Thirty Fourth

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  I stand between Alex's legs, one hand on his thigh to stable myself as I stand on my toes, and the other clutching a tube of blue lipstick. He sits up on our bathroom counter, dressed up. He's got on blue jeans and a white tank top, he wears a Jays cap, and my Kirk jersey. His sneakers are blue, and I paint blue lines on his cheeks. He watches me work, I lift my hand from his leg and grasp his chin.

"Stop moving," I say, concentrating. He pauses, letting me finish swiping the lipstick across his cheek. I step back, admiring my work. I grin, "perfect." I sidestep to look at myself in the mirror. I've got my pyjama pants with their mascot's face on it, a black tank top and my Springer jersey on. A Blue Jays bucket hat atop my head, and clean blue sneakers. I turn to him, and he observes. I tilt my head, "hm?"

He clears his throat, "Aida," he points out into the hallway. Aida's got her hands on her hips, tapping her foot. She scowls, "time to go?"

"Don't talk to me, scum." She snaps, eyeing our outfits. "But yes, it is."

Rudy peaks behind her girlfriend, frowning, "Lowick is driving me crazy, we must go."

Alex hops down and smiles, "okay."

Lowick is...well, decked out feels like a drastic understatement. His blonde hair is slicked way back, a Jays print suit on. He looks like a fucking idiot. "Like what you see?" He winks and I make a face.

"Good god, no." I laugh. "You look psychotic."

Alex snorts, "I personally love it."

"I personally love you," Lowick replies.

"I would personally love it if we would get the fuck out of here and get to the fucking stadium." Aida snaps. And with that we make our way to the car.


I sit in between Aida and Alex, mucking up a hotdog as I watch the game intensely. There's the crack of the baseball hitting the bat and I gasp, grabbing Alex's arm, "go ball," I call as Bo Bichette's ball soars. Lowick's on the edge of his seat, the ball hits the grass in the outfield and Lowick and I cheer, up on our feet. "Go Bo, go!"

"Run bitch!" Lowick shouts.

He slides into third and we scream, over Alex's head. We chat excitedly, annoyed when the next three batters strike out, leaving Bo on base. "Fuck off," I grumble.

"You guys are like, really into this." Alex snorts, shaking his head. I press my lips into a line and shrug, nodding.

We watch the bottom of the inning, nothing too interesting goes on. I turn to Aida as the Jays jog in from the field. She's watching the jumbotron intensely, I follow her eyes to where the pink hearts of the KissCam jump about. The first couple that's trapped in the heart frame makes my heart hurt, for it's the cutest goddamn old couple I've ever seen. They're kiss is the most delicately adorable thing. The stadium coos and the camera switches to a younger couple. The pair share a quick kiss, and the camera turns, switching to another duo, the girl sinks down in her seat and a second dude reaches over her, giving the man a smooch. The stadium explodes, laughing and screaming. The camera fixates on two teens who go red in the face, they give a quick kiss, the boy looks away laughing, the girl covers her face with her hands. The camera flicks to a new pair, they're shockingly Jays fans. I tilt my head, smiling widely and the girl mirrors my actions. My eyes widen slightly, and I swallow hard, Aida nudges me and I look to Alex, he hasn't noticed, chatting with Lowick. I sigh, I'm not going to be a loser and wave the camera away.

I plant my hands on either side of his face and pull him to face me, "KissCam," I breath. I pull his face to mine and dramatically kiss him. I lean into him, making a show out of it. I pull away and burst out laughing as the camera pans away. "Sorry," I snicker, my face burning hot.

He stares at me, his Adams apple bobs, and he nods, clearing his throat. His face is flushed, and his hair is sticking up from where I held his face. I turn to Aida, who's got her phone out and her jaw on the floor. She holds out her hand, palm up and wiggles her fingers. I place my hand over hers and our fingers wiggle together.

She snickers, shaking her head, "thank Christ for the KissCam."






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