Chapter 11

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17th November 2245

I could hear the steps coming.

I could almost feel the floor rumble again as I felt the same fear flush my system.

The sound didn't get louder or quieter, but it was deafening.

I could hear the clicks of their weapons as they reload.

I could hear their quirks begin to fire up.

But all I could do was lie in my bed, waiting for them to burst through the door.

Please, leave me alone.

I lie in my own silence as the sounds deafen any pleas.

My body started to ache in a uncomfortable yet familiar way.

I could hear some murmuring outside the room.

My eyes were glued to the ceiling.

Only looking down at the door when I could hear the door shaking in its place.

Before my eyes was the door rocking back and forth in hurry.

My own fear beginning to spike further and further as I laid there.

And I laid there for what felt like hours, waiting for it all to be over, my fear locking me in place.

Until it got to much.

"Leave me alone."

I clutched my head as I sat up, silence following me.

I look around in silence, the door had stopped shaking, the sounds of footsteps had come to a stop.

I cautiously walked over to the door, opening it to find nothing on the other side.

I heave a sigh, going back into my room and getting my gear on.

Every single day, I've been awoken by these memories. Like I'm about to be charged again.

But there's one thing good about it.

I'm not in silence.

I pick up my blade and start walking through the streets, keeping it under a coat so I don't draw any attention.

The last couple months have been... repetitive.

Wake up in fear.

Go to the fighting ring.

Fight some people.

Complete a contract.

Go home.

And repeat.

Every now and then, Hana would try and talk to me, but I would brush her off as quick as I could.

But today I couldn't.

As I was getting stitching for a cut, she came up to me, an angry look on her face. I stare blankly at her, watching as her frustration grows.

"What do you want?" I coldly ask her, trying to not let my emotions show.

"Why have you been avoiding me so much?" I stand up from the doctor, ignoring their calls for me to sit back down.

I guess I'll do it myself.

"Why does it matter." I felt myself freeze, my body locking in place. I narrow my eyes at her as I couldn't move an inch. "What have you done to me?" Another man stepped in front of me, a red scarf wrapped around his neck.

"Stendhal." I say the name, recognising the vigilante in front of me. "What do you want?" He shrugged his shoulders, pointing to Hana.

"I don't want anything, but my daughter does." I narrow my eyes at him further, realising something.

Some things are better left forgotten (vigilante deku) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora