Chapter 10

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15th August 2245

The loud engine of the plane unbothered me as I stepped down the stairs. I could notice a person stood a couple meters away from the plane. His arms spread wide at the sight of me, his excitement rising with every step I took.

"Samurai!" Shinobu's excited voice cut through to me. My face kept blank as I approached him. "Or should I say Svetovid? You made quite the name over there!" His wide smile showed a newly silver tooth in his mouth.

"Let's get back to work." I walk past him, my voice keeping monotone. I could see him hesitate as he started to walk behind me.

I take a seat in his car, waiting for him to sit across from me. He stares at me strangely before motioning for the driver to start moving.

"What happened to your tooth?" I voice my question, slowly running my hand along the edge of my handle. His eyes seem to brighten up as he remembers something.

"Ahh, I forgot I haven't seen you in a couple months." He reached into his pocket and pulls out a file. "The tooth is a sign of an 'experienced' info broker, meaning you will have higher tier contracts along with more money coming your way." He hands me the file, rubbing his hands as he mentioned money.

"What made the contract to Poland open to you if you didn't have access to higher contracts? I figured joining a war zone would be pretty high." My voice sounded plain as I spoke, a cold look adorning my eyes as I looked at the contract. I could see him staring at me in concern before speaking again.

"Well, the contract was open to everyone. They wanted as much help as they could get so it wasn't limited to brokers like me." I open the file in my hands looking at the details. An investigation contract, try and find out as much of a persons daily schedule as possible and give the timetable back to the employer. "Oh, by the way. I must say my thanks since I wouldn't have gotten this tooth without you doing your work in Poland." I nod my head, my face remaining unchanged.

"What makes this contract higher than the usual? It's an investigation contract." I noticed a small emblem in the top corner as I spoke. A man hung by strings. I shake my head at the familiar symbol. He pointed his finger at a name near the bottom, making me narrow my eyes. "The prime minister?" I think over my options as I hold the contract.

"I'm sorry Shinobu, but I'm going to pass on this." I hand the contract back to him. "I'm sure in my absence you've made new friends that can take this, I just need a couple weeks before I start doing contracts again." I let out a sigh as he accepts the contract back, nodding to himself.

"I understand, from what I've heard, you've gone through a lot while you were away." He pockets the contract before continuing. "I'll make sure to forward any contracts to others and leave you open for a while. You are still going to fight in the ring, right?" I nod my head, keeping my hand on my blades handle. "Good, because in your absence, you've gone down in the fighters rankings. But don't worry, you'll be able to rise up quickly, just pick a fighter you wish to fight and it'll be arranged." I lean back in my seat as he hands me a list of the fighters rankings.

It seems that while I was gone, I went from 27th to 45th. I shake my head at the change. I hand the paper back to him, shrugging my shoulders.

"I don't care who you pick, just make sure they're in the top 20."

I heave a sigh as I close my eyes, only for them to fill with the sights of Jakub.

His body covered in his own blood haunted my mind from the moment I closed my eyes.

I snap my eyes open immediately, washing away any thoughts about my brother. I release a sigh, catching Shinobu's glance at me, seeing my reaction.

"Anyway, we've arrived at the club." He opens his door to get out, looking back at me one final time. "Oh, by the way, a girl has been coming up to me and asking about you. She goes by Hemorrhage." I slowly nod my head, wondering how she's been for the past month.

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