Chapter 25

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I blinked a few times, letting my eyes adjust to the dark room. I could make out that I was in my bedroom from the dim light that seeped in through my window. I peeled off my covers and slowly sat up when my head began to throb. I winced at the pain that was still very apparent.

How long have I been asleep?

I stumbled out of my bed and walked towards my window. The streets were empty, no sign of life, no one to call out to or signal for help.

Just my luck.

I shifted my eyes to focus on the driveway. There was a U-haul parked in front, but Dana's car was gone.

It was now or never.

I knew if I didn't get out now, I would either be locked up forever or possibly dead.

I ran to my door and tried to turn the knob but it was locked.

Of course it was.

I ran to my bathroom and yanked all of the drawers open in search of something to pick the lock. I picked up a bobby pin and ran back to my door. I bent it to fit in the lock and twisted it until I heard the click.

I ran down the steps but stood there, not sure what to do next. I decided to try a few codes on the keypad, but nothing worked. I tried grabbing a chair and breaking the window, but apparently, we had shatter proof glass now.

My breathing grew heavy when I couldn't think of another way out.

Think May.

I decided to rummage through our junk drawer to see if there was anything useful like a key or some sort of code when I spotted a flashlight. It wasn't just any flash light it was one of the powerful ones that can shine farther than you could see.

I pulled it out of the drawer and tried to power it on, but it would only turn on for a second and then go out again.

"Please," I cried out loud. I smacked the flashlight, and it stayed on this time.

I quickly ran over to one of our windows that faced directly to Joe's house and pointed the flashlight into one of the top windows.

Please, Joe.

I decided to try the other window when he didn't come to the first one. I was so focused on trying to catch his attention that I didn't notice when he appeared in front of me.

"What do you think you're doing?" He said with a frown and a scratchy voice. Fear was quickly replaced with relief. 

"Joe, I need help!" 

"Well, it's about time. I think therapy for all your stealing will do you some good."

"No, you don't understand, Joe. Dana kidnapped me!" I cried out.

"Vaeh?" He questioned. It was the first time I had ever seen Joe shocked. I shook my head, tears streaming down my face.

"Yes," I croaked out.

"I knew she was crazy from the moment s-," He began to say. I would love to know how he would have ended that sentence, but I didn't have any time to waste.

"Joe, please, I don't have much time!"

"Ok, ok. Stay right here. I'll be right back." He said, holding up hand as if to signal me to stay put. He left before I could tell him the windows wouldn't break.

A few minutes later, Joe came back with a hammer and started to beat on the glass like a mad man. I wanted to laugh, but fear hadn't completely escaped. 

"This must be the kinda glass they use in the zoos." He said, making me I chuckle. It wasn't the time but I couldn't help myself.

"It's pointless, Joe, it won't break. I need you to call 911," I said, shaking my head.

"I'm sorry, May, but I don't know how to work a phone. Clara was supposed to show, but then she passed, " Joe began to say, but then he was smacked in the head with a shovel.

I heard a loud thud once when Dana smacked him and twice when his body dropped on the other side of the window.

"Joe! Joe!" I screamed, my lungs starting to burn.

I fell to my knees after I felt like the wind was knocked out of me.

"Joe!" I continued to scream his name, hoping he'd somehow hear me. I wanted him to walk in and tell me he would be ok.

I was too in shock to even realize Dana had unlocked the door and threw the shovel in before leaving again.

I didn't attempt to run because I knew my body wouldn't let me even though I so desperately wanted to. My only thought was seeing Joe getting hit in the head and the sound his body made when it hit the floor.

I was dragged out of whatever trance I was in when I saw Dana dragging his body into the house and leaving a bloodied trail that was seeping out of his head.

I threw up nothing but bile all over myself.

In any normal case, I would be disgusted and embarrassed, but this was the furthest thing from normal. I sloppily wiped my mouth with the back of my hands and continued to sob.

I was just talking to him a second ago.

He couldn't be gone.

I drug my eyes up to Dana as she walked over to the basement door that was a few feet away and typed in a code before dragging Joe over and throwing him in.

I jumped when I heard the loud thump of his body hitting the basement floor. I pulled my knees up to my chest, desperately wanting any comfort I could get, sobs wracking my body. The images of Joe wouldn't leave, the sounds, the blood, it wouldn't stop.

I shouldn't have asked for help, I should've just listened to Dana.

"Listen to mommy, and you'll always be ok."

I should've just listened.....

"Joe....." I cried out into my knees.

"What am I supposed to do with you?" She asked, her voice coming closer.

I lifted my head to see her dark eyes pierce mine, and I felt violently ill all over again, just looking at her. I scrambled backwoods until my back hit the wall in hopes to get as far away from her as possible.

"Hm?" She asked.

The doorbell rang, drawing both Danas and I's attention to the door.

I opened my mouth to scream, but she quickly placed hand over my mouth and dragged me over to the console table next to the basement door.

"Scream and everyone else you care about will suffer a worse fate than Joe and don't think i'm bluffing," She whispered before pulling out a roll of tape and began tapping my mouth and arms.

The doorbell rang again, and she pushed me down the steps of the dark basement. I finally succumbed to the welcoming darkness after losing my connection to this world when my head hit the concrete.


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