Twenty Fifth

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  There's knocking on the hotel room door, I poke my head out of the bathroom, towel tied around my chest. Alex waltzes past and opens the main door, "hey Caddy, what's up?"

"We're taking the Wagon out for dinner." Caddy informs him, and I shut my eyes. Shit. how do I keep forgetting things? First dinner of the Tag-Along was no bikes, all fourteen of us had to squeeze into the Wagon and take it to the diner down the road. "We're leaving in twenty, so just be in the lobby." Caddy says goodbye and shuts the door.

I catch Alex's eye and his face immediately flushes. "Sorry, totally forgot to mention it, we're going to that retro dinner we passed on the way here." I explain quickly. "I'll be out in a sec, then we can go downstairs."

"Sure, take your time, mi vida." He smiles.

I shut the door and drop my towel, sighing to myself, how did I forget the diner? I was very disoriented lately and it was showing. I pull on a pair of sweats and a crop, I freshen up and pull open the bathroom door. I walk into the main room just as Alex's shirt catches, showing his lean stomach. He doesn't really got abs, but his midriff is toned for sure.

I clear my throat as he pulls his shirt down, "ready to go?" He asks, smiling at me.

I nod, "yes, I love your shirt." It's got panels of Darth Vader, explaining his different emotions while his face stays the same. I touch the material and smile at him.

"Thank you, you just look...ravishing?" He says, like he couldn't quite find the word he was looking for and it was the first one he could find.

"Oh please, I'm in sweatpants." I say, despite my smile.

He raises an eyebrow, "and? You look great every day." He informs me, "even when you've got mascara running down your face."

I blush at the callback to my drained era. "Shut up," I say even though my face is warm.

Once everyone has collected in the lobby Caddy herds us out to the Wagon. It's got two seats up front, three in the middle and three in the back that pop up from the trunk. The car seats eight, and we've got fourteen, it would appear that stacking will be mandatory. TJ and Caddy claim the front, before they start coaxing people in.

"Y/n I assume you'll sit with your boy toy?" Caddy says and I flush at her words. "In you go," she says before moving onto the next pair. "Kenz, Cal, in you go. Jessie and Dani..." Caddy's words are drowned out by the feeling of Alex's fingers grazing my back as he climbs into the volts wagon.

My cheeks burn, was I actually about to sit on this guys lap? My stomach twists with insecurity, but I've got no time to dwell on that as I'm nudged forwards by Kenzie. I climb in and shut my eyes as I gingerly sit myself on his thigh, Alex doesn't seem one bit bothered.

We're all squished into Caddy's vehicle, people sitting atop each other, she looks over her shoulder, "strap in everyone. Let's break the law." The engine roars to life and Caddy reverses from her spot.

I stare at my hands, my stomach twisting. Was I too much weight? Was Alex uncomfortable? I'm sliding off his lap when Caddy hits the breaks at a red light, I don't actually notice, I only realize once I'm pulled back by Alex. I crane my neck to look at him as he chats with Cal, Alex's arms snake around my waist as he holds me close to his chest. I don't bother keeping my spine straight anymore, I lean into Alex and watch the corner of his mouth twitch as he talks the second I press into him.

Kenzie catches my eye and winks at me, 'oh my god' she mouths to me. I cock an eyebrow, 'hottie alert' and she flicks her eyes to Alex.

I flush my roll my eyes, 'right?' I feed into it.

'Lucky ass hoe' she says in a way that makes me feel pleased. I know she's not jealous of me, she was dating American dreamboat Cal Weathers, she was just appreciative of Alex's looks.

I smile at her and she grins back. I look back at Alex, hang on a minute. Did my friends think Alex and I were dating? He flicks his dark eyes down to meet mine, he smiles at me and his arms tighten around my hips.

Maybe that wasn't so awful.


I sit between Kenz and Alex at the diner, picking at the food I've already mostly devoured. Conversation is flowing, mostly about the bike trip we'll be engaging in after food. I look at Alex, a cheeky smile on my face, "you gonna come?" I ask.

He shakes his head, "no ma'am, I think I'll shower, edit, I dunno. Not die on a motorcycle though, that's a hard pass."

I smile, "but death is so fun to flirt with," I say.

"I thought you liked flirting with me best," he teases.

"You're old news," I joke.

"Ouch," he winces, but he's got a smile.

Kenz pinches my thigh and Caddy stares at us, maybe it was because of the flirting, or the fact that Alex's arm was resting on the back of my chair like boyfriends do. I smile and continue to pick at my food.


  My bike feels light without Alex, and for some reason I love it. I speed forwards, fighting to stay in front of Lowick. We don't got the Wagon to slow us down, so we rip through the quiet streets. I pop a wheelie and rev forwards, screaming out, grinning. I love this vehicle; it makes me feel real and alive.

Lowick's got a GoPro on his helmet, so I've gotta show off. Lowick comes cruising bye, standing on the place he usually sits. I burst out laughing because his dumb ass was gonna crash doing tricks like that. But sure enough, he doesn't, because we never do.

I hum, I miss the feeling of Alex's arms tight around my waist. Oh my god, I had to stop. I did not have a crush on this kid, or did I? Nope. Yes. Not true. Veeeery true. Shut the fuck up me. No, because you know I'm right. I sigh. I wonder what he's doing right now, was he editing? Reading? Showering? Who knew, I wanted to know, but it probably didn't matter. Was he wondering how I was? Probably not, but I could wish.

Lowick cruises past me and I fight to rocket past him, I whip my head towards him and although he can't see it, I stick my tongue out at him and I gasp, my fingers leave my handlebars and for a moment I'm suspended. That is until I come slamming into the ground, the ditch I've rolled into chewing up my skin.

I stay face down groaning, the pain disperses as adrenaline builds. What the fuck. What. The. Fuck. Had I just crashed? Had I just crashed my fucking motorcycle?

Someone's shaking me, I roll onto my back and stare up at Lowick. He's saying something to me, I just can't quite hear. I'm hauled up and planted on the back of Lowick's bike, someone else is driving mine I guess. This is all happening really quickly.

Lowick says something to me, not sure what, but he forces my hand onto my side. Was I bleeding? Maybe. I hold Lowick, feeling weird. My body wasn't body-ing, I may projectile vomit. Nope...We're good, bile travelling down my throat.

Oh! We're at the hotel. I'm hauled in by Lowick who keeps a hand pressed to my side. A firm hand, it makes me think I am bleeding. I pull my helmet off and hand it to someone frantic behind me, I'm pulled into an elevator where I finally take the chance to look at my side. Which is stained with crimson, my nice white sweater is crimson. Fuck! Noooo.

I'm hauled away into Caddy's room, ready to be stitched up.







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