Chapter 22

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After circling the town center for a few minutes to find a good spot Valon parked next to a silver Chevy caprice.

Valon had mentioned River was here, and I told Hunter she didn't have to stick around even though it was my birthday. She said she would find him and wait for us at the gathering.

"Ok, turn around," I said to Valon after letting Hunter out of the car and getting back in.

Valon furrowed his brows in confusion.

"You didn't think I was actually going to wear this, did you? I pointed down to my gray pajama set with little white hearts."

"You'd be surprised what you could get away with when you have a beautiful face."

I looked at him with a smile. I couldn't decipher whether he was speaking from experience or if he was calling me beautiful.

"Turn around, please." His eyes left mine and faced the window.

I opened the package that Hunter had handed me earlier. Inside the package was a knee-length yellow dress with little flowers. It had a low-cut square neckline and an open back. Luckily, the weather had turned warmer about a month ago.

"What do you think....." I hesitantly asked after replacing my pajamas with Hunter's dress.

Valons eyes immediately found mine before slowly dropping to the rest of me, at least what was left.

"Beautiful as always," He stated softly, holding eye contact with me. I blushed at his words.

His words hit me hard. I appreciated him because he didn't look at me any differently than he did before, and he hadn't commented on my body other than being simply beautiful.

I knew he would mention it sooner or later because he never let anything go. He had to make you aware. I was sure that he had noticed my extreme difference in size and the almost ghostly look I wore, but I was sure he didn't want me to feel any way other than happy on my birthday.

"You look good yourself," I let my eyes roam over Valon. He was wearing all black from head to toe.

When my eyes finally looked back towards him, he had a smile playing on his lips, and his eyes looked like he had just found his prey.

I cleared my throat before saying, "Ready?"

His eyes left my face, and he started to tap the steering wheel.


"I wanted to give you something before we go...." He trailed off, still not looking at me.

My face broke out into a smile before turning his face in my direction so he could see how happy I was.

"You didn't have to. My birthday is just another day."

"I wanted to. And it's not just another day. It's a day someone very special to me was born. A very beautiful and slightly strange someone."

I placed a gentle kiss on his lips before saying, "Let me see," and pulled away from him.

He pulled a small red square box from his pocket, and I'm sure my heart almost lept out of my body.

I stared at the box with furrowed brows before asking, "What is it...." I was slightly afraid to open the box.

"Open it he said," staring at me intently.

I took a shallow breath before flipping up the top half of the leather box, and I let out a small gasp when I saw what was inside. It was a gold dainty necklace with the moon inside of the sun.

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