Extra - Aizawa's curiosity

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3rd April 2258

Aizawa's POV

Somewhere on Tsushima Island

I move over to the bookshelf hoping to find something. I pull out a file a big stamp on the top labelled.

'Mission: Kill Alecto.'

I squint my eyes, sparing a small glance behind me to the man in question, finding his attention locked onto the computer.

I open up the first page, reading the date. '2255' I read further down, realising this was almost two years after he debuted. On the page was a picture of a man dressed in a black armour with thick grey and black hair running down his back.


'The assassin know as Shi has the ability to throw a type of fire through a blade he uses that, if it lands, will slowly make the target lose their life energy for a short amount of time. It will only do a short amount but it can be dangerous in multiple short bursts since the energy lost will stack together, losing it at a faster and longer rate.'

'After a short fight, Alecto has defeated them.'

'Mission: Failed.
Current status: prison.'

I spare another glance back to Alecto, seeing his attention still on the computer.

I flip to another page, finding a picture of a red headed women holding a long katana in hand. She wore much lighter clothes than Maliketh, resembling rags. Like before, the year at the top read '2255.'


'The Assassin know as Scarlet has the ability to inject a certain type of poison into the target through any cut that she causes, explains the use of such a long blade. It doesn't last long, but if your not prepared, it will kill you quickly.'

'After a short fight, Alecto has defeated them.'

'Mission: Failed
Current status: Prison'

Another strong assassin taken down by the man behind me.

I felt my curiosity tug at my hands once more, turning the page. A man taller than All Might with horns protruding from his head and body while he held a long blade in his hand. The year read '2256.'

'The Crucible'

'The assassin known as 'The Crucible' has a constant ability present which transforms his body into a growth of horns and muscle along with a tail, increasing his strength and speed by more than tenfold. There have also been reports of some kind of fire damage capable through his sword but nothing confirmed. He carries a long blade and is capable of striking several times per second, even catching some of our best agents off guard.'

'After a short fight, Alecto has defeated them.'

'Mission: Failed
Current status: Prison'

I flip through each page, finding the several Assassins sent after him, each failing to do so, all ending up in Prison, all within the last two years. And it wasn't all Assassins, some were active heroes, some were put in prison years before, taken out so they could have a chance at fighting.


'Lady Nagent.'


'Kamui Woods.'

'Toxic Chainsaw.'

All of them had failed, either ending up back in prison or still in active duty as a hero.

Many names of hero's had been listed in this file, all of them failed, acting as a hired gun attempting to kill Alecto.

I quietly close the file in my hand and place it back on the shelf, returning back to my search.

After all this time, he's been hunted for having knowledge of their existence, and lived.

His ability to persevere... it was incredible.

And it reminded me of someone.


A sly smirk entered my face, a small eye casted back to Alecto, buried in the computer.

Is it really you?

I wanted to reach out, to ask him, but I knew that right now, I needed to focus on other things.

I pull my eyes off of him, turning it back to the bookshelf, running my fingers along a book labelled 'Project C' but the 'C' was crossed out and a 'H' replaced it.

"I think I've found something."

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