Chapter 7

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Mays POV

I blinked a few times and slowly opened my eyes. I sat up and let my eyes adjust to my dark room. Why is it so freaking hot in here? I felt like I couldn't breathe. I got out of bed and turned on my light. Or at least I tried to, I hit my foot on something before I could.

"Ow Ow Ow," I whined.

After taking a moment to recover, I flipped on the light switch to find my window closed. I've always opened it before going to bed, or else I wouldn't be able to fall asleep. How could I have forgotten? I must've been really tired last night after walking home from Hunters.


I need to tell her about the craziest dream I just had. Or not. The memory of our argument flooded my mind. I should probably apologize for how I reacted last night. She was just worried about me.

I started to look for my phone but it was nowhere to be found. After tearing up my room, I finally found it hidden in my blankets. Seriously? I already looked here! I said to myself, annoyed, because I had already looked in the same exact spot but was unable to find it the first time. I threw it on the charger and quietly headed downstairs, trying not to wake up Dana.

The house was eerily quiet, and I couldn't knock the strange feeling that something wasn't right. I brushed it off and continued to open the fridge, grabbing a bottle of water and bringing it to my lips. I let the cool liquid slide down my throat, appreciating it when it brought me momentary relief from my dry throat.

I hesitantly lowered the bottle from my lips and closed the fridge after I sensed a change in the atmosphere. I could see a blurry figure behind me standing a few feet to my right in the reflection of the fridge. My heart thudded harder against my chest, and fear was tearing into me like a vulture would a dead body. I slowly turned around to find Dana leaning against the counter with her arms crossed.

"Dana," I said, exhaling deeply when I realized it was just her. For a while, neither of us said anything until she broke the uncomfortable silence.

"How was Hunters?" She asked coolly.

"It was fine...." I trailed off.

She studied me for a few moments before cocking her head to the side after noticing something.

"What?" I questioned.

"Where did you get that?" She gestured towards me. I looked down and noticed I had on an all black blazer jacket over my clothes. When did I get this? Suddenly a familiar scent filled my head, but I couldn't place my finger on where it's from, but I liked it.

"A....I-I borrowed it from Hunter," I lied.

"Since when does Hunter wear blazers?" She arched her brow. I decided it was best not to say anything because I wasn't a good liar and I would only incriminate myself.

"Where were you last night?" She continued to quiz me.

"What do you mean? I was with Hunter. I told you that before I left yesterday."

"You never came home last night." What is she talking about and what time is it? I glanced at the time on the stove, showing it was 5:32am.

"What are you talking about? I got home around 12."

"I called Hunter last night to see if you decided to spend the night, and she said she hadn't seen you since you left last night."

"Well yea, because I came home," I gave a small laugh, not because it was funny but out of disbelief and confusion.

"She said she was worried about you because you were upset when you left."

"I've been in my room asleep this whole time. I swear, I didn't go anywhere else," I lightly shook my head, trying to remember any missing details.

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