Twenty Ninth

363 15 1

  I pop the box open, squealing at my gorgeous new shoes. "Look Alex!" I hold them in his face. He glances at them and then looks back at his phone, "Alex!"

"Wow," he says in a monotone voice, not looking back from his phone.

I smack his arm, "Alex, come on, this is important to me."

He sighs and puts down his phone, "what do you want me to say?" He looks at me and then the shoe box . "Yo dawg, those are some killer rocking kicks, how much dolla bills did ya spend on them?" He says, in an extremely exaggerated dude-bro voice. I roll my eyes and snap the box shut, "what, too much?"

"Too much," I confirm, and I set the shoe box down. "Caddy wants to meet up for dinner again." I say, pulling out the sweater I stole from Alex, I pull it over my head and smile to myself. "I think she wanted to go get pizza or something in an hour, I dunno, she'll probably stop by soon and-"

"Is that mine?" He stares at me.

"Huh? Oh, yeah. I bled through my other one, so you know. Why? Was it expensive? You can have it back if you want," I tug at the hem.

He holds up a hand, "no, it's fine, you can wear it."

"But Alex, if it was expensive-"

"It was."

"Well then I can't-"

"I want you to." He turns back to his phone, "besides, you look good."

I blush and nod, "okay," I mumble. I want to say something, thank him further, but there's banging at the door and my train of thought crashes.

Alex pops the door open, Caddy standing in the doorway. She waltzes in and pulls up my hoodie, she inspects my bandages before turning to Alex. "We're going to get pizza now."

"Now? Isn't it kind of early?" Alex asks.

Caddy lets my hoodie fall, "people want to drink, so I'm getting food into people's systems before hand."

"People bring a ton of alcohol, we drink on the last night here." I explain further.

"Get ready, we're leaving in ten." Caddy says as she walks back through the door frame and out into the hall.


I sit on the curb, in between Lowick and TJ, a blunt burning in between my fingers. I don't know where Alex is, he left with Serina a while ago. I didn't plan on doing anything tonight, but jealousy is stronger than my will to be sober tonight. I've got TJ's massive bomber jacket over my shoulders, covering up most of Alex's sweater. I pass the blunt away, taking a swig of the bottle in my hand. Caddy's blasting The Neighbourhood from the speakers of her car, she claims it's her go to 'Trip-Track', the band she plays when she's intoxicated. I'm sure we've all got someone, mine you might ask, miss Billie Eilish, those lyrics hit different during nights like tonight. Don't even get me started on Billie Bossa Nova. But on this one occasion when the music that would usually help the experience, it only makes it worse. I scowl as I exhale smoke through my nose, TJ and Lowick battle on who has the better O's, which isn't helping either (it's TJ). I want to jump up and go find Alex, but I think if I do, I'll vomit.

"Here," TJ hands me a flask and I hold it under my nose. My face contorts and I hold it away from my face, it smells strong. I touch the mouth of the flask to my lips and tip it back. It hits almost immediately. I hold my hand to my chest and hiccup, my vision blurs for a moment before I hit the side of my head with my palm and it goes back to normal. The concoction is disgusting.

I have seven more gulps of the putrid liquid.

"Christ y/n." Lowick laughs when I'm swaying on my feet in front of him a half our later, determined to do a handstand.

"I can do it," I slur, holding my hands over my head. I'm blinded by the flash of TJ's phone as I lean forwards. I shockingly hold myself up, I even walk forwards a bit. Fun fact, I cannot do a walk on my hands sober. I straighten and do a bow, Lowick and TJ are both laughing, and for the first time tonight I forget about Alex. I spin around, and the three of us dance poorly to Pursuit of Happiness, a song that tickles my brain when I'm high. I hang off of TJ, finding comfort in his arm being around me. He sways with me, singing along, pausing every few moments to gulp down a swig of alcohol or take a hit of someone's pen. My eyes droop and I turn to Lowick who's grinning at the me. "What?" I grumble, but I'm smiling too.

"Your eyes," he sounds absolutely flabbergasted as he pulls out his phone. I stare into the flash as he snaps a pic, he turns his phone around and I stare at my eyes. They're almost completely closed and beat red where it should be white. "Oh my god, they're so bad." He laughs.

I punch him in the arm and laugh when he toppled over. I move to help him up, trip over his ankle, and put my hands out to brace my fall, except, I never do hit the pavement. I straighten up and look up to see Alex, my fuzzy smile drops into a scowl, "are you okay?" He asks. I shrug him off and turn away, pulling Lowick up. "Y/n-"

"I'm fine." I slur, tightening TJ's jacket around my shoulders. I turn and walk away, jealousy creeping into my throat, threatening to suffocate me.


She's sitting atop the hood of Caddy's car, someone's jacket around her. She looks gone, eyes nearly sealed shut, swaying even as she sits. I'm not sure what happened really, she told me she wouldn't be doing much tonight if anything, and now...Had I done something?

Lowick leans against the passenger window and a conversation starts, she laughs at something he says and I frown. What could be so funny? I want to walk over, ask her what's wrong, but Serina slides into my path. "Hey," she says, handing me a cup with clear liquid. "So, I think I figured out the solution to your problem."

I rip my eyes away from the scene atop the car and look at Serina, "yeah?" I say, gulping down the vodka. I make a face and Serina laughs at me, handing me a cooler in place as a chaser.

"Here it is, and here me out. You just do it?" She offers.

I crack the can open and scowl at her, "gee thanks."

"I'm serious Alex! I know what I'm talking about. I'm a master when it comes to romance." She tilts her nose into the air.

"I think all those romance books are frying your brain," I tell her. She shoves me and I laugh, "but whatever, I'll figure it out."

"You have to do it before the Tag-Along, her schedule gets crazy afterwards." She tells me.

I nod, "I know."

She pats my shoulder, "good luck soldier," I smile at Serina's back as she walks away before turning back to the car where a pair of angry eyes bore into my skull. 






Sunflowers (Quackity x Reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ