Chapter 8

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13th January 2259

"Wake up!" My eyes groggily opened finding Rumi an inch away from my face, still under the covers. "Tell me the rest of the story." I nod my head, giving her a light kiss and swinging my legs over the bed.

"Alright, let me get my bearings real quick and I'll continue." I Stood up, heading to the kitchen to make our drinks for the morning.

"Now, where was I?" I take a sip of my own, remembering where I was. "Right, we had gone to three villages to stock up on supplies and on the 19th we had invaded Łódź, a win by the way." I held my hand over my forehead as I stifled a yawn. "We went back to base in Warsaw the next day but on the 27th, they had attacked our base."

27th June 2245

A loud bang filled my eardrums with pain, causing me to flinch, nursing my ears slightly as I tried looking around the base. I ran to another room, gripping my handgun and shooting enemies in the limbs to distract them before knocking them out.

I ran throughout the base, helping injured soldiers and evacuating wounded.

I soon place myself in the tactics room, shooting over a map of Poland.

Bartek was beside me, shooting over the table in hopes that something landed.

But before either of us could counter and land any hits, the sound of something hitting the floor moved my attention.

"Flash bang!" Bartek's voice reached me but I didn't have enough time to turn away.

Ringing filled my ears as my vision turned blurry.

I tried focusing on my surroundings but could only hear and see fragments. I knelt on my hands and knees, trying to gain my bearings.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Bartek. I moved my attention to him.

I could see the enemy approach him, but he was as functional as I was.

I couldn't even warn him what was coming, and before I knew it, a knife had gone through his chest.

That was it.

That was enough to snap me out of my head.

I got up, charging at them.

I bring out my sword, swiftly cutting any tendons I could.

One of them tried to block my blade, but all it did was cause them to lose a couple fingers.

I finish them off, leaving them on the ground knocked out.

I reach Bartek, tears ready to leave as I sat by him.

He coughed up some blood, staining his cheeks.

"Samurai." His fragile voice spoke to me, gurgling over his blood. "You need to lead my people." He weakly placed his hand on my arm. "Please, you've got to stop this war. And I know you can lead my people to do it." I place my arm under him, making him sit up.

"Come on Bartek, don't say stuff like that." I clutch onto him, trying to apply pressure to his wound. "Please, these people need you. So survive, please." A tear strolled down my cheek as I spoke to him. He let out a grunt in pain, his face scrunching up.

"We both know I'm not making it out of this battle." His grip on my arm tightens for a moment, losing its strength instantly. "I've seen you work, I know you can lead the people to victory." He coughed his blood again, getting it on my uniform. "I know you can do it. So do it." I felt my breathing get faster as he fell limp in my arms. I place my bloodied finger on his neck, and after feeling no pulse, I slowly placed him on the floor.

Some things are better left forgotten (vigilante deku) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt