Chapter 23

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Izuku's POV

I rested my head in my hands, nursing my confusion after the information about the foundation forced its way to the front of my head.

Every day he would come to me, asking if I'd thought about my answer, and each time he would share more about this group, sharing their secrets like it was common knowledge.

He shared almost everything, except names. I think not even he knew who was behind it.

Crackling filled my ears again, and I could see my younger self flinch at the sound.

"Are you gonna get out of here?" The innocence in his voice was itching at my brain. But with so much innocence, came an abundance of fear. "Are you gonna save me?"

"Don't worry, I'll save you kid." I let out a sigh, keeping my eyes glued onto every corner of the room in hopes something would appear.

The sound of crackling entered my ears again, causing me to flinch as well slightly at the familiar sound.

"Come out you useless Deku!" The aggressive voice was poking around the corner. I saw my younger self start to shake like a leaf as the sounds of his footsteps started to come closer.

"I found you, you piece of shit!" He lunged at my younger self, his hands igniting as he grew closer.

I acted quickly, kicking my foot out and hitting him in the head.

"Leave us alone Bakugo."

He fell down to the floor after I hit him, a fierce glare now adorning his eye as

"What do you think you're doing you quirkless shit?!" He shouted out to us.

I kept myself sat on the ground as he ignited his quirk, sparks flying from his palm.

"Just leave us alone." I repeated, much more aggressive than the last.

He clicked his tongue, a malicious smile covering his face.

"You must think you're so much better than me, but here you sit. Locked in a cage, like a quirkless should." His hands started crackling again, but he stopped. "I'll come back. Like I always do."

He started walking away from us, a low chuckle escaping his lips. I let out a sigh, glad he finally left us.

"You saved me?" I looked down to the voice, finding my younger body on the floor with bruises all over his body, blood dripping onto the floor.

"Of course I did, your only a kid." I mumbled out, hoping to get some rest. "You are only a kid."

"If only you saved that girl, from the hotel." I clenched my eyes shut.

"Don't start that again." I raised my voice before he could start reminding me of how much I failed again. "I already know of my failures, you don't need to remind me."

I tried to keep my eyes off the illusion, trying to focus on my breathing.

"So How did we do? Did we become a hero?" The young, gleeful voice reached out to me, as all I could do was stare at the boy I used to be, and the failure I have become.

Several days of illusions had started to break me down, and with nothing else to focus on, the bricks began to crumble.

I knelt down to his eyes.

"I'm sorry kid." As I stared at myself, I felt myself begin to cry. "You could say I'm a hero, but At some point I lost my way, and I failed us." I stared down at the floor, not wanting him to see my face.

"What happened?" I shrugged my shoulders.

"We lived in fear for so many years. That fear turned to anger, and hate for everything around us. But all it left was suffering." I could feel my younger self rest his hand on my head. "That's where it went wrong." He chuckled slightly, causing me to lift my head, remembering when I used to laugh that same way.

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