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I walked thru jujutsu highschool looking for a be bending machine "it's incredible, there is a bending machine every 2 meters and now there is none" Tsuyoshi's training drained me so much that I ended up losing interest and decided to sit on the stairs "Akane-san?" I looked over to my right and my eyes light up after seeing Suguru drinking some juice. All the energy came back to me and I ran to him "Where did you get that?" He looked at me confused "over there" he pointed to a bending machine that was between two buildings.

I was going to run to it but he grabbed my arm stopping me "Sit, I'll buy you what you want" I sat back on the stairs "I'd love strawberry milk please" he went to get it and walked back minutes later "here you have" he sat next to me and gave it "thank Suguru, you just saved my life" he laughed at me and I put the straw and begun drinking while Suguru just looked at me "was today's training tiring?" I leaned on the stairs supporting me with my elbows while the carton box was hanging by the straw. I took it out " it was the worts, it was mental training" he did the same as I did "yeah that's the worst".

I got up and dusted my butt "well, I'll be doing now" he also got up "see you at dinner" "see ya~" we split ways because I wanted to shower before dinner.

I arrived at my dorm and got undress "ewww I feel stinky" I looked at my dirty clothes "what if Suguru thought I smelled!?!?" I quickly went in the shower and and washed myself as if it was my first time in months showering.
After using half of my products I decided to get out and do my skincare routine, and also a little of perfume because, why not?

I deduced to put on a navy blue hoodie over a white tank top with some grey shorts, and for the shoes I decided to put some white socks and wear slippers.

I walked out of my dorm and went to the cafeteria.

The only one that was there at the entrance was Suguru. I waved at him as I walked there "Shorts?" I nodded "it's getting warmer" "yeah, but not that much" I looked around wondering where the rest were "Satoru had a last minute call and Shoko needed to go to somewhere to check something" "oh, do we wait for them?" He walked inside and I followed him "Satoru said no and Skoko said nothing, so I should start" we went to where the food was and saw that today we had two options, ramen or katsudon. I opted for the ramen while Suguru choose the katsudon. There were also some side dishes but we didn't have them.

After picking up our drinks we sat in front of eachother "So... Suguru, how does it feel to participate in the exchange event?" He looked at me and laughed softly "you aren't missing anything, trust me" I placed my elbows on the table to rest my hand on the palm "I thought that I could have a normal student life but now I have this" "First of all, elbows off the table" I took it off "yes mom" he laughed again "and second of all, you know that you are going to become one of the best sorcerers after you learn how to use that curse energy of yours?" I looked at him and continued eating. "But I am now a curse" he took a sip of his drink "who knows? Satoru, Shoko, Yaga-sensei, Tsuyoshi, you and I. No one else" I played with my drink "I have a feeling that some else knows" and just as I said that, I saw from the corner of my eye a spider walking over the table. I didn't hesitate and just killed it with the palm my hand.

I looked over ar Suguru and he looked startled, I smiled awkwardly at him "sorry, there was a spider" he smiled awkwardly at me too and we kept eating.

We finished having dinner and he asked if I wanted a dessert "no thanks, I don't like anything of this" "I have an idea" he grabbed me by the arm and walked me outside.

We walked for some minutes until we arrived to a bending machine. He let go of me and I looked up to him "I don't have money on me" he smiled "don't worry, I'll pay" I shook my head "No! You already bought me something the other day" he started to put some coins inside and I tried to push his arm away but it was no use, so I decided to hang onto his arm and try to move it down with me but he was too strong and I ended up hanging from his arm "what do you want?" I shook my head "okay then, I'll get you the same as I" I puffed my cheeks in anger and then I heard the food dropping.

Suguru bended down to grab it making me fall on my butt "ouch!" "That's what you get, here" he handed me the food and I realized it was melon bread "Suguruuu!! You are an angel!!!" "Wha-" I hugged him and he got up lifting me with him "I love melon bread!!" He started laughing and he left me down and I sat on a nearby bench.

He sat next to me and I begun taking the plastic wrap away.

I took the first bite and stars formed in my eyes "you sure love this" I nodded eagerly as I kicked my legs up and down over the floor. "Akane.." I hummed "you sure are different from other people that I have meet" I didn't know what he meant by that "thanks I guess" "I want to change this world, for us sorcerers" I let him speak "Satoru is always protecting the weak and I can tell the he gets tired but but he never says anything" "but Satoru likes it" he looked at me "you think so?" Now that I thought of it, Satoru always has a grin plastered on his face but I have seen him without it and it's scary "I-" "it's okay Akane" he got up "Satoru is back, I'll let him know to come here" I murmured a thanks and I watched him disappear in the dark.

Minutes later Satoru appeared "Akane-chan~~" he stood in front of me "Suguru told me that you were here" "yes" he tilted his head "are you okay Akane?" I looked at him and then back to his shoes "I just, can I ask you something?" He nodded and I stared at his black shades "don't you ever get tired Satoru?" He seemed surprised.
He sat next to me and let out a breath "do I ever get tired? Well yes, but is my duty. Why do you aks?" "Nothing, is that, you are always taking on missions, and you are also taking care of me and-" Satoru grabbed my face "Akane, I don't mind it, in fact, I like it because that means that I'm the only one that can see you like this" my face started to burn and I tried to cover it with my hands but Satoru cought me by the wrist "See, are you like this with other people" I didn't want to move and he knew damn well the answer, that's why he asked "Wifey-chan?" I quickly looked up at him with a blushing face "that's what I like to see" he let go of me and got up "come on, is late. I'll walk you to your dorm" I got up and walked next to him "that damn Satoru, always teasing me". I murmured

THOSE BEAUTIFUL EYES: Gojo Satoru x OCWhere stories live. Discover now