Thirty Eighth

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  I sit cross legged on Alex's bed, phone in one hand, neck of a wine bottle in the other. I've got my headphones on over my ears. I touch up my glass of wine and swipe into my chat with Aida. I raise an eyebrow, Aida had suggested that I sleep at Lowick's, and Alex had replied that I would stay at his...hmm. I sip at my wine and smile at the alcohol.

Alex's online persona is weird, it's him but less of the soft side. He's still funny, sure but he's more of this buff, over the top type of guy. Don't get me wrong I don't hate it, I just prefer my Alex.

I lay on his bed, out of sight of his Twitch chat. He said he didn't care if I was in the room as long as I was quiet, so I'm quietly watching TikTok, cringing at every edit of him at my damn runway that pops up. It's as if the algorithm knows I'm lying in the man's room. I glance at him through the monitors, I can't hear what he's saying but I can see him. He's got on his grey and black squared beanie, so naturally I stole back the blue hat and I wear it under my headphones. It's funny how I'm still in his clothes, are in the wash. I've put on one of his grey sweaters though and I pull up the hood over my head. He smells good.

I chew on my lip, peering at Alex, he's handsome. Oof, yeah, the alcohol is hitting. I hiccup and cover my lips with my fingers, I shake my head and swallow another gulp of wine. I run my thumb over my bottom lip. I yawn and sigh, repointing myself to lay on my stomach. A couple hours pass and I'm so bored. I've snuck out of Alex's room every now and then to use his bathroom or snatch a snack or drink from his kitchen. Other than that I've made myself comfortable under his covers.

I stare past my phone at Alex just in time to watch his hand wave quickly, "byeeee!" He calls in a way that makes me smile. I turn back to the feed on my phone and rest my chin on my hand. I yawn as Alex hops over. I push one of the speakers of my headphones behind my ear to hear him as he opens his mouth, "they didn't suspect a thing." He says proudly.

I smile at him, "that's good," I take down the last sip of wine.

"How drunk are you?" He asks, leaning forward on his hands that are planted on the edge of the bed.

I shake my head, "not at all, really." I hand him the bottle of wine. He takes my empty wine glass and fills it, drinking it down. I skip down to his kitchen where I snatch up a new wine glass. Alex follows me and I pop up, sitting atop his kitchen counter.

He fills my glass and I watch him, once the red liquid has filled my glass we cheers. So much for quitting alcohol.


I hiccup, standing on one side of the island. Alex stands on the other side, the both of us staring at the empty bottle of wine. I clap my hands together, "oh! We should play spin the bottle."

"It's only us," Alex slurs.

"But we would play truth. Here," I pull out my phone, looking up 'spicy truth questions' with at least five spelling mistakes. "I ask and then we spin, and they have to answer." He still looks confused. "Practice round, here." I search for a question my eyes will read. "What's the biggest lie you've ever told?" I take the wine bottle and spin it.

"Oh, I get it." He nods as the bottle head points to me. "Biggest lie..." he wiggles his fingers at me.

"Hmm," I tap my chin. "Well, when I was first starting off as a model, I lied big time about my experience. I was just lucky I was good at it." I say, "and yeah." I shrug. "Understand the rules?"

"Yes," he takes the wine bottle in his hand and scrolls through my phone. I'm all questioned out after a while, so when I take the bottle and it lands on Alex, I let myself act on impulse. I snag the collar of his shirt and pull him in across the counter. He's a good kisser, I know that from the jumbotron. But this one's different. He pulls away and I think I've made a mistake until he's directly beside me and pulling me in. I pull away this time, "Alex," I mumble, placing my fingers over his lips. "When we're sober." I hiccup.

He stares at me, "okay," he nods. "When we're sober." 




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