Chapter 24

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Izuku's POV

His body laid on the floor, flinching with every move he made from the pain he was in.

Another boy had entered the room, with spiky blonde hair and dark red eyes. He held a sinister smirk as he grew closer to me.

"What do you want nerd?" The younger me whimpered slightly.

"Please leave me alone Kachaan." The blonde snarled.

"I wasn't talking to you, you useless piece of shit." He arrogantly walked over to me, his hands deep in his pockets. "What a joke, thinking you could be a hero." His eyes glared at me, but for the first time in my life, I didn't flinch at them.

"Joke?" I whisper under my breath, his face contorting in confusion. "I've got a joke for you."

I know this isn't real.

But man... was it satisfying.

I reach up to him, my hands placed on his jaw and spinning his head, a clean snap ringing through the room.

His body fell to the floor, landing next to my younger self. He laid there, speechless at what I've done.

"Y-you did it. You s-saved me." He stuttered out. I look at him ridiculously.

"He's never going to die, not here, not in my mind." I get up, standing straight. "Not if I don't walk away from my memories, walk away from you, my anger, my pain. You made me realise that, by reminding me of every failure I made." He tried standing up, only managing to get to his knees.

"B-but, I'm just a kid." He panicked as he spoke.

"That's what I've been telling myself for years... but things are different now." I shook my head to myself, remembering how I would shut everyone out. "Clara, the detective... Hana. When I was your age, I rarely let anyone in, I thought I could do everything alone."

"What are you trying to say?" His eyes were wide in shock. "That this is all my fault?" I look down solemnly. The image of Bakugo starting to walk into the room again, sparks flying from his hand.

"You survived for years all on your own, and you never gave yourself a chance." I looked away as Bakugo began to get closer to my younger self, who started panicking even more. "You died like you lived. Alone." I could hear his breathing getting quicker by the second, his eyes darting between myself and Bakugo.

"You're not going to save me?" His voice rose slightly, almost shouting at me.

I shook my head.

"If I could have, god, I would have."

The last thing I heard was a loud bang as the explosion erupted from Bakugo's hands, heading straight towards my younger self, erasing him from my mind.

And for a moment, I felt at peace.

Clara's POV

23rd December 2246

I rubbed my hands together as I entered the apartment building, going up the stairs and walking all the way to the room.

I double checked before I knocked, making sure that I had the correct address.

I swiftly knock on the door, waiting with a nervous shift in my step.

I tried calming my nerves as I heard footsteps approach, using what Izuku taught me to stay calm.

"Can I help you?" I hesitated for a moment, before bringing my taser out from behind me and jamming it in his neck.

I froze as he fell to the ground, attempting to grab him as he fell, but failed horribly.

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