Chapter 18

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I moved my arms in search of Valon, but there was nothing but soft sheets that smelled of him. I fluttered my eyes open and sighed when I saw that the warm body that was wrapped around me last night was no longer here and was replaced with a blanket.

My source of safety and comfort was gone, and I found myself already wanting to be next to him. I turned my head to scan the unfamiliar room.

A subtle orange glow spilled in as the curtains swayed back and forth, producing an array of beautiful orange hues. Everything in the light's path was painted with an orange film, as if the room were a giant painter's canvas.

I unraveled myself from the blankets, and I was hit with frigid air. I almost wanted to crawl back under the covers, but I wanted to find Valon. I walked over to the opened window and took in a deep breath of the fresh air before realizing something.

He opened the windows for me.

He knew I couldn't sleep without them open. I smiled to myself at the realization and then closed the window.

I desperately wanted to check myself in the mirror and rinse my mouth before going downstairs, but I didn't want to open the wrong door or seem like I was snooping around. This wasn't my house, after all.

This wasn't my house.

I didn't care yesterday where I went as long as I was with Valon, but today, I felt guilty. I should be home. Dana was trying to do better for me, and she even let me stay out longer this time. I broke her trust.

I ruined it.

How would she react this time?

I needed to find Valon.

 I needed to go home.

I walked out of the room and saw an endless amount of doors to the hallway on my left, on either side of the wall. At the very end were two more hallways that branched off of it, which I assumed only led to even more rooms. I wondered what could be in each of them; they couldn't possibly all be filled with beds. 

To my right was a large winding staircase, with a glittering chandelier suspended above it. Once I decided that I'd more than likely get lost trying to look for him upstairs and that he was most likely downstairs, I grabbed onto the smooth rich wood and made my way down, wincing as my foot hit each step of cool polished expensive looking stone.

Large brown furniture, expensive looking busts, large paintings, books that covered an entire wall, and gold pieces of expensive looking artifacts were scattered around the room.

I knew if Valon wasn't in here, then I shouldn't be either, but I couldn't help but stare in awe. It looked like something out of a movie.

I passed by the wall of books, many in English, a few in Spanish and Russian, and most in Italian. Many of the books had to do with laws, crime, and famous Mafia families.

I made my way towards the fireplace, trying to get a better view of the large painting that sat above it. A woman sat in the middle, she wore a long black dress with a slit at her knee and a small smile on her face. 

A tall man stood directly behind her and a hand resting on her shoulder. He wore an all black suit, his hands full of gold rings, an expensive looking watch was resting on his wrist, and a scowl was etched into his face. Who I assumed to be their children stood on either side of her. I knew the one on her left was Valon the moment I saw him. He wore the same suit as his father and wore no expression.

A girl stood to the right of her. She was fairly tall and looked very similar to her mom. She seemed to be close in age to her brother, most likely the younger one. She had long black hair and striking green eyes. She wore no expression, a simple black dress, free of any jewelry or makeup. Although she was dressed very simple, something about her drew my gaze.

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