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I watched Satoru walk out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped dangerously low on his hips "you didn't eat the chocolate?" I adjusted the robe around my body and I drank some water "I don't like chocolate" he put a hand on his chest and he feel to his knees "how can't you not like it!!!!!!!!" I rolled my eyes "you're so dramatic, I can't believe that you can be a different person while having sex" he was now laying on his back looking at me upside down "I can be that 24/7 if you want to" he winked at me. I walked to him an crouched, he closed his eyes expecting a kiss but he was meet with the remaining water of my glass "you're mean Akane~~~~~~" I was going to get up but he grabbed my arm making me fall forward and I ended up sitting between his legs with my back to him.

"What the hell!!?" He wrapped his arms around my waist and he rested his head on top of my head "I can't also believe that when we have sex you turn all shy and awkward" I grabbed his cheeks and pulled them "Stopped it!!!" He laughed "haha, cute" I let go of him and pouted "can we at least cuddle on the bed? We just showered and now we are on the floor" he lifted me up with him "as you wish my lady" and he threw me to the bed "Satoru!!!" I bounced a few times and I watched his wicked smirk forming "don't you dare Gojo Satoru" he ignored me and jumped on top of me. Thankfully he was considerate and he didn't let all of his weight on me "Akane?" He had his head resting on my stomach while I played with his hair "what?" He look up at me "you took all of your clothes off even you untied your ponytail but you didn't take off your necklace" I smiled and played with the heart pendant "I didn't? Do you want me to?" He shook his head "no!" "Hahahah, okay then I won't ever take it off" he hugged me tighter "Satoru, I can't breathe" "sorry".

I kept playing with his hair massaging his scalp in the process when I looked at the time. 5:19 A.M "Satoru? It's five in the morning" I yawned "it's Saturday and your birthday, we won't do anything at school so just relax and rest" "I can't if you are crushing me" and in an instant we changed positions.

I was now with my head on his chest and he still had his arms around me "better?" He brushed my hair with his fingers and I smiled "better" I closed my eyes and he turned off the lights "wait!" He groaned "Akane!!! I want to sleep too!!" "And what about our clothes?" "What is wrong with them" I glared at him "well, I'm not going to walk around at 12:00 P.M with that dress and without underwear" he kept silent for a moment "I'll buy you something while you wait" I cuddled even further on his chest "happy?" I nodded.

"Satoru.... I'm cold" he placed the covers over us "happy?" "Yess"

~Hours later~

I opened my eyes to see bright light coming from the windows, I patted the spot that Satoru was supposed to be but he wasn't there. I got off the bed and stretched my arms over my head "Man.... Last night was great" I went inside the opene kitchen, and yes, this suite was bigger than a normal apartment and it had an open moder kitchen, two bathroom and in one was a huge hottub, and a living room.

I saw a note on the kitchen counter "I went to buy you clothes, Satoru" I smiled to myself and looked around trying to find some food but the only things that I saw were chocolate. I picked up my phone to call him and tell him to buy some food too. The second I pressed the call button the elevator's door opened "Satoru!" I walked to him and hugged him "did you miss me that much?" I looked at him and he was wearing confier clothes, sweatpants and a t-shirt "I'm hungry" he patted my head and he walked to the kitchen.

He left the bags on the counter "I thought so" and he pulled out a cake "ta-da!!~" I deadpanned at him "I don't like cake" he threw his hands to his face "how!!!!" I shugred and walked closer to him to take a look at what was inside but he covered my eyes "no! You are going to sit on the sofa and I'll bring the things to you" I took away his hands from my face "okay, chill. But you didn't have to buy that much" I walked to the sofa and sat.

"First of all ........" he pulled out a white summer dress "I saw it and I bought it for you, do you like it?" I grabbed it form his hand and looked at it closer. The sleeves were puffy and the neckline was heart shaped, the dress wasn't that long either, it went a little past my knee "and to go with it I bought you this shoes!" There were esparto sandals (don't know how to say it in english) that you could tie around your ankles. "Satoru, why did you bought me all of this?" He took out a tiny bag "because I have seen your wardrobe and I haven't seen any summer clothes" he handed me the bag and I blushed "pink!!!" It was a pink matching set of lingerie "I wanted normal underwear!!! Not something that you could literally see everything" "try it on!!" He had stars in his eyes "no! Return it now" I threw him the bag "I can't, is underwear!!!" I groaned and got, up taking the bag from his hands and walking to the bathroom "your lucky I like you" and shut the door closed.

I put on the bra and for my surprise it fitted perfectly "this man, how did he get the size perfect?" Then I put on the panties and this were more revealing, I literally felt my ass out in the danger. I put on the robe on top and walked outside to a whistle "looking good" Satoru was leaning on the door frame of the bathroom "what the hell!!!" He grabbed my hand and made me do a spin "I think I deserve an apology " I looked away covering my stomach "it isn't that bad.... But how did you get my size?" He placed his hands on my chest "I know how they feel" I punched him lightly on the chest and he let go "you pervert" I was going to go back to the sofa but he handed me another bag "here, the things you asked for" I smiled at him and I gave him a kiss on the lips "I liked all Satoru".

I walked out of the bathroom wearing more comfortable clothes. Some short grey sweatpants  and a black tank top "this is better"

Satoru was sat on the sofa taking out all the food "Satoru...." I sat next to him laying my chin on his shoulder "you only bought sweets..." he moved quickly making me fall to the side, thankfully it was the side were there was still sofa "I also bought you some... Akane?" He looked were I was standing seconds ago. I raised my hand "I'm here" he grabbed my arm and pulled me up "here!" He put the food on my mouth and I realised it was melon bread, my eyes sparkled as I munched on it "do you like it?" I nodded "and I also got you your tea" I hugged Satoru "thank youuuuuu~"

We had breakfast together and me stayed until midday in the hotel room "we are we going?" I asked as I put on the dress that he bought me "it's a surprise" I laced the sandal and grabbed the bags with our other clothes "I don't like surprises"  we left the room and he paid for everything "I really own you a lot Satoru" he held my hand "no you don't, come on let's go" we hopped on the car that was waiting for us.

"We are going to school first and we leave all the bags" I nodded but just as we were arriving, Satoru got a call "yes, oh okay" he hung up and looked at me sad "I'm sorry Akane, I just got a call and they need me overseas" I smiled at him "it's fine, you go. I'll be fine" I was sad because I wanted to spend the day with him but it's his job, after all he is the strongest.

"I just told Suguru the surprise I had for you, so he'll take you" I nodded not wanting him to worry.

We arrived at the school and he quickly changed and left, thankfully, Suguru came were I was rapidly "hey, Satoru told me everything" I drew out a sad smile "it's fine, should we get going" he smiled "yeah"

THOSE BEAUTIFUL EYES: Gojo Satoru x OCحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن