Twenty Eighth

366 16 3

  I hold a warm coffee cup from the Starbucks in the hotel lobby, AirPods in. I sit in the back corner of the café, propping my phone up against the drink I got Alex. The man has never had a pink drink, and I figured it was time to culture him. I click on Aida's contact and let the FaceTime call run through.

Aida—or rather Lyric—picks up on the second ring. Lyric's only got half of her face visible, her hair a crazy mess, attempted to be pulled back into a ponytail. "Hey, Lee, why've you got Aida's phone?"

"Game," she says.

"What game?" I ask as Lyric stuffs a handful of goldfish into her mouth.

"The candy eating monster one," she says.

"Where you have to cut the rope, so he gets candy?"


"Are you having fun with Aida and Rudy?" I smile lightly.

Lyric nods vigorously, "yes, she gets me ever-"

"Leeward, who're you talking to?" Aida calls somewhere in the room.

"My sustenance." Lyric says and I burst out laughing.

"Babes, I think the word you're looking for is 'sister'." Aida takes the phone from Lyric.

"Sustenanceeeee," Lyric hisses from out of frame, Aida side eyes her, her top lip pulling up.

"Your sister is a freak. Anyways, how's the Tag-Along?" She says, walking away. "Leeward, go annoy Rudy."

"Okie dokie!" And she runs off.

I sigh, "well, for one, they all think we're dating."

She reals back, "you and I!?"

"What? No! Me and Alex."

"Ohhh, well duh." She laughs manically. "Look, Y/n, of course people think you're dating. Have you seen the way you idiots interact? Now, what else has happened?"

"Well, let's see..." I tap my chin so Aida can see my bandages, "oh, right. I crashed."

"What!!?" She screams so loud I wince.

"It's fine, I was the only one on the bike, and it wasn't that bad." I wave a hand. "Now, how's Lyric been?"

"She's been living like a tiny queen. Very polite, nothing to worry about." She smiles just as there's a crash in the opposite room. "Fuck, okay, I should go. Bye babes, have fun!"

"By-" she hangs up and I set my phone down. I sigh, and pocket my phone, taking my drinks in my hands. I push the door open with my back, striding towards the elevators. I hit the button with my elbow and tap the toe of my pandas on the floor as I wait. The doors glide open, and I step in. A girl with neon pink hair steps in behind me; I hadn't noticed she was behind me. She pushes her thumb into the third-floor button. She looks at my hands and then my face expectantly, "Oh, fifth floor please." I smile and she smiles back.

The doors open a moment later and the pink haired woman disappears, leaving me alone in the elevator. I sigh as the box moves upwards, shutting my eyes for just a moment. I waltz out of the elevator and down the hall to Alex and I's room. I kick the door with my foot and wait expectantly for the door to open.

Alex pops the door open and blinks at me, "wha..." He trails off.

"I got you a pink drink, since you've never had one before." I hold the cup out to him, and he takes it cautiously.

"Thank you?" He draws his eyebrows together.

I shrug and walk past him, "has Caddy come by with today's trip?" Today was day two of the Tag-Along. Meaning the activities we'd indulge in were based off votes.

"Something about a mall trip?" He shrugs and I grin. "What?"

"I love the mall," I say, and he nods, a smile breaking through his frown.


Our massive group takes up a massive part of the opening we stand in. My credit card is burning a hole in my pocket and I'm antsy to get to the shoe store, I've changed my shoes, specifically so that the clerks can tell I have good shoe game and don't think I have good shoe game because I own pandas (no hate to pandas of course). I've got on my Encore fours on, the ones Eminem collabed on, I adore them and only wear them when I'm going shoe shopping or out somewhere nice.

Caddy is trying to get everyone organized, but people have stores the want to get to and money they want to spend. Caddy wolf whistles and the shoppers near us fall just as quiet as we do. "Fuck it, meet back here in three hours, we'll go from there." She calls out and as soon as the final word is out of her mouth the group breaks up. I practically run to the escalators and take the stairs up to the second floor.

"Hey, Y/n!" Someone calls, I turn to Serina, who's pushing past people on the escalators to get to me. "I assume you're going shoe shopping?"

"How'd you know?" I joke and she smiles. Serina also has nice shoes, she got on the satin shadow ones, a pair of shoes I got two years ago with my mom.

"Luck?" She shrugs and I laugh. "Is Alex not coming with you?"

I shrug back, "not sure, I kinda ran away once Caddy finished talking."

"I mean, I saw him go off with TJ, but you know. Since you're dating, I just figured."

I shrug as we reach the top of the escalator, we walk towards the shoe store, arms linked. The second we step all the clerks' eyes go to our shoes. There are a few nods of approval, and we're left alone. I pick up a sneaker and turn it in my hand. I've always wanted university blue Jordan ones, just never really bought them.

I hold them up to Serina who inspects them, "have you seriously not bought these already?"

"It's embarrassing really, but no." I run a finger over the toe. I ask the clerk for my shoe size, and they disappear.

I place the shoe back and help Serina with her search. She taps her chin, "I kind of want the washed pink ones." She holds the Jordan up. "Can I get this in a women's six?" She calls.

Shoes are popped out of the box and onto our feet. I look at Serina, "well?"

"Oh, I'm buying these for sure." She eyes the shoes in a mirror.

We walk out, arms linked, a bag with a shoebox inside clutched in both of our hands. We walk for a little while before running into Lowick, TJ and Alex. Alex's got two bags clutched in his fists, and he eyes my box. "How much money were those?" He nods his head at my hands.

"Enough to give you an aneurism," I bite my bottom lip.

"Don't you have, you know, a million other shoes?" He inquires.

"Yes, but I don't have these shoes." I hold up the box for proof.

He nudges his hip into mine, "well, fair enough."






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