Extras - Izukus meeting with Nezu.

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18th December 2250

Izuku's POV

My knuckles knock on the door, waiting for Nezu's voice to call out from the other side.

I fumbled over the five disks in the pockets of my hero suit.

"Come in." His muffled voice sounded just as cheery as usual. When I opened the door he was stood staring at his bookshelf, a curious look adorning his face.

"I hope your not too busy?" He turned his head to me, his eyes widening in surprise to see me.

"Oh, Izuku. Of course not." He went behind his desk, taking a seat. "What can I help you with? I figured you would have left with the others by now to get set up with the raid." His voice had shifted into a more casual tone, his typical professionalism washing away at the sight of me.

"We're about to leave any minute now." I close the door and take a seat, running my fingers over the disks in my pocket. I cast my eyes down to them, wondering what I should say. Nezu catches my look and raises an eyebrow.

"Is everything alright?" I nod my head, placing each disk carefully on the desk. His eyes narrow at them, familiarity at what they were but confused as to why I had them.

"I wanted to hand these off to you in case something happened to me." His eyes widen in concern. "I have a disk for Aizawa, the teachers, my class, my friends... and Rumi." I release a sigh as I list of the names.

"You have my word that they'll be handed out." He moves the disks inside one of his draws before standing up and walking over to my chair. "I must ask, you do plan on coming back, right?" His voice sounded normal, but if it wasn't for my training, I would've missed the underlying tone of concern.

"Of course I do. It's just with everything they've planned, like the Nomu Endeavour fought, I can't help but be cautious." I recite the words I said in the message.

"Apologies if that sounded assumptious." I shake my head at his words. "In the last several years, I've found humans quite... boring. They're easy to manipulate, control, predict. I can't help but find them boring." I let out a chuckle as he spoke, understanding his view. "But you... you always seem to take me off guard. Not only that, but you beat me... on several occasions." He seemed to stumble over his words, not used to what he was feeling. "What I'm saying i-"

I cut him off, waving my hand.

"It's okay Nezu, you don't have to say." I give him a kind smile. "I enjoy being around you too." I stand up, moving my hand to his and shaking it. His eyes seem to brighten slightly before I started walking away.

"Wait!" His voice stopped me at the door. I turn back to him, wondering why he stopped me. "You don't have to leave just yet, do you?" I check the time on my phone, shaking my head. "Good." He presses a button on his desk, just next to his computer. "Can all teachers please come to the courtyard." His voice comes over the intercom.

I raise my eyebrow at him, wondering what he was doing. I tilt my head slightly as if to question what he was doing.

"Just go meet the teachers there, you'll understand when everyone's there."

"But I'm not a teacher." He stares at me ridiculously.

"From what Aizawa has told me, you've taught your class just as much as he has." I open the door and get ready to leave. "I'll see you there."

I shrug my shoulders, walking through the school and ending up in the courtyard.

Aizawa met with me, Midnight and Present Mic following in tandem.

"Why has Nezu called everyone here?" I shrug my shoulders.

"I'm not sure, I was just talking over some details with him and he told me to join you all." The slight lie made me feel a pang of guilt in my stomach but I pushed it to the side.

"Okay everyone, line up!" I turn to Nezu's voice, confused about what he was going on about. As I stare closer I could see a tripod next to him with a camera pointing at us. Aizawa had noticed it as well and we both began to move.

I let out a chuckle as me and Aizawa move to the edges, getting away from the main attention. Present Mic and Midnight followed us side by side, Midnight's hand interlocked with Aizawa's.

I stare at the camera, getting ready for the photo, only to feel a hand rest on my shoulder. I look to see Aizawa stood beside me, his hand resting on my shoulder and giving me a short squeeze.

I felt a smile incase my face as I stared up to him. I could notice his own smile as I looked at him, a smile full of pride as he held onto me.

That smile made me feel like the son I was meant to be.

A son who made his father proud.

As we stood there, Nezu took the photo after  seeing the interaction between us, setting off the flash and breaking my attention from him.

I sent a playful glare as Aizawa did... something a bit more threatening.

I could hear and see Nezu chuckle to himself.

"Okay everyone, one more!" Aizawa's hand fell off my shoulder as I stood up straight, my eyes staring deep into the camera lens.

I must do whatever I can to protect the people around me.

I can't let Shigiraki ruin what we've done.

I can't let him hurt anymore people.

I can't let him harm the people I love.

Even if it meant breaking the one promise I made to Haru.

I can't let him ruin this.

The picture made a loud click as the flash went off, my posture relaxing slightly.

I stare back to Aizawa, a happy look adorning my eyes.

Several years later, Rumi had seen the second photo sat on Nezu's desk. A reminder to him of his friends and colleagues he had made over the years.

But In Aizawa's and Nemuri's apartment, just over the living room mantle, was the first picture.

One where he got one good look at his son before going off to war.

A reminder to him of the son he made.

A reminder of the son he lost.

And while it acted like a ghost, haunting him almost every night.

It brought him comfort that one day he could find that kind of love and pride once more.

Unaware that all along the roles had reversed, and that his son was watching over him instead.

But nevertheless, it was a strong reminder.

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