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We just finished our first training of the day and we were know heading back to our dorms to shower.

"Satoruuuuu~ I thought that you would be a funny teacher" he grinned "and I am" I crossed my arms over my chest "No you're not, you are strict" his grin dropped "that's because you don't take this seriously" I walked faster to keep up with him "I do, but after all that has happened in the past months is very difficult" Satoru didn't say anything and just walked faster "you are ignoring me?" He suddenly stopped "you have gotten close to Suguru" I raised my eyebrow "yeah? He is my friend"

He turned around to face me "really? You two seemed pretty close this morning" I started laughing "are you perhaps jealous??" I nudge him on the side "I am not, and when did you start to get closer to him?" I now walked past him "y'know, great minds think alike" he just kept silent.

After some minutes, we arrived at the dorms and I went to the female ones and he to the male ones.


I was walking thru the hallways of the dorms when I bumped with Suguru "How was training with Akane?" I looked at him coldly "fine" he seemed unsatisfied with my response but didn't say anything "what did you say to Akane?" He raised an eyebrow confused "say? You need to be more precise with that" I didn't want to bring out any conflicts so I just let him slip away with it "forget it, I'm going to shower. See ya later" I walked past him with my hands on my pockets.


After I showered, I got dressed on my uniform and combed my hair. I decided to let it down and then I heard a knock on my door. I opened the door and Ieiri was outside "how are you feeling?" She hugged me and I huge her back "refreshed, but still a little dizzy" se let go " That's because you need to eat" she locked my arm with mine and pulled me out of my room "let's go to get breakfast" "okay" she closed the door and we walked to the cafeteria.

We arrived and I went to grab a food tray at the corner but bumped with some one. I looked up to see the new first year student Nanami "I'm sorry I didn't see you" "it's okay" he said it kinda cold but maybe he was shy. I grabbed the food tray and went to were they were serving the food.

I decided to have some salmon oniguiri with matcha tea.

I sat next to Ieiri and in front of Suguru.
"Akane-chan? Do you prefer salty or sweet?" I looked at Ieiri confused as why she asked that question out of nowhere "salty? I guess" "Salty!!! Akane-chan I thought you liked sweets!!!" "Satoru, I think that you are the reason why I don't like sweets!" "Sweets are better" Satoru was now acting like a child, well he always does but now he seemed more into the role "I also prefer Salty" I smiled at Suguru "See, salty is better" Satoru pouted and looked away.

After we all had breakfast we went to class. We did some theories lessons and at the end Yaga-sensei wanted to tell us something.

"Guys, I have some news" I was leaning against is desk "as you know the exchange event will be held in two months from now" I remember t Yaga-sensei explaining me that it was an event where the two jujutsu schools competed "but-" "but what!?!" Ieiri interrupted him "I'm sorry akane but for your safety you won't be able to compete" I expected that, so it didn't cought me off guard. It was the logical thing to do. "I understand" "and that means that Geto will stay here with you" "stay?" "Yes, this year will be held in Kyoto" Gojo raised his hand in the air "Sensei! I should stay with her" "I have decided Gojo-san, Geto will help her with all the cursed things. He is the one that knows the most" Satoru seemed kinda upset "but won't they suspect that they didn't come?" We all looked at Ieiri who said that "they will, that is why you all have to go and I'll stay with her" now we all looked at Tsuyoshi that was in his more human like form.

"Wait, how long have you been here?" "Since the start of the conversation Akane, anyways, I'll stay with her and that's the end of this conversation" "Wait a minute" Yaga-sensei walked to him "it's only a day, why are you all so worried?" "Sensei, don't worry. He has been protecting me since I was born, I'll be safe" Yaga-sensei looked concern but at the end he agreed "okay"

I looked at Satoru and he seemed like he didn't like this but he kept silent "You three go and train with the other students and Akane, you train with Tsuyoshi" we all nodded and walked out of the classroom.

The trio went to look for the other students and Tsuyoshi and I went to the indoor training grounds.

"What are we going to do today?" "Sit" I glared at him "I'm not a dog" he glared back at me with his crimson eyes and I sat on the floor. He walked around me looking me up and down. He kicked me softly with his foot "relax, you are two tense" " I am relaxed" " no you are not, you're clenching your muscles" I closed my eyes and breathed in. I felt another kick on my back and a vein popped out on my forehead "HOW CAN I RELAX IF YOU DON'T STOP KICKING ME!!" He glared at me and I shut my mouth again "imagine that you are in your safe place" "I don't have one" I felt him sit beside me "yes you do, but you don't know it yet" I tried to find a place that made me feel safe and an image came to me.

I was just a six year old girl playing hide and seek in the Gojo household. I was hiding behind the huge cherry blossom"do you have it?" "That place is gone" I felt him shiften "what do you mean?" I felt tears forming on my eyes and I opened my eyes. Tsuyoshi looked at me surprised "Akane, you activated your eyes on your own" I wiped the tears that were running down my face "really?" He smiled at me "really, now you have to learn how to deactivate it" I closed my eyes and imagine the ocean, just like I did with Satoru this morning.

The sea was rough and the waves crashed strongly against the cliff. I started to do some breathing exercises to clear my mind and finally the sea calmed down forming a perfect flat sea. I opened my eyes and Tsuyoshi was smiling "you did it" "yay~!" I punched the air in excitement "now you have to learn how to do it in seconds" my arm dropped to the ground and I groaned "come on, do it again and again. We are not leaving until you do it in less than five seconds" my jaw dropped after hearing that "five!!?!?!" His smile faded and was replaced with his cold stare " okay..."

THOSE BEAUTIFUL EYES: Gojo Satoru x OCTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon