44: Youre Jealous

Start from the beginning

"No, we don't know that." She tells Rafe.

"Big John taught her everything she knows. She's been through Hell. Finding some cross has got to be easy for her." Rafe informs her. "And after what I told her, there's no way in hell we are getting a cut."

"Big John promised us a cut." Her dog comments.

"Big John isn't here, is he?" Limbrey asks.

"No, but she has all the information she needs. Ward and Johnathan told her everything. She's smart."

"And how do you know this Mr. Cameron?" Limbrey asks.

"I pay attention to everything she tells me." Rafe says shrugging his shoulder's.

"Okay we'll let's go Lover Boy. We're going ti the island room, you're gonna find her." Limbrey says as they drive away. Pope leave from behind the bushes and we all run ti the casket.

"Cecilia Tanny, Denmark's wife.  He wasn't talking about the cross.  He buried her at the foot of the angel. The true treasure.His wife." Pope says as JJ and I hold eye contact. "Denmark was hung for burying his wife,  and now they defiled her grave."

"This must have been from Denmark.  Her wedding ring." Sarah says as we all crouch around the casket. I look over at JJ to see him already looking at me.

"We can't leave her like this." Pope says.

"We won't." John B assured him. We all get to work, putting the casket back, burying it, and getting flowers.

"I just don't get it. I mean, you guys saw the map.  He hides his gold so no one finds it for years. And then he sends a message to his son
Robert to come here to his mother's grave,  but the message never gets to him.  Denmark wanted him to find the cross. I know we're in the right spot. It just feels like--"

"Like we missed something?" JJ asks Pope. JJ and I climb on top of the van to look into the hole in the tree.

"The painting in the island room." I say looking at JJ.

"It's worth a shot, right?" JJ asks. "Go for it." JJ tells me.

"No chance." I tell him.

"You do it!" Kie says.

"Sorry. I... I went in the storm drain so..." I tell him backing up a bit.

"She did go in the storm drain." Pope agrees.

"Yeah. No, I'm gonna do it. It's just..." JJ says hesitating.

"He's scared." I whisper to them.

"I'm not scared, dude." JJ tells me.

"You seem scared." John B comments.

"There's something in here." JJ says reaching his hand inside. He then starts screaming as my eyes widen. I quickly go grab him as do the others as we all stop hearing him laugh.

"Oh, you asshole." Pope says.

"Eve you should have seen you're face." He says still laughing.

"My bad for caring." I say putting my hands up in surrender.

"Wait, but seriously, there's something in here." JJ says as he pulls it out and hands it to Pope. JJ hops down to look at it as I sit on the top.

The boys fidget with it. "Oh, what does it say?" JJ asks.

"You've come this far. Do not falter. The cross is on the Freedman's altar. Freedman's altar. The cross is at the church!" Pope says.

We all get into the van excited as we drive off.

Nothing to Loose, But You - JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now