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  I stare at the wall. I've been in the same clothes for three days now, I haven't caught a wink off sleep and I've cried myself dry. I've been wrapped up in my duvet, it completely covering me up except for my face. I've got mascara staining my cheeks, but at least it covers my awful eye bags.

I feel terrible, I can't go home because of my dumb job. My dad is sick again and I'm sitting at home. I've stayed in my room, I haven't eaten anything, I haven't slept, I've just been here. I've binged shows, clicking to find the next episode is the most movement I've done. Aida has tried to convince me to eat something every time she comes to check on me but I just turn my head away from her each time.

They've started treating me like I'm the sick one. They come in one at a time, check on me and then leave. I've had Lowick visit, Rudy visit and Aida visit. They each tell me it'll be okay, chat me up a little and then leave. I don't think I've spoken more than fifteen words in the past three days. Things are not good.

Aida knocks on my door before poking her head into my room. "Someone's here to see you." She says like I'm an ill patient.

In walks Jace and I straighten. "Hey, y/n." He gives a thin lipped smile. He sits on the corner of the bed as Aida shuts the door. "I broke up with Gretchen, I thought you'd wanna know." He clears his throat. "Hey, I'm really sorry about your dad. I know how things were for you last time, just, don't beat yourself up over not being able to go home. Please." He sighs and plants his hand on my knee. "Feel better." He gets up and leaves. I close my eyes and sigh, I was not sick. I did not need to get better, I needed to get back to Quebec. I stare at my hands and frown, I feel dirty but I don't have the motivation to move. I would cry but I'm so dehydrated and all cried out that not a single tear could be shed in this moment.

It was so embarrassing, the second I heard the news I fully dropped my phone and helmet. I kind of just walked mindlessly into the apartment, re-dropped my shit in the hall, gave a numb goodbye to Alex and then had a breakdown in the shower. I'm shocked I actually stayed together for so long, but you know, Aida said Alex heard my adorable ugly crying and then he was shooed out by Aida. Hella embarrassing, I know.

My door pops open and in walks Alex, I open my mouth but no words come out. I must look rough, I mean I do have mascara stains running down my face, but he winces. I stare at him blankly and he sighs. He shuts the door behind himself and stands at the edge of my bed, in front of me. I lean forwards and rest my forehead on his stomach, Alex pats the back of my head before holding my head in his hands and squishing my cheeks together. He presses his lips into a thin line before sticking out his tongue at me. Despite my lips being in a pucker he gets a weak smile out of me.

I hold his wrists and pull him onto my bed next to me, Alex holds the pieces of blanket away from my face. He gives me a cheesy smile, he is doing a very good at distracting me from the drowning state I'm in. "Let me in there." He pulls the covers open and squeezes in next to me under the safety of my blanket. Alex pulls my laptop towards him, "you got Roblox on this shit?" He asks and I smile.


I rub my eyes as I open them, I lay alone in my bed. Had I for real fallen asleep? I grind my knuckles into my eyes before blinking a few times. Literally two seconds ago I was sitting here, Alex's side pressed to mine as we sat together under my blanket tent, un-ironically playing Roblox together. Alex made a new account on my laptop for himself after using his card to buy me pity Robux. I'm cold without Alex now. I check my Apple Watch and my jaw drops open, I've been asleep for thirty hours!? My bitch ass went into hibernation. Completely nightmare-less sleep though, huh? That was a first. I open my phone, sure enough there's the timed out Roblox lobby. I glance at my laptop and draw my eyebrows together, it's dark, but surely there was something on it. I run my fingers over the cover and my hand catches on a slip of paper. I peel the sticky note off and examine it in my hands. My eyes strain in the dark and I turn on my flashlight to read the hand writing. Butterflies sprout in my stomach then and there.

You suck at Roblox games, sleep well tho hermosa

-Alex the hottie

I smile before rubbing my eyes again. I swing my feet off the bed and let my toes brush the cold floor. It's like three in the afternoon and I'm starving, Aida and her early bird ass has probably been up for hours and will make me food. I'm still devastated sure, but my motivation to continue on with normal life events is back. I catch my reflection in my mirror, I press my finger to my cheek bones. My face is clear, and my makeup that once stained my face is gone. I side eye my garbage can, makeup wipes with my old mascara left on them lay in my trash. My heart squeezes and I sigh, had Alex fixed me up once I fell asleep?

I waltz out into the kitchen and I press my fingertips to my lips, I stand in front of new yellow sunflowers. The pretty things have replaced to old dying ones that once sat here. I stare at my phone, a notification from hours ago sits on my Home Screen. I do as the message says and I call Alex.

He picks up first ring, "hey." He croaks, sleep laced through his voice.

"Hi." I walk to the fridge where a new note lays. I'm at Rudy's, hope you got a good sleep mamas. "I like the flowers, thanks for these." I hum.

"Of course, I thought they'd make you happy." He rasps, "is there anything I can do for you?"

I tap my lower lip, come to think of it there was something he could do for me, but I would not ask. "Not really, thank you though." I say.

"Okay, I'm here if you need me." He yawns, "except for right now, because I'm going back to bed."

"Wow thanks," I chuckle. "Sleep well, dream of me." I tease with a quiet voice and hang up on him.


I sit cross legged on the couch, phone in my hand. It's on speaker phone and I listen to Lyric yammer on. She's talking about the blue popsicle the nurse gave her at the hospital. She's talking about it dripping on the new dress our mom got her but it was okay because it tasted really yummy. It would appear that Dad was getting better, but he was still ill, which really sucked.

"Mommy says that once Daddy feels better we can come and watch one of your fashion shows." Lyric says happily, "I wanna wear pretty dresses like you do when I'm older."

I smile, "you can still wear pretty dresses now Lee." I really don't want her to have to go through the toxicity of the modelling world.

She huffs, "I guess." Her mood flips like a light switch, "do you have a boyfriend yet? Will we meet him at your fashion show?" She gasps.

I laugh, "no I don't have a boyfriend."

"Oh, well I have three." Lyric says simply.

I raise my eyebrows, "three?" I laugh, "Lyric that's bad."

"No, they know and are okay with it actually." She says matter of factly.

I snicker, "okay then. Is Mom there Lee?"

I can Lyrics shoes on the ground as she walks, "mommy, y/n wants you." She says to my mom. "Bye y/n!" She calls as she hands off the phone.

"Bye Lee."

"Hey baby," Mom says.

"Hey Ma, how's Pops?" I ask.

Mom sighs, "better, he's still pretty weak but he's better." She says like she's trying to convince herself. "I'd hand you to him but it would be best if I don't wake him up."

"I get it, tell him I said hi." I smile.

"I will, is there anything else you need?" She asks.

"Nope, just wanted to check in. Keep me updated." I balance my phone on my knee and crack my knuckles.

"Will do, have a good one baby, and good luck at your next show." I can hear the smile in her voice.

"Love you Ma."

"Love you too, baby, bye bye now." Mom says.

"Bye." I hit the red button and tilt my head back. I let out a loud sigh and click off my phone.






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