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Second's later I was on the floor with my hands pinned over my head. I felt Naoya's breath on my neck and I tried to move "Don't move princess, or it will hurt"He attacked my neck leaving love bites behind and then I undid my bun let it in fall to the floor, he touched it and then janked it "It's a little wet, but I think I can manage" I looked at Hayato but he just looked coldly at me and then, I felt a slap on my face. 

I went back to look at Naoya who had an uninterested look on his face "I'm right here" he was centimetres away from my face and that's when Satoru's face came to my mind and I realized that I shouldn't be doing this. "Naoya, she is going to do it again" Naoya rapidly, let go of my wrist and instead held me by my neck and tried to choke me. "Don't you dare disrespect me Akane" I smirek "I wasn't even respecting you Naoya" and turned to smoke. 

I ran and ran but then I remembered the spiders, so when I was far away from the Zen'in, I decided to grab random clothes from a shop and went  to the back of the shop and activated my reality manipulation on myself before burning myself. "Why does it  have to hurt if I'm not going to burn?". After burning all my things, I looked for spiders in my new clothes and changed. 

After that I decided to go to a further town just incase they went looking for me. I was now somewhere in the middle of the mountains "I guess you always come back to what you liked"I wanted to expand my cursed energy so that some one from jujutsu high could come and take me back, but that was going to be a bad idea because it would mean that the Zen'in will also know. So I walked thru the roads and saw a telephone booth but I had two problems.

The first one, I don't have any money on my right now.

And the Second one, I only know one number and I don't know who it belongs to. So I would be risky.

But I didn't know how to go back so I decided to try my luck and go for the phone booth. I looked around the town but it had nothing, only a few people that looked at me as if I had a monkey on my shoulder and curses, but they were so small that I could kill them with minimal cursed energy. I after walking I finally saw a shop, but before going inside I looked at myself in the mirror and I was a mess. My hair was full of leaves and my face was red from running and from Naoya's slap,and the worst part, the clothes. I was wearing a huge white shirt that was a little see thru and I wasn't wearing any underwear because it got burnt with all my clothes  and the pants, weren't pants, they were men's underwear that had hearts on it. Oh and I was also barefoot but I guess that was the most normal thing. 

I decided to to make me look a little presentable by taking off the leaves  of my hair and covering my chest with it. I also decided to find normal clothes inside the store but no, when I entered I realized that it was a drug store but at least I could grab some bandages to cover my chest and feet. 

I grabbed the bandages and went to the counter where an old woman greeted me "Hello sweetie, is just the bandages?" "yes ma'am" I whispered under my breathe "reality manipulation" to activate my technique  so that she would believe that I was paying more and she would give me the exact change to call someone.  "It will be 200 yen please" I extended my empty hand that for her had 500 yen, she grabbed it and gabe my change "Do you need a bag?" I smiled at her and waited until she made the action that she put the money in the cash register and realised the technique "No thank you" I turned around and walked out of the shop "Have a good day sweetie" I waved at the woman and walked back to the phone booth.

I walked to it and saw that you couldn't see what was inside from the outside so I decided to change there. I went inside and closed it, I took the shirt and began  wrapping the bandages over my chest. I finished and began doing the same with my feet and cried "My feet are so dirtyyyyyy" I finished and heard a knock on the booth "Really? this town is empty and now someone wants to use this?" "Just a second I need to make a call" I was going to insert the coins when a familiar voice stopped me "Akane?" I opened the door and saw Satoru standing in front of me. 

I jumped at him and hugged him over his shoulders, I felt his arms wrapping around my waist where he held me. "Satoruuuuu, you don't know how much I missed you these few hours"  "Hours? I have been searching for you for days" I let go of his shoulders to look at him shooked "Days? then, for how long have I been passed out?" he put me down but he still had his hands on my waist "Passed out?" I nodded "Yeah, that stupid redhead found me and poisoned me and I woke up a few hours ago" Satoru looked at me concerned "Satoru?" his hand went from my waist to my neck caressing it "Did they do anything?" I looked at my feet and bit my lip "He tried to, but I ran before he could" I placed my hand on top of his on my neck "But he did touch me" He suddenly pulled me closer to him and I hid my face on his chest. I felt his head rest on top of mine while he rubbed my back "I'm going to kill him" I inhaled his cent, that I didn't realized how much I missed it. 

He let go of me and took of his uniform jacket "Here, put it on. It will cover your neck and those ugly pants" He pointed at my pants and I blushed "shut up" I took his jacked that was obviously big on me "thank you" He rubbed my head "No problem" He took his phone and called someone. Minutes later after he hanged a black car stopped next to him. They pulled the window down to reveal Yaga-sensei "Kiyohana-san! good to see you, get in the car" We got in the car. 

Satoru decided to sit by my side all though there was an empty front seat "Satoru, you can sit on the front seat" "It's okay" Yaga-sensei looked at us thru the rareview "So... where have you been these four days?" my eyes widened "Four!?!" he laughed and Satoru told him.

I was trying to decide whether it was safe to tell them about my seal or not,  and at the end I decided that it would be for the better if I tell them "Another thing" I interrupted their chat and they looked at me "Is about my seal, I think you know what I' talking about right?" "What seal?" Yaga-sensei told him about the seal and after that I spoke again "I broke it a few years ago and Naoya and Hayato know" I paused a little "and probably all the Zen'in clan by now" They kept silent "Good to know that, you have to begin training it so that you can use it 24/7 before they try to kill you" I nodded and yawned "Hey, put your head on my lap and rest a little" he pointed to his lap "I shouldn't be tired, I slept for almost four days" nevertheless I laid on my side with my head on Satoru's lap. I felt his hand brushing thru my hair and thought to myself how many times have I fell asleep by him doing that. But before knowing it I closed my eyes and fell asleep.


Naoya was in front of his father telling him the bad new "So you are telling me that she escaped?" he nodded and his father looked at him disappointed "How can you think that you could be the head of the clan if you let a weak woman escape?" Naoya was going to speak but was interrupted my Hayato who walked to the front and kneeled "Sir, we also have good news" he looked at Hayato unbothered "And what are the good news?"  "She broke the seal" he gave him a spiteful look "That are the worst news, now she is almost at the same level as Satoru" Hayato decided to put some salt on the mound "She already was" Naobito looked at him confused "She broke it at the age of seven" "You are both useless to this clan, walk out of my sight before I kill you both" they both vowed and walked out. 

"Can you drop that smirk of your face" Naoya said to Hayato "what smirk?"

THOSE BEAUTIFUL EYES: Gojo Satoru x OCWhere stories live. Discover now