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After guiding Satoru thru the roads without having any idea where we were going, we finally detached from the asphalt and began to drive thru unused roads "Satoru I think we should walk from here" Satoru stopped the car "If you say so" we got of the car and I realized how cold it was despite being summer, our surroundings were covered in fog and it felt as if we were over the clouds 

"I love the mountains air" I took a deep breath of fresh air but froze "Akane.." I looked at Satoru "Did you hear that?" he looked at me confused and walked to the back of the car "Hear what?" he opened the  trunk of the car and I followed him "I heard someone calling my name" he took out two raincoats "When did you garb that?" he gave the light grey raincoat and he wore the black one "I'm always prepared".

I put on the raincoat and a shiver went down my spine, making my skin cold "Satoru, I don't like this, I feel as if someone is watching me" Satoru laughed softly, he was giving me his back but when he turned around his smile dropped "Don't worry, I won't let anything happen to you" he walked to me and I snapped my head to the forest "Satoru, someone is calling me" I whispered to him "I don't hear anything" I heard it again and began to walk in the direction of the sound of the voice.

We were getting deeper and deeper into the forest, the fog was getting denser and denser as we walked and I kept hearing that voice "How does it sound?" I kept walking with Satoru behind "It's a soft voice I can't tell if it's a woman's or a man's voice but is calm and soft and I don't like that".

We reached to one point were the fog looked like a wall, I placed the palm of my hand on top of it and I got pulled inside. I heard Satoru screaming my name for a second and then it stopped.


I watched her disappear inside the fog, I screamed her name but I didn't get any response "AKANE!!" I tried to go thru the wall but I couldn't "AKANE!! DO YOU HEAR ME!!" I heard nothing, I started to panic and think that that was my fault "I promised...."


I hit the ground with my face, I looked around and only saw fog "Satoru!!!!" I screamed his name but no answer, everything around me was pitch silent, the only thing you could hear was my quick breathing.

I got up and dusted myself "Akane, calm down Satoru is on the other side and you can protect yourself" I said the last part with doubt.

I took a few steps closer to the fog wall but I froze on the spot, I snapped my head to the opposite way where the sound of a voice calling my name came form. "Why it's always me!!!" I groaned and followed the voice "I should at least leave something so that Satoru knows I'm fine" I grabbed a stick from the floor and wrote on the floor that I was fine, just in case he could go thru.

I began to walk on the opposite direction. The strange scenery kept changing as I walked forward, following the soft voice calling my name. The fog was moving and twisting around me, making it hard to know which way to go. Each step felt tough, like walking through something thick and heavy. The voice calling me seemed faint, but I kept following it deeper into the foggy forest.

Then, I saw a figure coming through the mist. As the fog cleared a bit, I could see a shadowy shape standing there. "Who's there?" I asked, feeling scared and urgent.The figure moved closer, and the voice spoke again, saying my name. "Akane..." I knew the voice but it felt far away. It sounded wise, like it was trying to help.  "What do you want from me?" I asked, trying to keep calm in this strange situation.

The figure didn't speak for a bit, then said, "I'm here to guide you, a part of your fears and dreams. You're searching for how to control the power given to you, but to do that, you need to accept your own truth." Suddenly, I saw memories flashing before me—happy and sad moments from my past. I remembered a time when my powers had hurt people I cared about.

"How can I control this power without hurting anyone?" I asked, trying to stay calm.The figure started to fade away, saying, "Look inside yourself. Accept both the good and the bad within you. Only then can you find the balance you need." As the figure disappeared so did the fogg and It revealed a box where it was. I walked to the box a crunched down to open it. 

Inside the box was another book, but this one looked older and it smelled like dirt. I grabbed it and stood back up. I looked thru it and some of the pages were empty while other had a date on the top corner with something written "A diary?" I scanned some pages and then I was suddenly tackled to the floor "Akane!!" I thankfully recognized the voice "Satoru!! you almost gave me a heart attack!" he was on top of me hugging me close.

I patted his head in confort "I'm fine Satoru....." he looked at me "You got me worried...I know you can take care of yourself but still" he let go of me and helped me sat up "I was also kinda worried not gonna lie.... It felt pretty weird..... that voice....." I said the last part more to myself than him but It caught his attention "I still don't know what voice are you talking about" I ran my hand thru the old book's cover "It sounded familiar and I also saw a figure" Satoru looked at the sky, or what you could glimpse at because the trees covered it all. "Maybe it was Tsuyoshi?" I shook my head "He died, I felt it and I saw it" He grabbed the book from my lap and  he inspected it "Well.... maybe it's the memory of the your cursed energy" I got up and dusted off my clothes "Maybe who knows, come one let's get going this place gives me the shivers" I lended him my hand to help him get up and he gladly took it.

We began to walk back to the car and he handed me back the book "Do you know what is it?" I shook my head "Well, I think it's a diary" I stopped and opened the book so that he could look thru it "It looks like a diary, have you looked at the date of the last thing that was written?" I glanced at him and then back at the book "I- I didn't thought about it" this guy always surprises me. I started turning pages until I reached an empty one. "There!" I stopped and looked at the date "28th of june of 1989" I closed the book an stared at Satoru "Your birthday" I nodded.

THOSE BEAUTIFUL EYES: Gojo Satoru x OCWhere stories live. Discover now