Chapter 11

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The car came to a smooth stop in front of a giant house in the middle of the woods.


The house looked like it was straight out of a movie. It was a large modern black house with large glass panels revealing much of the inside. Every killer's dream.

"Hunter, I don't know about this anymore...." I said after I became intimidated by the big house and all the people scattered around the yard.

"I seriously can't even believe you've made it this far. If you want to go back, we can. We'll just watch a movie or something. Please, just not another horror movie. You know how much I hate them," she said. She's probably tired of doing the same thing, I thought. I looked back towards the house and sighed deeply.

"No, it's ok. Let's go."

Once we stepped out of the car, I felt the cool air hug my exposed skin. I started to regret wearing this dress as I lightly tugged at the bottom of it once it started to go higher and higher up my thighs. As we got closer, I became aware of the loud music coming from the house and the people spilling in and out of it. Hunter grabbed my wrist as we walked through the group of people at the door.

"Hunter! Come here," a girl across from us called out. Hunter whipped her head around to the direction of the voice.

"Wanna meet my friends? I promise they're cool," She said, returning her attention back towards me.

"No, I'm ok," I said after I looked towards the group. All of them gave me sideways looks, except for the girl in the middle who was calling Hunter over. She gave me a smile before returning her attention towards Hunter and giving her name another shout.

"I'm just gonna go say hi, and then I'll be right back, ok?" She said before searching my eyes.

"Ok, I'm just gonna go find a drink or something," I said before we parted ways.

It was the last thing I wanted to do, but I didn't want her to feel like she was babysitting me. I wanted her to have fun like everyone else. I guess I should try as well. It was a party after all.

The further I moved into the house, the more I could feel the music dancing around the inside of my chest. If there was no sound and only bass, you'd think there was an earthquake. I liked it though, the music replaced all of your worries momentarily, then unfortunately you had to face what's been hiding under the cloak of the music when the party was over.

As I walked along the crowded halls, I noticed there weren't any pictures or art. I was surprised this beautiful house didn't have any expensive art pieces or at least family photos displayed. I continued to walk until I made it into a wide open space that connected the massive living area and open kitchen. Dancing, drinking games, body shots, you name it, it happened.

After denying a few drinking games I knew I couldn't participate in, I made my way through some people until I got into the kitchen. I looked around, searching for any drinks that weren't alcoholic. Half empty bottles of vodka, wine, beer, rum, and anything else you could think of littered the counters.

I knew there were probably some regular drinks in the fridge, but I didn't want to intrude, even if it was just a fridge. As I continued to look around, I accidentally caught a guy's attention that was with a group of others, near the back door that sat right between the kitchen and living room.

He smiled at me before taking a sip of his drink. I smiled back because I didn't want to seem rude and turned around to continue looking for a drink.

"You want something to drink?" I heard a voice say into my ear.

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