Chapter 2

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That damn pig.

With each step I took, I cursed at the boar. The pain in my stomach wasn't severe, it was just annoying.

Several years of pain has caused injuries like this to feel numb, so walking was pretty easy. But that doesn't mean it was pleasant.

Thankfully, it didn't take long before I came across the shrine, collapsing to my knees at the door. I nurse my side slightly as I stay down on my knees.

Letting out a deep breath of exhaustion, I wobbly stand myself back up.

Walking inside the empty shrine was underwhelming, like the many I have explored. The offering stand was practically empty and most of the interior was overgrown with vegetation. Sending a quick prayer, I lie down on the ground, letting exhaustion take me.

That damn pig.

6th April 2245

My eyes peel open, finding myself surrounded by darkness and The only source of light from the moon. Looking down my shirt, the bruise had grown, causing me to let out a groan.

The slight reflection of something makes me sit up in confusion. As I sit up, I almost fall back down in pain. Glaring at the ground, I force myself to stand up fully, ignoring the pain from earlier.

I try focusing my eyes on the glint, but they stayed blurry. After rubbing my eyes, I try seeing what the glint was, but found nothing.

I let out a hum.

Must've been my imagination. I'm too tired.

I fall back onto the ground, using my bag as a pillow and fell back asleep.

Apparently, I need it.

9th April 2245

My sore fingers grip the edge of a rock, pulling myself up. I swing my leg over the edge and roll away, looking up to the sky. I let out several hard breaths, trying to get my heart to calm down. Getting back to my feet, I look over the horizon.

The bright blue light from the sky kept me warm as the sun was right above me. Wiping off the sweat on my forehead, I look down the edge. A shaky breath escapes my lips at the drop, thankful I held on.

Where's the fun in using equipment.

Well, if it was the first few times I tried climbing without equipment, I would hit myself.

The amount of times I fell several feet off the wall, nearly breaking several bones as I did it.

I shake my head at the unpleasant memories. Turning back around, I look at the Torii ahead of me and begin travelling.

This one, was similar to the pillar from a couple days ago. However, this was less of a pillar and more of an island, just over a mile from the shore.

I had ditched my coat into my bag after swimming to the small island, too wet for me to climb in.

My feet dragged along the path, tired from the climb, and uncomfortable from the rain. My eyes catch a glint of the shrine, making me cock an eyebrow.

Something was reflecting the sun?

Picking up the pace, I reach the shrine, trying to find the object. But something was there that I didn't expect. A person. Dressed in orange robes.

She was elderly and had a bald head. But the strange thing was, she held out a sword to the offering table.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't expecting anyone to be here." She makes no movement to acknowledge me.

"It is no worry, young Izuku." I take a step back, putting my guard up.

Some things are better left forgotten (vigilante deku) Where stories live. Discover now