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We entered the class room and It was quite empty, there were only three desks for students and a bigger one that I suppose that it was Yaga's- sensei. The rest was empty, there was a wall on the right that only had windows and behind Yaga's sensei desk was a board. 

The trio went to their respective seats and Yaga-sensei began the class while I stood next to the door. I cleared my throat and they looked at me "oh shit, I forgot that now I have 4 students" he walked to me "Guys read peage 80 and make a summary" He turned to me "come, follow me I'll give you all the things that you need" 

We walked down the halls until we reached the stairs, I was going to go up but Yaga-sensei stopped me and pointed me downwards "this way" I followed him in silence "Well as you know you entered more than half school year after so we have done a lot of the course" I interrupted him "Don't worry I have red all of my clan's books so It's not like a don't know anything" He smiled at me "Good to know, but I will give you the books that we study here  just incase, so look at them whenever you want, no rush" "Thank you" We kept going down until we reached the basement of the school "okay we are here" he opened the sliding door tu reveal a bunch of plushies. "omg they're so cute" One of them blinked "of course we are" "ahg, they can speak" I jumped behind Yaga-sensei and he started to laugh "hahaha, don't worry they are harmless" he walked to them and I following still hiding behind his back. He grabbed a dog like puppet with a kappa head. "this is my corpse technique, I can control corpses and puppets conserving their own cursed energy" I got closer to look at the green puppet "wow that is awesom-" I didn't get to finish, the puppet punched me on the face and I flew across the room from the impact. 

I grabbed my swollen cheek "WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!?!" The puppet jumped from Yaga to the floor "You were too close" I got up still holding my cheek "STILL!!" I was going to punch that puppet but Yaga got in between us  "Calm down you two, Cathy, go and pick up a desk and a chair and wait here. Kiyohana-san lets grab your  books. They're on the other room" We walked out but before closing the door I death glared at Cathy, who in response took out his tongue.

Yaga-sensei gave me all of the books. They weren't many, I think I counted 7 books and they weren't too thick. "Now, let's talk about your heritage." I nodded and adjusted the book against my chest " As you way know, all that belonged to your clan is your's now. But as you are a minor you need a responsible adult to manage it" I cut i'm off "wait, and why does Satoru have a debit card?" "His the Gojo clan is incredibly wealthy as so is the Kiyohana but Gojo and your condition is different. He-" he moved her hand over his head "How do I say this?" I knew he was trying to be considerate "My parents are dead but his aren't" He was wearing his sunglasses but still I could make out a pitiful look at me "yeah, sorry" "it's okay, I don't feel any hate to the sorcerers I even sometimes feel grateful to them" "how come?" he sat on the floor as if he knew that this was going to take long. I did the same and placed the books to my side. 

"from the outside it looked like a happy clan but behind closed doors, it was hell. I sometimes feel bad for feeling that way but I don't have any feelings to my parent's or any one of my clan. The only one that I cried his death was my brother Itsuki." I looked at him but I couldn't make an expression on his face "it's normal if they treated you bad" I laughed hysterically "Bad?! BAd is when they punish you with not going outside or without seeing your friends. But they used me as a punching bag, they would make me train until I fainted and if I didn't reached their expectation I couldn't eat." I could a lump on my throat, I tried to hold the tears but I felt them fall "My dad would train me as if I were one of his men, he would broke my ribs and any part of my body, he would cut me and pierced me with his katana and then he would call a sorcerer with reverse curse technique to  heal me" I covered my face and cried, I felt a hand rubbing my back "how long have you been keeping this to yourself ?" "years" I tried to say between sods . 

After I calmed down a little and look at him "and the worst thing is that he never trusted me, I was always wrong, I never did anything good enough and I was a shame of the clan. But still, the day of the massacre,  he protected me" I think that Yaga didn't know what to do or say, but who was to blame, I wouldn't know either "I'm okay now, thanks. I needed to let this of my chest" I picked my books and got up as if nothing happened "Ah, I feel so much lighter" He followed after me "I'm glad you do" and we walked back to the room with the puppets.

"Another thing Yaga-sensei" "yes?" "when does the exchange event between our school and the Kyoto one take place?" he grabbed the chair from Cathy leaving him only with the desk "oh, that? it's in a year" "what?!?! and why is everyone talking about it as it were in less than two weeks?" we walked out of the rooms and up the stairs. The puppet began tu jump from wall to wall "because is a big event were the two schools compete to see which one has the best students" we were already in front of the door "wait but, Ieiri-chan told me that Mei-senpai was overseas but she would be on time for the exchange event"   he opened the door "oh that?, she is on a mission in America. She is working with some sorcerers from there." he walked to the desk that left the puppet to place the chair "She left a week ago and I think she was going to stay there 5 months" "5 month?!?! and how does she study?" I sat on my desk "Kiyohana-san this is not a normal High school, this is Jujutsu high"

I looked to my side and saw that Satoru was holding a laugh. "what happened to your face? don't tell me that Cathy punched you" he pointed to my face with his other hand covering his smirk "fuck off Satoru" I looked to the front and heard their laughs "fuck off guys" Yaga-sensei threw me an ice pack and I placed it on my cheek. "thanks" I glared at the trio and pulled my middle finger at them. Satoru, dramatically placed his hand on his chest and looked "how could you Aka-" and Yaga-sensei threw him a book. "hahahahaha, you deserve that"

After three hours of none stop, hearing Yaga talk it was finally time to go Shopping. But then I remembered that I didn't have any money. "Wait guys, I can't go shopping" Ieiri looked at me while exiting the class "why?" I walked next to her with the boys behind "I don't have any money" and then I heard Yaga-sensei calling my name . "wait for me outside" "okay" 

I walked back inside "did you call me Yaga-sensei?" I pulled out an envelope "this is yours, use it to buy some nice things today" I opened and saw 100,000 yen (1,000 $). I looked at him and jumped to hug him "thank you Yaga-sensei" 


I hugged her back, she was so happy. I'm so sorry for what this girl has gone thru, she didn't deserve anything like that. No kid should go thru things like that. "Bye, Yaga-sensei" She waved at me and I waved back.

A few minutes after she left, some knocked on the door. "Come in" It was one of the council messengers "shit" "What is it?" "The council requires your presence right now" I nodded and he disappeared.

THOSE BEAUTIFUL EYES: Gojo Satoru x OCWhere stories live. Discover now