Twenty Second

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  I kneel in front of Lyric, fixing the strap of her overalls. I smile at her, "hey, LeeLee, Aida is working tonight so we can't go in her room? We have to be quiet okay?"

"Okie-dokie," she spins her rainbow loom bracelet around her wrist.

I kiss her forehead and smile, "you can watch a show once Alex comes over, but you gotta stay in my room." I instruct and she nods.

"Is he your boyfriend?"

I give her a wide stare, "what, Lee, no babes."

"You called him that," she presses her little fingers to my face. "Just no 's'," she pronounces her 's' like 'eth' and it makes me smile.

And then it falters, "no honey, I didn't."

"Yeah you did," she nods, "is he your boyfriend?"

"No love, he's not." I chuckle and shake my head.

She shrugs, her attention thrown to something else. She scurries away and I stand up just as the buzzer goes off. I walk over and buzz them up, as soon as the knock goes I pull open the door and come face to face with,

"Lowick?" I blink at the blond.

He chews his lower lip, "y/n, hi." Neither of you say anything so he clears his throat, "can I, uh, can I come in?"

I shrug, "okay."

Lowick steps in and runs a hand over his hair, he sighs. "I'm so sorry for being a massive dick, y/n, I don't care if you go out with Alex, or anyone. I think it was just...I love you so much, and not...not like that. I've just been with you since I was little, you were my first friend since I moved. I think I wasn't ready to...Share. The first thought was for it to be a crush, but I know now you're my little sister and I wasn't ready to let you go." He rambles out his confession. "Can we be cool again? I'm sorry for just arriving and- oh my god is that Lyric?"

The little girl is standing in the middle of the kitchen, staring at us. "Low-Low." She waves her itty bitty hand.

Lowick gives a big smile to her, he crouches down and opens his arms wide, Lyric waddles over and hugs him. Lowick stands up and swings her up onto his hip, "y/n, I'm sorry. Really, saying you were leading me on was...A defence mechanism. I was being selfish, and I wasn't ready to let you go."

I chew my lower lip, "Lowick-"

"And I promise this isn't just so I can pull up to the Tag-Along."

I pause. Oh shit, I forgot about the Tag-Along. I give a smile, "yeah, yeah, I know."

"Would you forgive me?" He asks.

I chuckle, "of course, Low."

He smiles and I smile back, "okay, well, I have to go. Thank you, really."

I take Lyric from him and pop open the door, "it's nothing, get outta here." I half smile and wave to him.

I shut the door and sigh. Not because of Lowick, but because of the Tag-Along that had completely slipped my mind.

The Tag-Along was a yearly thing that we did for my birthday. All my biker friends and I would take a long weekend off a few days before my birthday and we'd basically just go biking. We stay in a hotel, wake up early, come home late. We party, and drink and smoke, we only stop for gas and food and to come back to the hotel. Otherwise we're on our motorcycles, and I love it. Unfortunately, I've forgot and now I need to send out the plan to the group before Friday. It's currently Tuesday. Whatever, I wasn't bailing on the Tag-Along, not in a million years.

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