Thirty Fifth

346 15 1

  My head is pounding, and I'm mentally cursing myself for not closing my blinds. I sit up and an arc of pain cuts through my scull. So maybe I go a little drunk last night, but to be fair everyone did. After the KissCam incident in between the fourth and fifth inning, the Jays turned things around and drinks were ordered, Lowick, Alex and I celebrated, Rudy and Aida sulked.

A shiver runs up my spine, holy fuck my room was cold. Granted I was in my underwear and a big t-shirt, but my room was never the cold. I sit up and open my eyes to root around for my duvet, coming up short. This wasn't my room. I had pink sheets, not white sheets. I chew on my lip, swallowing hard. I shift, finding my waist trapped. I flick my eyes down, Aida's got her arms around my middle, Lowick is on the floor, Rudy's nowhere to be seen and Alex has got his leg hooked over my hips. He lays stomach down on the mattress, arms cradling his head, his face pointed away from me. This was weird. Really weird.

I nudge Aida, I push her and she sits up, her braids covering half her face. "What?" She rasps.

"What the fuck happened last night?" I ask.

She rubs her eyes, "I dunno. We came here after the game and got drunker. I'm sure I have videos on my snap memories. Where's my phone?" She climbs out of bed, trips over Lowick's limp body and eats absolute shit.

"Fuck off me," he swats at the air half asleep. I snort, and he trails after Aida, swinging at her and missing horribly.

Alex stirs next to me and sits up, rubbing his eyes. He leans his forehead on my shoulder and groans. "Hungover?" I ask.

"Why did I let you raid my drinks cabinet?" He says, his voice raspy with sleep.

I snicker, placing a hand on the back of his neck. "Because you like me."


I laugh and it makes my head throb. "You know what you need?"

"An Advil?" He asks, planting his hands on either side of my thighs. He brings his head from my shoulder and looks at me.

"Blinds. It's bright as fuck in here." I tell him.

"Maybe you should buy them for me." He says.

"Maybe," I look at his tired eyes.

He tilts his head at me, letting out a soft, "hmm."

The door pops open and Aida pokes her head, "oh- am I interrupting something?"

"No," we say at the same time, and yet Alex doesn't move. Our faces stay inches apart.

She raises a brow, "mkay, well I found the videos from last night. There are a lot."

Alex shifts so we're sitting next to each other. She hands her phone over and I scroll through the videos, Alex watching over my shoulder. They mostly consist of us on the ground, crying laughing. There's a video of Aida whipping a Wii remote out of Alex's window after swinging to hard playing Wii tennis. There a video of Rudy sitting atop his fridge, refusing to climb down. Lowick filled her camera roll with 0.5's of his face. There's a video of Alex and I on the jumbotron, and then another of us on his kitchen counter slow dancing to WAP by Cardi B. There's clip after clip of Lowick tossing me over his shoulder and spinning me around until I can't walk straight. There's videos of Rudy screaming 'sober up' to Alex, and him attempting to act sober. There are so many blurry photos of us shotgunning and taking shots.

But there's one video that have my face hot. There's one of Alex and I, I've got the base of a shot glass in my mouth, Aida pours vodka into it and I stay leaned back. Alex holds my rib cage with one hand, and my jaw with the other. He places his lips over the mouth of the shot glass, our lips inches apart. We spin, the liquid tipping into Alex's mouth. We end with him leaning back, and me leaning over him. I pull back and pluck the the shot glass from his mouth. The video ends and I stare at her phone.

I look to Aida who's got a fat grin on her face. "Doesn't that look like fun."


Lowick and I sit in the paint shop. We both stay silent scrolling through our phones, bored. There's a ding and I look up; the painter holds out a box and I smile at him. "Thank you," I stride forwards and take the box in my hand.

Lowick stands and crosses his arms, "finally decided on a design, huh?"

"Yeah," I pop the box open, revealing my motorcycling helmet. There's a big sunflower painted on, smaller sunflowers and vines spreading across. "Felt right."

"You've gotta crush is what it is." He says as we leave.

I gasp, "shut up!"

"Awe, did I hit a nerve?" He teases.

"I actually hate you so much." I scowl.

He laughs, bullying me the entire way home. We're up the stairs to the apartment where Aida and Alex scream at each other in our living room, the pair playing Mario Party. They've got a camera up, and so Lowick and I stay silent.






Sunflowers (Quackity x Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن