Chapter 9

31 2 0

31st July 2245

"Position 1, check in."


The voice comes over the earpiece as I lay prone.

"Position 2, check in."


I stare down the scope of Jakub's rifle, looking at the men inside the building.

"Position 3, check in."

I pull back slightly and press on my earpiece.


I say through the mic, looking at the unconscious body behind me.

My rage fueled my body entirely, making me forget the pain from yesterday.

I click a separate button on the earpiece, switching channels.

"Start the attack."

I stare deep into the scope, looking at the president. I move to the side, shooting the bodyguard beside him in the leg, blowing it off from the knee.

I quickly reload and fire it at the other positions while the president begins to run, one of his bodyguards dragging him away from the room.

After dispatching the guards I make my way down to the garage, ignoring the groans of the guards, soon finding the president and his body guard approaching their getaways.

I pull out a small device and click a button, watching as their vehicles erupts in a torrent of flames, pushing them back from the force of the explosion.

The presidents final body guard tries to shoot at me but I pull out my handgun and shoot them in the forearm, causing them to drop the gun. I finish him off with another two bullets to the legs.

The president scrambles up to try and run, only managing to get stuck at a dead end.

I approach him, my handgun at the ready and shoot a round into his stomach.

He clutched his stomach in pain and fell to the ground, leaning up against the wall in pain.

He soon fell onto the ground, sitting in his own blood. He let out a groan as he sat there.

"I only did what was right for this country." He mumbled out, speaking through his own blood. I tie a rope around his wrists, tying them together and hooking the rope over one of the beams on the roof. I yank him up so he's eye level with me, letting out another strained groan. "Why are you doing this? Revenge for your friends being killed?" I held a heavy glare in his direction.

"Revenge? No, I'm not doing this for revenge, I'm doing this for me." He let out a chuckle.

"Bullshit." He coughed up some more blood. "No one would do what you've done, if it wasn't for revenge. So tell me, why are you doing this?"

"The people of this country have started to call me by a name, one I've started to grow accustomed to, one that's made me realise why I feel a sense of purpose in chaos." I spoke up, a heavy glare adorning my face as pure rage dropped from my tongue. "To answer your question, I am making you suffer for what you've done to this country, to its people." I pull out Jakubs horn, holding it firmly in my hand.

"For I am the god of war."

"How dare y-" I cut him off, jamming the horn into his neck. I felt his blood spatter onto my body as I kept pulling it out and jamming it back in again, making sure that he wouldn't survive.

I left the horn jammed into his neck as he gurgled on his own blood.

Seeing that he was still hanging on by a thread, I pull out my blade, holding it by my side.

Some things are better left forgotten (vigilante deku) जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें