Chapter 19

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Once we were all seated at the excessively long dining table, two people in servant uniforms appeared, serving everyone breakfast foods, except for Francis, who was served a rather large bloody steak. I didn't think his steak could even be classified as rare, I think the term was "blue."

Valerie was doing most of the talking at the table, I was glad because if she didn't, it would have been more awkward than what it already was. She asked me a few uncomfortable questions about Valons and I's "relationship," if I had planned on going to college, and about my home life, none of which was easy to answer.

Valon answered a few of the questions when he noticed I was uncomfortable or struggling to answer. Other than that, he poked at his plate and kept quiet.

Valons dad was completely silent until now.

"How did you meet my son?" He asked, cutting Velerie off from asking her millionth question, glancing at Valon, and then settled his gaze on me.

I looked towards Valon before clearing my throat and answering.

"He ran me over," I said bluntly, causing Valon to choke beside me. Valerie had a worried expression, and Francis only seemed to be curious.

I smiled before revealing that it was only a joke. Francis took me by surprise when he roared with laughter.

"I like her," Francis said to Valon, pointing his thumb in my direction.

"Me too," Valon said, glancing back at me.

Now it was my turn to go silent as his words lit me from head to toe. I wanted to hide my face in his chest because I knew my cheeks were bright red from his confession, but I knew it would only make the situation more awkward.

"Gliel'hai già detto?" Francis asked as he cut his steak, catching Valons attention.

Translation: "Did you tell her yet."

Valon didn't answer. He only gave his dad a dark look as he clenched his jaw.

He gave Valon an incredulous look before saying,"Se hai dei piani con lei, devi dirle la verità prima che si faccia male."

Translation: "If you have any plans with her, then you need to tell her the truth before she gets hurt."

"Tuo padre ha ragione. Se provi dei sentimenti per lei, dovresti dirglielo in modo che sappia in cosa si sta cacciando," Valerie added to their conversation before glancing my way.

Translation: Your father is right. If you have any feelings for her, then you should tell her so she knows what she's getting herself into.

"Lei non ha bisogno di sapere niente, io non ho niente a che fare con questa famiglia dopo quello che è successo ad Adelina. Ho lasciato questa vita per un motivo, sono libero. Io e chi sono con non dovremmo avere preoccupazioni," Valon growled.

Translation: She doesn't need to know anything, I don't have anything to do with this family after what happened to Adelina. I left this life for a reason, I'm free, and who I'm with should have no worries.

"What's going on?" I asked Valon, having a feeling their conversation had something to do with me. He didn't answer. He only continued to strangle his father with his eyes.

Valerie gave me a quick look before she went back to eating, and Francis gave me a long look before he did the same.

"I didn't catch your last name," He said while stabbing a piece of his bloody steak.

"Wright. May Wright," I said as I watched the blood ooze from his steak. I felt uneasy at the sight.

He slowly pulled the fork away from his mouth, and his eyes pinched together, "You don't happen to have any relation to Dana Wright, do you?" He threw Valon a look of suspicion and cocked his head when he returned his attention to me.

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