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  Aida's got her feet in Rudy's lap as she scrolls through her phone, Rudy's reading yet another romance novel. I hop up on one of the arm chairs in Aida's sweatsuit; the black one. Aida glances up at me, "we're going out tonight. You've got the apartment to yourself." She says.

"Home alone?" I ask.

"All night." She confirms.

I yawn, "well, have fun." I smile tiredly.

"How much sleep you get?"

"Two hours," I sigh. I grind the heel of my hand into my eyes and yawn again.

Rudy pouts her bottom lip, "sorry babes, that sucks."

"Yeah," Aida nods. "My girl can't catch a break, huh?"

I shrug, "whatever," I sigh. I stretch my arms over my head and smile at them, they return sad smiles. The buzzer goes and the three of us raise our eyebrows at each other. "Did you invite people over?"

"Hell no." Aida snaps.

I hop up out of my seat and waltz over to the little intercom thingy. I press the one button that lets me talk to the stranger in the lobby, "who goes there?" I call.

"Oh! It's Jace. I need to talk to you." He says.

I raise an eyebrow, "uh, yeah okay. I'll buzz you up, I guess." I click the button so he can come up. Aida peers at me from over the back of the couch. "It's Jace." I say simply and she makes a face. There's a knock on the door and I pull it open, "hey." I press my lips into a thin line. "Uh, come in?"

He nods at me and steps in, "sorry to just show up." He apologizes.

I shrug before glancing at the couple on the couch. I clear my throat, "um, just, here come with me." He follows me into my bedroom. I stand in the centre of the room and stare at Jace with folded arms. "Why're you here, Jace?"

He chews his lower lip, "okay, I uh, how do I..." he sighs and grits his teeth. "Okay, um, how do you deal with a crazy ex?" He asks and my jaw drops open, "sorry, okay, thought you'd just have the most experience since your taste in men is kind of bad."

My mouth falls open. "Dude I literally dated you," I say. He opens his hands palms up raises his eyebrows at me, "okay, well you weren't a crazy ex, so..."

"No, but your high school boyfriend was." He says matter of factly.

"How the shit do you even remember that?" I rub my temples.

"Magic memory. Anyways, what the fuck am I supposed to do? She shows up to my house, she calls my landline, I block her on everything and this PSYCHOPATH stalks my ROBLOX ACCOUNT." Jace sighs, "I need your help."

I burst out laughing, "your Roblox!?" I cry, "oh fuck she is crazy." I shake my head. "Okay, set up some cameras, get rid of your fucking landline this isn't the two thousands, and block her on Roblox dude. Call the police when she shows up, if she's psycho enough times I'm sure you can get a restraining order."

"Did you get a restraining order?" He asks.

"What? No, I royally embarrassed him in front of our school. Ask Lowick, it was awesome." I sigh, "she really doesn't think she said anything wrong, huh?"

"Nope." Jace frowns, "about wrong doing-"

"If you bring up cheating on me I'm going to punch your teeth in. Jace I don't care, clearly you're not a dick anymore. We're friends again, just take the win."

Jace smiles at me, "thanks. Hey, can I ask you one more question?" He asks.

I shrug, "go for it."

"What's with you and Alex?"

I choke on air, "what-" I cough out.

"Nothings there? Shit, my bad. Hunch has been straightened, nothing going on, got it."

"Are you having a stroke?" I stare at him.

Jace sighs, "no, lol."

"Don't say 'lol'."


I sit upside down on the arm chair, hair grazing the floor and my feet in the air. It's been thirty minutes since Aida and Rudy went out and I'm already bored. I want to invite someone over, but I'm not sure who. I'm currently waiting for a sign.

My phone buzzes next to me and I pull myself up. I stare at the notification, quackity added to their story. Well if that wasn't enough of a sign. The story was just of the side of his face with a text on the side. Nothing to signify he's doing anything other than just posting. I call Alex.

"Everything okay?" He asks me as soon as he picks up.

"Are you doing anything right now?" I ask, lowering myself back upside down.

"Not really."

"Wanna do an iCarly marathon? Aida's out and I'm bored." I sigh.

"Do you even need to ask? Girl, save me a seat, I'm coming over." He says in a sassy tone that makes me laugh.

"I'll be waiting." I smile. Alex shows up twenty minutes later with a plastic bag full of snacks. I blink at the iCarly t-shirt he wears over his chest. "What the fuck are you wearing." I say.

"Fashion." He answers simply before waltzing into the apartment.

We sit on the couch next to each other and spread out all of our food on the coffee table, I've ordered pizza and I have massive cans of coke along with popcorn and chips whereas Alex has literally every candy and chocolate I've heard him mention. We grin at each other and start the tv show.

In no time we've wolfed down an entire pizza and two bags of chips. We're two seasons in already. I snap a picture of the tv and our snacks and I post it to my story before glancing at Alex. He's looking at me funny. "What's wrong?" I ask.

"May I?" He reaches his hand out and I shrug. Alex leans forwards and brushes his thumb over my top lip before pulling his hand away. "Chocolate," he smiles. "Sorry, it was a bit distracting."

My breath catches in my throat; he is very close to me. "Thank you." I mumble. We stare at each other for a little while, he's so close I can see all the little beauty marks I mistook as freckles when we first met. My heart thumps in my chest, the eye contact is killing me. My phone rings, causing us to both flinch. I swipe it up and answer the phone, "hello?"

"D'you wanna buzz me up?" Lowick asks and I freeze.

I glance at Alex before putting the call on speaker, "I can't." I lie.

"What, why?"

"I'm busy, like really busy." I say, my voice sounding off.

"You're watching iCarly." Lowick reminds me.

"Lowick, I kinda wanna be on my own right now. Im having a moment of alone time." I sigh.

Lowick clicks his tongue, "are you on your period or something?"

"Okay, I'm done with this conversation. Go home I'm not buzzing you up." I hang up on him before he can get anything else out of his mouth. I turn off my phone before looking at Alex. "Sorry," I mutter.

Alex shrugs, "he's a jackass."

I press my lips into a thin line, "well, jackass might be a stretch."

Alex unpauses the show, "you know him better than me."

I groan and Alex laughs.






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