Chapter 16

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24th October 2246

The last couple days have been silent. Stendhal hasn't contacted me since the accident and I've distanced myself from Clara.

I only spent time training, knowing that if I was strong enough she could've lived.

And it wasn't until today, that Stendhal messaged me, telling me to meet him at his base around midnight.

So I waited until midnight came around and left to his base.

But he didn't say a word to me, choosing to stay silent the entire time when taking me out to patrol.

He kept his gaze away from me, not able to look in my direction throughout the night as we traveled throughout the city, taking our anger out on any unlucky thug who got in the way.

But I knew something had changed inside Stendhal, his movements, his attacks.

He was becoming just as brutal as I was, but it was worse than when it happened to me.

If I wasn't there, I know he would've killed them.

But none of that mattered when a hero started to chase after us.

Like usual I started to run, already trying to de-escalate the situation but Stendhal stayed.

He fought the hero.

I only just got there in time to stop him for landing the killing blow.

When we got back to the roof of his base, I couldn't hold back my anger.

"What the hell were you doing?" His actions nearly cost the life of another hero, and I already know the consequences of killing, only pushing my anger onto him.

"He's a fake! A fake who will only cause people like me to go through the same pain!" I look at him shock.

"So you want to kill heroes?!" I shout back at him in shock. "Killing people only causes pain to those that care about them, making the world a worse place than before!" I stare at him, wondering what he was thinking. "The only thing that will come from this is that you become a Stain, pushing the country into a place it shouldn't be." He looks at me with dedication. "This isn't our mission, and you know that!"

"The mission has changed, you'll need to accept that and fight with me." I shook my head at his words. "If I have to become a stain to better our home, then so be it." I shook my head as he spoke, already knowing where he was going with this.

"Don't do this Stendhal." I plead with him, hoping that he would change his way.

He only stared at me with conviction, the burning guilt inside me flourishing as I realised that he became this because of me.

"You're either with me, as my son!" He glares at me slightly. "Or against me, as my enemy!" He shouted out to me, but I already knew my choice.

"I'm not going to help you kill anyone, hero or villain." He let out a sigh at my decision. With a heavy heart, I pulled out my sword, getting ready to stop him. Or at the very least, I would try. "If I have to, I'll stop you myself."

"So that's your choice." He pulled out his own blade and stared back at me. "So be it."

He charged at me, his sword at the ready.

I managed to block any swipes he made at me, stopping his blade from progressing.

I kept blocking his swings, unable to force myself to attack back with any meaning.

I was able to push him back, blocking one of his strikes and kicking him in the stomach.

But it didn't stop him.

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