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 "Look!!" Satoru took a pen out of his pocket and began spinning it excited "I know how to activate and combine my technique!!" He was about to explain it but Ieiri cut him off "Akane, how's your training going? Do you manage with that guide that Tsuyoshi left you?" I nodded. 

"It's was tricki at first as it was a diary more than a guide but thank to Satoru I know now how my cursed techniques work" she quicked me with her elbow on my side "Hey!! what was that for?!?"  she hit me again "I want to know about your techniqueeee!!! that's why I asked!!" I glared at her "Okay, fine" I sat on the grass and so did she while Satoru played with his pen.

"Well, thanks to the diary I've learnt that Kamisurge is my cursed name technique and that I can manipulate reality, it allows me to alter the course of events by rewriting aspect of reality within a specific radius. I can also  create realistic illusions and obviously I can make death seem as it never happened on me" Ieri thought for a moment and then she asked me a question "What are the drawbacks?" I rolled my eyes "Don't go telling all of this to everyone" she nodded "I need to be fully aware of my surroundings or else it won't work, I get mentally and physically drained and....." I glanced at Satoru and he nodded "My lifespan gets shortened everytime I use it" she was going to say something else but I cut her off "Oh and I have pretty bad nightmares" she looked at me with wide eyes "Did you just say that your lifespan gets shortened?" I nodded with a smile "Yes but I'm working on that, I'm now a curse so...... I won't die of age right?" Ieiri got up and you followed after "Right? you are scaring me Ieiri" "You need to keep feeding on cursed energy if you want to keep living" I turned my head to were the sound of the voice came  only to see Suguru in the balcony.

I looked up at him "How do I do that?" he shrugged and walked away "great another thing to add to the list" I kicked the dirt beneath my feet  and Ieiri placed her hand over my shoulder in a comforting way "Don't worry, we'll figure it out" and she walked away leaving me with Satoru "Maybe there is another way" He said with hope but turned my back to him "I'm going to talk with Suguru" I walled away leaving him alone.

I walked up the stair to cross paths with an underclassmate "Hi! Senpai" I said hi back and continued my way to Suguru. I found him sat at the end of the corridor next to a blonde woman "Well, I see that you have company now. Think about it" he winked at him and walked past me as if I wasn't there.

I took a seat next to Suguru and he smiled at me "I was going to ask you about something but I want to ask something else now" his untied hair fell to his face but he quickly put it behind his ear "I don't know her" I glared at him "Is she-" he cut me off "No, she is not my girlfriend. I just told you that I don't know her" I looked at my feet "She is pretty and hot" Suguru laughed "She is not my type" I was going to ask the first thing that I came to ask but he began to talk "Do you remember what I told you on your first days here?" I nodded "the thing about curses and nonsorcerers right?" He nodded "This months after Riko's death had me thinking a lot about that and someone just confirmed my theory, what do you think?" I adverted my eyes to my hands that rested on my lap "Sometimes, I have the same dream where I saw that image of all that people clapping at Riko's corpse, and every time I wake up and throw up regretting not killing them"
I gripped the kimono's fabric and tears started to soak fall on the back of my hand.

Suguru placed his hand on top of my and whipped my tears with the back of other hand "Akane" his voice was soft and gentle "We can make that I never happens again" I looked at him "rest a little or distract your mind with other things" I moved my hand away and he took off his "you should do that to, you are skinnier and you look tired" I got up and fixed my kimono "I'm fine-" I cut him off "You are not fine Suguru, I know because I have been there" I paused for a moment "I have been there alone, you have friends that care" he ran a hand thru his dark hair "still, they won't understand" I glanced at the window and saw Satoru sat on the grass looking at the blue sky thru his sunglasses "It wasn't easy for anyone, I know he doesn't show it, but I saw Satoru having breakdowns after Riko's death, blaming himself and even training so hard the he had to use his reverse technique to heal himself" I looked back at Suguru "Talk to him, he is your best friend, he will understand" he drew a sad smile on his face and shook his head "he won't" I was going to say something when he cut me off again "go with him, he is waiting for you" and I closed my mouth and turned around walking away from him.

I walked out to were Satoru was and he quickly got up "Did he say something else?" I shook my head "no" a simple response. He looked at me confused but shrugged it away "do you want to do something today? We could eat out or I don't know, but whatever you want" I began to walk back to our dorms and he followed me "can me watch a movie or just stay at my dorm?" He smiled and pecked my forehead "of course! Whatever you want to do!"

We arrived at my dorm and I plopped on the bed with my face with a groan. I was expecting Satoru to do the same and fall on top of me but instead he sat carefully on the bed next to and said softly "are you okay Akane?" I turned my head to the side so that I could see him "I don't know" he began to comb my hair with his slender fingers "You don't know?" I humned "I don't know what I'm feeling this last months" I paused for a moment "I feel overwhelmed but at the same time tired and that I'm not doing enough but also that-" he cut me off "Okay, that's enough" "But-" he grabbed my arm and pulled me on top of him as if I was a feather "How did you do that?!?" he smirked down at me "Do what?" I furrowed my brows and looked away "Nevermind!" he placed his hands on my hips holding me in place.

"Why do you feel like that?" I glared at him "I just told you!! I don't know!!" I closed my eyes  feeling that familiar knot on my throat "Is it because you can't go to class? or.... Is it because you can't go on missions? or because you are a-" "stop it!!" I screamed from the top of my lungs, I didn't want to hear it, I didn't want to accept it "curse" tears fell down my cheeks and Satoru moved my head to his chest caressing my head "A year ago I was fine with being a curse!" my voice broke "Akane, a year ago happened a lot of things that maybe it didn't hit you in the moment but now that you have been having more time for yourself you realized that you-" he stopped "Nevermind, forget the last part" I was probably going to say that I have been left out, not on purpose but because I have a different destiny than them. 

I raised my head to look at him and he whipped the remaining tears "Akane..." I looked at his glossy lips and thought to myself what did he do with them to look that perfect. I looked back at his eyes that were now visible and crashed my lips against his lips 

THOSE BEAUTIFUL EYES: Gojo Satoru x OCWhere stories live. Discover now