Twenty Forth

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  I lean against Caddy's car as she stuffs motorcyclists' bags into the trunk of her car. Caddy was our caboose, she trails behind us with our stuff and first-aid, she's there for when we need her and of course, to par-tay. After a crash about two years ago she retired to her old school volts wagon, she's fine now but her right hip and arm are chewed up and scarred, She still makes a killer biker the few times she does it.

She tosses TJ's duffle into her car; he was joining us so he could get pictures for his socials. He also was an adrenaline junkie and hanging out of windows with his face to the to snap pictures were a thing he was thrilled to do.

I peak over Caddy's shoulder, and she flicks her eyes up, "Aida running late? That's a first."

"It's not Aida this weekend." I say, peaking around her.

Caddy's eyebrows raise, "Rudy?"

I scratch my cheek, "nope." Caddy cracks her knuckles as she straightens up. I look past her as a car pulls into Caddy's driveway, nerves make my heart flutter as the driver door pops open.

Caddy's takes an interest, craning her neck to spot the driver, Alex walks around the front of his car, backpack over his shoulder. Caddy whistles quietly and elbows me, "what a cutie."

I shrug, "I guess."

She laughs and backhands my arm, "you're funny." Caddy walks up and offers her hand out for his bag, "hey, first Tag-Along I assume."

"That would be a fair assumption," Alex smiles.

"I'm Caddy, I run caboose." She says, "I tow peoples shit around."

"Alex," he holds out his hand and they shake hands.

I smile, and Caddy holds out her hand for Alex's bag. He hands it over and she tosses it in, "so, how'd you get trapped with backpacking?" She asks.

Alex smiles and sighs out of his nose, "y/n's lucky I like her."

Caddy hums and slams her trunk closed, "well, I hope you like fast speeds."

Alex sucks in a breath through his teeth, "aha, yeaahhh."

Caddy laughs before turning to me, "let's blow this popsicle stand." She tosses her keys up and catches it in her hand.

I look to Alex, "ready?"

Alex squeezes his eyes shut and groans. "Nope, but let's do this anyways."


I slide into the hotel's parking lot about an hour after we start our cruise, Alex's arms have been tight around my waist the whole ride, which set off a warm feeling in my chest. I pull into a parking space and kill the engine; Alex climbs off and I pull my helmet off. He shakes out his hair and I hand him his baseball cap.

Motorcycles squeeze into the parking spots next to me and Caddy and TJ pull the Wagon in behind us. I swing my leg over my bike and plant my sneakers on the tarmac. I toss my keys into my pocket and stroll over to the Wagon to help unload. Each biker waits patiently for their bag before heading towards the front doors, I walk between TJ and Alex, listening to TJ talk about the shots he's already gotten for his project.

I wait patiently in line to check in, tapping my fingers on the strap of my backpack as a family checks in. Finally, I get up to the front desk and the clerk smiles at me. "Um," I start and horror spreads through my stomach as no sound leaves my open mouth.

The woman's eyebrow goes up just slightly as I stare at her, Alex clears his throat, "hey, booking for y/n l/n?"

I look at my fingers that drum on the counter, the clerk clacks away as she hums. "Mmhmm, yes, that's for all of you?" She points around to all the bikers.

"Yep," Alex nods.

"I'll need a credit card to hold onto." She smiles. I dig around in my backpack and slide my card across the counter, "great, alright. Okay, let me issue your keys. The booking entails that there will be two people per room, there is also two beds in each room. Our pool and fitness centre are down there, and we have breakfast from six to ten." She pushes all the room keys in separate envelopes towards Alex.

"Thank you, have a good one." Caddy says over Alex's shoulder, she swipes up the keys up and sticks her pinkies into her mouth. She wolf whistles to everyone, "Pair up!" She calls.

I open my mouth to ask Caddy if she wants to share a room with me, but her and TJ high five and I squeeze my eyes shut. Alex nudges me with his hip, he's got an envelope in his hand, and I smile at him. He scratches his cheek, "d'you-"

"Yes," I nod, "please." I lean into him; a satisfaction sets in when he slings his arm over my shoulder.  










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