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  Ah life of living with a streamer. It's midnight and Aida's screaming thanks to the horror game in my oculus. I mean, I'm not sleeping but still. I'm still going to be up for a few more hours watching rom-coms I've seen a million times before and checking in on Aida and her inability to play the FNAF Help Wanted game.

It sucks that I can't just fall asleep. From a young age I was cursed with awful nightmares. My sleeping mind thinking up things a five year old should not have the capability to dream up. A dream is a wish your heart makes my ass. Long story short I've struggled with getting a good sleep for a while. Eighth grade I picked up insomnia, my Momma bought me some heavy duty melatonin which introduced night terrors into my life. I immediately dropped the drugs, insomnia let herself back in and night terrors refused to leave. Junior year sleep paralysis became a common thing for me. Now I'm twenty one and I live with all four. I either can't fall asleep and I'm exhausted or I sleep and dream terrible things or freeze up and see terrible things and wake up, you guessed it, exhausted.

When Aida woke up in the middle of the night to pee and saw my lamp on she'd stay up and watch my movies with me until she fell asleep. I watched the women in the movies sleep with envy, they'd wake up from their nightmares and there would be a guy to hold them and they'd peacefully sleep. Maybe that was the trick, maybe he gave off this sort of safety that allowed her to sleep with no problem.

What I would give for a solid nightmare-less sleep. But alas, no luck. It didn't really bother me, with some concealer under the eyes and some coffee I was good as new. I got four hours of sleep on a good day.

Aida let's out a screech and I bang the wall I'm leaning on. Her loud ass is interrupting Ashton Kutcher and Reese Witherspoon. I sigh and pause my movie. I move my laptop aside and stand, I stretch and lumber out into the kitchen. I scratch my stomach as I pull the freezer open, my eyes feel heavy and I rub the exhaustion away.

I pull a box from the freezer and pull out a fudgesicle, I toss the box back in the freezer and slam the door, I tear off the rapper and toss it. I jam the fudgesicle in my mouth and waltz over to Aida's room. I knock on Aida's door with one of my knuckles. She screams and I pop the door open. She looks around with the headset on frantically, I pull the popsicle from my mouth, pull on the hood on her hoodie and she whips around. "Y/n?" She whispers, her shoulders up to her ears. "Is that you?"

"Yes, simmer down, Soupy." I sit over on her gaming chair, crossing my legs. I'm juuuuuust in frame.

Aida crosses her arms, "Soupy." She scoffs. "You're exposing me to my chat."

"Pretend I'm not even here." I say and bite off a bit of fudgesicle.

Aida humphs, "Soupy." She mutters.

I smile, Soupy was an old nickname from like, a year ago. When Aida got her wisdom teeth removed, she was a mess. She demanded I be in the room when she got it done so, uh yeah I was in the hospital room. It was...Hectic. She told Rudy—her girlfriend—that despite the fact that she was pretty, they couldn't kiss because she had a girlfriend. At least we know Aida is a good person. She came out to me and her mother like, five times. She was spewing nonsense. But honestly, that wasn't the 'bad part' of her dental experience.

Aida had to eat soft foods for about a week after she was discharged. I told her mom I'd totally be find with taking care of her, and everything would be great...Or so I thought. Aida is a fiend for smoothies, but since they were cold, they hurt her teeth so those were a no go. She hated bananas (still does), disliked a few other soft foods, so she ate soups. So many soups, but mostly tomato soup. And the worst part was that it was lukewarm because if it was too hot it hurt her mouth. Anyways, our entire fridge was filled with different soup cartons hence the name Soupy.

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