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I looked at the school's entrance "once we pass this Torii you will be safe" Satoru turned to Riko and she happily crossed the gate, then Kuroi, Suguru and I, and lastly, Satoru.

"See???" he spread his arms and a knife came out of his torso. My eyes widened when we saw a man with straight black hair "Yo" we all took a jump back inspecting the scene "Take her" Suguru and I nodded and ran, leaving Satoru to deal with the guy.

We ran thru the school "Akane, stay here and I'll take her to the destination" I nodded and stopped. I gave my back to him and protected the entrance to the tunnel.

I felt anxious but I knew Satoru was going to win, until it hit me "Satoru doesn't know reversed cursed technique!!" My eyes widened and I was going to run to him but I restricted myself to do so "He will find out how to do it, I know he will".

After a few minutes I heard steps in the distance and I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw his figure "Hey... you're next?" He stopped a few meters away from me and for some reason he was relaxed.

I took a fighting stance and he pointed at me "Wait.... I know you... are you that Kiyohana girl?" I glared at him "What if I am?" He smirked "that means that I hit the jackpot" he launched himself at me with such speed that it made it difficult to dodge but thankfully I did.

"You see... I don't like killing women" he tried to hit me with his right leg and I shielded myself with my arms "cool, then leave!!" I tried to punch him but he grabbed my wrist and bend it were it shouldn't "aahh" I screamed in agony but I healed myself in no time "So you can do that? I know that you can also reverse death" I took a jump back leaving some distance between us "if you know that why are you still fighting?" He raised his chin "So your father didn't tell you?" I raised my brow "tell me what?" "Every time you use that technique of yours, your life span shortens" my eyes widened, that wasn't possible "Impossible" he took a step closer "It's possible, but you are like a curse aren't you?" How does he know that much "I see that you are trying to connect the dots, let me help you. I'm Fushiguro Toji, you were two little when you saw me" Toji, that's why he knows that much.

I remember that after he left the Zenin he would meet with my dad but I wasn't expecting their relationship to be that close.

He snorted "You were so focused that you didn't realized that I killed Gojo-san" Satoru? I froze and he took that opportunity to price thru my heart, ripping it off.

I feel to the floor, with the taste of metal in my mouth "you shouldn't have let your guard down, I was expecting more of you but I guess you were just another disappointment like the other guy" I watched him crush my heart. He made sure that I couldn't regenerate myself by cutting my head, and everything went black.

I opened my eyes and I was on a plain, the sky was blue and it seemed endless. I looked around a saw a group of people. I decided to get up and walk to them.

When I got closer I realized that it was my family, someone noticed me and pointed at me, making everyone turn their heads to me "Akane?" I nodded, it was my dad, he looked the same "what are you doing here?" That was my mother's voice she walked to me and grabbed me by the shoulders "you shouldn't be here!!" She was angry at me, but I didn't know why "what do you mean?" My father walked to me "you can't be dead" I looked at them confused until I saw a familiar face "brother?" He smiled at me "you have grown Akane" tears started to run down my cheeks, he looked the same as the last time I saw him.

I ran to him to hug him, I expected to feel the warmth of the hug but I didn't and he seemed to notice my discomfort "Akane, you shouldn't be here.... you should head back" I let go of the hug "I don't think I can go back" my father placed his hand on my shoulder "why is that?" I glanced at my mother who looked disappointed "I got killed by Toji Fushiguro" I was expecting to get scolded "that man is strong, and you are still to young" my mother came closer "Still, you trained her so that she could be as strong as Gojo!" "Enough!" We all turner to the sound of the voice only to see Tsuyoshi.

"Akane, you're going back" I looked at him confused "She is not ready!!" Tsuyoshi looked down at my mother "any of you can't decide what she does, you are all dead" I sweatdropped at his cold tone "but how?" After saying that I started to feel dizzy, so I decided to sit on the soft grass "Akane, listen to me" Tsuyoshi crouched down at me level "This is the last time we will see each other" I stomach dropped to the floor "what do you mean?" I looked at my family trying to read their expressions "I'm sorry Akane, but you'll have to go on your own now" Tears started to form on the corner of my eyes "but-" and then my hands started to fade "Don't leave me Tsuyoshi.... please" my voice broke at the end "I'm sorry Akane" I tried to move but my legs were also fading "I'm proud of you Akane, well meet again but I hope that a lot of years have passed till then" I tired to say something but I opened my eyes and I was back at Jujutsu High.

I looked around confused and then it hit me, Tsuyoshi gave me all of his cursed energy to bring me back, meaning that I'm now a curse and that he is dead. I was going to break down again but I voice stopped me "Akane?" I knew it "Satoru" his uniform was messy and he hand splits of blood all over but I didn't mind, I hugged him as tight as I could "hey!! Careful" but nevertheless he hugged me back.

"Your hair!" I took a strand of it "Yeah..... it's fully white..." we began to walk down to the tunnel to where Riko and Suguru were "I also fought Toji, and he killed me.... and then Tsuyoshi brought me back with his cursed energy" he thought for a moment "So you are a curse?" I nodded "yep!"  We kept walking until we saw Kuroi's dead body.

I ran to her and tried to feel a pulse "She is dead...." I tried to heal her, for some reason I  knew how to do somethings that Tsuyoshi explained to me but I didn't get, it's as if the cursed energy remembered how to do it and I just had to think about it "let her, there is nothing that can be done" I glance ad Satoru and is expression was cold. I took a step away and followed him.

We didn't expect to see that many people but here they were, clapping "what?...." and that's when I realized, Riko's body laid lifeless on the floor.

Satoro picked her lifeless body while the men around us clapped and smiled "Satoru..... I don't like this, and..." "Satoru? Akane?" Suguru cut me off "I see that you have already seen Shoko" he looked at us surprised, as if he was staring at ghosts "Suguru, what do we do? Do we kill them?" Satoru stared at him coldly with empty eyes "we can't..." I glanced at the men, the sight making me nauseous "no one will notice... you two can blame me. I'm now a curse so...." Suguru snapped his head to me "what! You can't do that Akane" I took some steps forward while Satoru walked in the opposite direction "I can kill them and they won't even know" I raised my arm and my eyes glowed "Stop it" Suguru grabbed my arm "it's not worth it..." I glanced at him "let's go back before I change my mind.

THOSE BEAUTIFUL EYES: Gojo Satoru x OCWhere stories live. Discover now