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  Aida holds my waist as I navigate us through traffic. I've got to get her ass to the hospital as quick as possible and her slow ass car in this traffic isn't doing it so we took the bike. She's mostly fine, just sliced the palm of her hand open cutting off packaging towards herself like an idiot. We've bandaged it up mostly, it's just I feel like it's too deep to just leave it alone.

Aida walks briskly with me into Emerge, clutching the soaking bandage that covers her hand. She's not even fazed at this point, I think she's more just annoyed because she was meant to stream tonight and now we're walking through the hospital in our pyjamas. If they put stitches in her hand she might have to switch up her timing.

Honestly though, I don't mind. I'm just happy knowing she's going to be alright which is honestly a lot better than how I woke up, which was to her screaming. A nice old two hours of sleep made better with waking up to the shouting of your roommate. Aida said I looked like I rose from the dead, which was very sweet of her.

Aida hands me her phone when she's been called into the emergency room, "take this, stay here, I'll be right back." She points at me with her keys in her good hand, talking to me like I'm a kid. She leaves down the hall looking annoyed as fuck. I get it, honestly. It's seven thirty and we're in a hospital.

I scroll through my phone in the waiting room, well...waiting. Aida's phone rings, a goofy ass contact name popping up. Pookey/j . I answer and press the phone to my ear. "Aida's phone, y/n speaking." I say.

"It's me roachey." Alex says, "where Aida at?"

"Hospital." I say simply.

"DAYUM. What her dumbass do this time?" He says, clicking around in the background.

I sigh, "cut her hand open." He nods, clicking again and again. "Are you live?" I ask him.

"Nope, gonna be soon though." He clears his throat. "Yo, you doing anything tomorrow?" He asks.

I raise my eyebrows, "uh no, don't think so." I twist a piece of hair around my finger.

"Do you wanna go out for coffee or something?" He says in a low voice that makes my fingertips tingle.

I pause, was this for real? Part of me wants to shoot it down after Jace, but honestly fuck him. We're not staying hung up on old news anymore. "I'll send you my number, text me where you wanna go." I say like it's obvious. Being bold was easy over the phone, there was no one there to see your burning cheeks and feel your swirly butterflies.

Alex is quiet for a moment, "yes ma'am." He says with a tone of impressiveness and my stomach swirls.

"Can't wait." I say as I text out my phone number and send it to Alex. I yawn, "so why you up?" It was early, too early for me.

He huffs, "dunno, pro'lly gonna nap later."

"Fair enough." I say. We chat on and on until out marches Aida with a bandaged up hand. "Aida's back, I've gotta go. Text me, yeah?"

"See ya y/n." He says and the call ends.

I look up at Aida, "hey, how'd it go."

"Fucking stitches. Kill. Me." Aida groans. I laugh and we go through the final things to get out of this hospital. She grumbles about the dumb knife and dumb package the whole walk out to the bike. I have to help Aida with her helmet before she climbs on. She holds on tighter with one hand than the other. When we get home Aida kicks off her shoes and stomps into the room and slams her door.

I sit out on the couch, scrolling through social media. About thirty minutes goes by before Aida throws open her door. "Y/n!" Aida roars. I jump and turn towards her, my shoulders up to my ears. "What the fuck is this?" She shoves her phone screen in my face. I stare at the blue bubble with my number in it.

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