Extra - Reunion

39 1 0

25th April 2250

I stuck the files under my arm, too exhausted to care about them too much.

I took lazy steps outside to the doors, but I paused as a hand grabs into my wrist.

I stared back in confusion, a small glare getting ready to form as someone stops me.

But I felt it all disappear when I saw who was stood there.

Her pink hair was much longer now, the green strip following all the way down to her waist.

"Izuku?" I felt my lips curl upwards slightly.

"Detective." I couldn't stop the hug that followed as she slammed herself into me.

"Izuku!" Her excitement was overflowing as she grabbed onto me. "It's been soo long, how have you been?" I let out a sigh, a small shrug pulling my shoulders up.

"It's been well." She looked happy to hear the answer and quickly sat me down at her desk.

"So why are you here? I figured you of all people wouldn't want to spend a second in a police department." She let out a chuckle at own words.

"I made a deal with your chief of police, that you will likely be knowing soon." Just as I said that, the large dog man came out from the interrogation room and started speaking to the room.

"Attention everyone!" Once he had everyone's eyes, he started speaking. "We will be terminating the arrest warrant for the vigilante known as Horu, I'm sure this is very confusing for some, but trust me, this is for a good cause." Kaneko looked at me in shock while I just shrugged my shoulders.

"How the hell did you manage to do that? Wait, let me guess." She rubbed her head for a few seconds before looking back at me. "The group that attacked UA, and judging by the cases you'll also be doing some work for us?" I nodded my head.

"I see you haven't lost your detective skills while I've been gone." She tipped an imaginary hat.

"It's definitely bin a bit harder without you, but I've done my best." She stares up to me for a couple seconds, a look in her eyes I couldn't identify. "I'm sorry for staring, I feel like my younger brother has just come back from college after so long." She slowly wrapped her arms around me, squeezing me tight. I replied the same way, digging my head into her shoulders.

I looked up from my position, finding Rumi staring at me with a confused look in her eyes.

"I've got to go. My girlfriend's waiting for me." I slightly pulled away, a soft smile on my face. "I'll make it up to you soon, when I've finished these files." I lifted the files under my arms, taking a step away from her.

"Okay, I'll see you around. Maybe we can get some lunch at some point?" I nodded my head, beginning to walk away.

"I'll see you around." I waved with my free hand, watching as she did the same.

When I got to the doors, Rumi stared at me expectantly, looking back and forth between the detective and me.

"So, who was she?" She asked me sweetly, bringing a smile to my face as I grabbed hold of her hand and dragged her with me.

"She's a detective a used to work with. One of the reasons I was as successful as a vigilante." I took in a deep breath, remembering her lessons.

"You worked with a detective? But you're a vigilante, how did that work?" I shrugged my shoulders.

"It technically didn't. She knew what I did but she kept it a secret for me since she cared about me."

She still stared at me with confusion, and I couldn't help but shrug my shoulders again.

"Look, I'll explain the story at some point, hopefully when I explain everything about my past. For now, let's get something to eat."

Some things are better left forgotten (vigilante deku) Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora