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  I waltz out of the bathroom, clutching my towel up to my chest for the quick transport from the bathroom to my bedroom. My hair is soaking wet and water drips from my chin. Aida's standing in the centre of the main room staring at her phone, she's probably just stressing herself out over her merch photos today. Aida glances up at her phone and smiles at me, I smile back and push my door open.

I shut it lightly behind me and drop my towel to my ankles. Aida knocks and pushes the door open, she doesn't come in, she just leans on the wall next to my door. "Hey, so I'm gonna leave early to go to Starbucks, will you be ready to go in like ten?" She asks.

I raise an eyebrow, ten minutes? "Nah, you can go without me." I say, staring at my morning-skinny self. "I don't wanna be bloated for your shoot."

Aida's quiet for a second. "It's just hoodies and sweats..." She mumbles.

I feel bad, "I'll be a bit, and if you're in this apartment for another minute, I think you'll combust. I'll meet you there, babes." I clip my bra together.

"Okay, um before I go," She clears her throat. "It'll be you, Lowick, Rudy and my work friend Alex. He's funny, I think you'll like him." She says, I understand why she's nervous. She's colliding two different groups, her work friends and her irl friends. "He's bilingual too."

"Really, he speaks French?" I ask. I was raised in Quebec, Aida's Nan is from Quebec. We both know French.

"Spanish." She corrects.

I nod. "Ah," I say. "Im sure he's sweet."

Aida sighs, "okay, I'm going." She says. "Wear something you can easily slide in and out of in front of people." She warns. "I'll get you an iced coffee."

"You don't have to." I smile.

"But I will. Be quick." She says and I hear her leave.

It takes me about a half hour to dry my hair and style it all cute so it won't get fucked in my helmet. I pull on my Nike Pros and a black hoodie with the 'XO' from that one Weeknd album. I don't bother throwing on a shirt, I'm wearing a sports bra so what does it matter? I also keep my face completely makeup-less, Aida hired a makeup artist and I didn't want to be that person who pulled up in full face.

I waltz out to the front and pull on my Chucks, calmly of course, I'm not a shoe creasing, heel grinding loser. I pack up my backpack, and clip that one clip that no one ever does up. I spin my key ring around my finger as I take the elevator down.

I pull on my helmet as I waltz into the parking garage. I turn on the motor, rev the engine, and fly to the studio. I jam out to Tyler, the Creator as I weave in between traffic. I pull into a spot a down the street from the studio and kill the engine. I swing my leg over the motorcycle and step up onto the curb, I pull my helmet off my head as I walk towards the studio. I come to a stop as I get it off and I find myself mere inches from another person's face.

I step back, eyes wide. "Oh, sorry." I was close enough to count every freckle on his skin. I clear my throat, side step and hurry to the studio. I don't even wait for an answer as I have to force myself to not sprint at full speed away from this situation.

I throw the door open and step into the massive warehouse looking setup. Lowick's the first person I see, I walk towards him my face still warm. "'Sup Stupid." He holds out his hand and daps me up.

"Lowick." Is all I say as I unclip my bag and toss it in the corner with all the other's stuff. Lowick side eyes me as I place my helmet down next to his. His is covered in stickers. Mine is plain black, I haven't found how I want to customize it quite yet.

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