk." A classmate added. As they shoved me down, Kacchan picked up my notebook that contains people's quirk analysis and read it. It's the thirteenth one to be exact.

"You're so creepy nerd, you make me wanna shove you down the garbage." He threw it out the window.

"Kacchan, that was rude-"

"Do you think I care? Oh yeah right, I have a job recommendation for you. Why don't you become a robot and sing for us? Robots don't have quirks so it's the right job for ya, don'tcha think?" Everyone laughed at me, so I stood up once again and wiped the dust off my uniform.

"I can be a hero too." I glared at them, but they just laughed harder.

"What a clown!"

"You should be a comedian!" I ignored all of their comments, but amongst them, one stood out the most.

"If you really want to be a hero, why not just jump off the building and pray that you'll be born with a quirk in your next life?" Everyone went quiet after. I can hear some murmurs saying that Kacchan went too far. I'm glad that they thought of that.

As I sigh, I heard the bell ring and the neighboring classes get out of their rooms.

"Okay class, remember the permits on Monday since the trip is on Tuesday. Goodbye." Everyone stood up as they greet the teacher goodbye, but I got the urge to just get my stuff and run away. The teacher tried to stop me, but I didn't listen as I dashed to the hallways.

As I ran, I covered my face now full of tears and went on to find my notebook.

"I know. Deep down inside, I always knew." I sniffed as I wiped my tears away and looked around. I saw my notebook on a fish pond nearby and took it. It's now full of burns, but the notes are still intact. God I was thankful.

I walked around the school and saw a park nearby, so I went to that direction and sat at a bench. I drowned myself in the sounds of kids' laughter's, barking dogs, and the vehicles passing by. It always calms me down somehow.

"Hey kid, mind if you scoot over?" I looked up at the man and moved over to give him space.

"Not to be meddling in your business, but you look like you just came out of a crime scene so I just had to come over." I looked at myself, and only now do these burns hurt. I winced as I looked at them.

"Sorry to bother you, then." I fixed myself as I tried to cover my burns with bandages that I had in my bag.

"You're being bullied, huh. Here, let me help you." I gave him the bandages and watched as he wrapped my shoulder. "You know kid, instead of moping around like a wimp and listening to people's words, you should try to build your body and make yourself stronger." I sighed as I disagreed.

"I'm quirkless, so I can't."

"So what? Just because you're quirkless doesn't mean you don't have to exercise. You know, you should try to focus on yourself instead of those people who have quirks but useless in the society anyways." That's quite a way to look at things.

"Isn't that a bit rude?" He chortled.

"Don't defend those asses. When a war breaks out, all they'll do is hide behind heroes and complain about everything, acting like they're traumatized when they're just hiding behind the wall all the time." He threw away his paper cup at the bin beside the bench.

"How would you know that?" He sighed and looked at me right in the eye. Not gonna lie, I got chills right there.

"I was once sent out on a war in America. Oh boy do I hear complaints everyday from those snotty rich brats." I chuckled a little, thinking that he's just like Kacchan in some way.

"You're a hero?" He nodded and took out another paper cup that smelled like some coffee was inside.

"I'm an underground one. I didn't wanna be like those heroes who wanted fame." I took out my pen and opened my notebook.

"Can you tell me your quirk?" I can tell that he was weirded out.

"You're literally shining man." He winced as I chuckled. "Atleast you look better now. I'm Shota Aizawa, a teacher at UA. My quirk is called Erasure, basically I can erase someone else's quirk by looking at them, so I actually fight quirkless. I use this scarf of mine as a weapon." I jotted it all down and drew him on the side.

"I'm Izuku Midoriya, a second year student at Aldera Junior High." His eyes widened as he heard me mention my school.

"You know, we might see each other again. I was actually tasked as one of the bodyguards for the upcoming field trip." My eyes shone real bright. He's actually the second friend that I made, well atleast I think of him as one.

"Really? Then should I bother you then?" He chuckled, and suddenly sighed after.

"Do what you want. I'm going home. Remember what I said." He said as he threw away another paper cup.

"Bye! Let's see each other again!" I heard him sigh really heavy as I waved at him goodbye.

Today was the first day that I actually smiled for real before going home.

PS, although I know that he's really nice, something felt odd about him. It's like there's a weird music playing when he's around, but I hear nothing.

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